In the conversation.. top left it says Participants. Shows you.. and the other fella. Below his name/avatar picture.. all of mine show in Capital Red letters BLOCK.
My one dock was broken thanks to the MNR letting the water go up to spring levels at freeze up before pulling the boards out of the dam.. then dropping the water 3 feet or so after the ice had hooked into it. The crib dock that my boat floaters are hooked to busted from ice push and if I could get up there it would be a great time to fix it as the lake is down over 3 feet right now. My airplane dock took the damage last night... I don't know how bad it is, but my year round neighbour across from me sent me a pic and called at 5:10 tonight. The ice pushed the one finger far enough to pull the jack board for the lift off the dock deck (means it moved 3 feet.. so I suspect the hinges are ripped out of the dock). In the 20 minutes I talked with him.. the ice blew out of the bay and is stacked against the highway berm. He's going to boat over for me tomorrow and see what he can do with it until I can get up there.
Cooler of beer.. a pack of colts and lots of ice.. What more do you need!!!
By the way.. were you on Sturgeon lake last week?? Cliff thinks he saw you.....
With 25 years in plastics... anything that isn't virgin material is weaker.. whether it's because of colourant or regrind. That said.. if it still meets specs.. that's the name of the game!
Thanks for the flashback Geoff! Seeing your son there reminds me of taking ours to Kelso, in Milton, 25 years ago and tieing him to a tree to fish. (steep slope! lol)
Great family outing.. and right in the in-laws back yard. You can't beat that..
Credit cards usually get "hacked".. by handing them to a full service gas attendant. They take them inside the booth to swipe.. write all you info down from the card while there... and then knowing you're a regular look your name up in the phone book for your number and then they hit tiger direct. Anyone wants to know the Midland gas stations not to use... PM me! I've had VISA cancel my card three times in 4 years.
....anybody seen my drain plug.. I've got the truck running and the boat hooked on but I can't find my drain plug!!!!
Thanks for the report fishinfool..
Glen... my Shorelandr only has 13" wheels on it.. I'll measure how much axle clearance it actually has. You don't need a huge amount..
..and what greenfshrmn said...
Yep.. went from 26C to 12 C in a matter of minutes.. from no wind to I thought I was gonna lose the hangar in the snap of the fingers just before dark. Rained enough to say it did.. not enough to wash my truck or make the ground stay wet. Stars are out now.. Hope nobody got a tornado.. it had that look to it earlier..