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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Just take gbfisher with you Jamie... he has the truck going up the ramp before you can shut the motor off.. so you can push !
  2. But can ya see where you're going bud ?? lol ..lol Mike beat me to it! ..and so did Terry...
  3. Yep... wind to 65K yesterday. Strong today as well. Hope he's holed up an an island somewhere.... but we're now talking almost 4 full days.
  4. I just wanna see the real thing Dax! Hope the show goes well... had planned to attend but a wedding invite takes priority.
  5. I don't know... it's at the lake ! Most transoms on the small stuff are 15". Weld the tabs to fit the transducer onto a 3 foot length of 1/8" x 1" flat stock.... leave it that way 'till you get there and bend it to suit the boat.
  6. For god sakes lads... lets not take this thread "south" as well. His family is devistated... Anyone one of us could be in this position tomorrow... Nothing as of 5pm when the boys went by for the last time to wave me good bye before heading back to Trenton. Some of my brothers old crew... Leah said she saw a helicopter over Waub way and three ambulances booting down #12 at 6:30... not sure if it's related or not. I've heard some talk that it's possible he headed for Waub after getting in the boat in Penetang Harbour Thur Night/Friday am.
  7. Since they woke me at first light, roof topping my house, I've talked to the C130 Canfor lads a couple times this morning on the radio... no sign of nuthing so far.. http://www.simcoe.com/article/133794 It's a weird one with him driving the length of the harbour to then walk to the grill and then disappearing boat and all.
  8. A pain for the consumer some times.. but good to see a distributor actually protecting their dealers regions in this day and age of the internet. Guess you planned on following the trolling route I took you on at Lakair Lew. Just remember.. hug the boulder... there's a shoal on the other side that Leah (and my keel strip) knows well ! lol
  9. That's the Bill I was looking for the other day... Have a great Day Bill !!
  10. Father-in-laws 26' tri hull does 38 MPH with the 115 Merc on the back.
  11. http://www.romppais.com/pontoon%20boat%20kits.htm
  12. Still blowing. I'd guess gusts to 65 K. I know the hydro chopper wasn't havin fun in it this afternoon as he flew sideways over my field at least 5 times coming and going from the yard in Penetang.
  13. Sounds good to me Rob, although I'm by far no expert. Just practical experience is all ! I don't mind helping out those that appreciate it... but I'm getting real tired of "my friend on OFC told me you" emails and PM's and after giving the advise (or sending them free parts) they're looking for they don't even reply to tell me to go to hell or something... The world seems to be getting so "me" that stuff is assumed and thanks is just too hard to take the time to say. Those are starting to turn my "generosity" stomach.
  14. Drive over to Lunkers house and find out Ray ! lol Don't see why it wouldn't. Probably a baked finish so it might need a long "soak time".
  15. Just don't buy the rubber Redheads... my hip boots where good for the first summer... and even though they are properly hung off season.. they are cracked and I know I'm gettin wet when I use them so go sockless in them ! Looking at trying the Stearns Madd Dog line that are nylon this round..
  16. Paul was swingin around all day gettin pelted by hail ! I was running around the yard parking vehicles under wings to use as anchors and adding ratchet straps before customers aircraft took flight without starting the motors!
  17. ..but can we troll there?
  18. Unfortunate Roy.. in my situation. Worked great coming down 401/20 and into CTC.. but hard to hit a convenience store or CTC from my dock to Solo's. etc.
  19. Yah Mike actually would like them... Always nice to have "destinations" pre printed and in the flight bag. Have very little reno work to do this year and hope to get lots and lots of hours in fishing and flying. Now do you know if you can buy on-line... or do we have to swing into Quebec to buy it in a store???
  20. At least you won't need wheel bearings at 60K for that one Bernie ! BTW.. made Ford change Leah's front left one again in her Sport Trac (Explorer).. and the thumping of course went away that we've fought about for a year. Both her front wheel bearings, in her 2003, collapsed totally (3" wheel rock) at 61,000 km...
  21. http://www3.mrnf.gouv.qc.ca/english/wildli...cence/index.asp I think you have to go into a store. I'm looking as well.. since I have a Quebec licence number and hope to buy online so I can drop into Quebec a few times this summer prepared to fish.
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