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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Not an issue that they aren't new... they just need to be the same capacity and age... Ie: a matched set.
  2. Temagami is apparently a foot or more lower than usual for this time of year... but I'm told there is still lots of snow North of Diamond Lake up in the higher ground, so hopefully that will top Temag up and it will come down the river into Nippissing in time.
  3. Note to self... take out recycling NOW... before I have any more beer...
  4. No need to lie just in case Dad is reading ... Nice fishy fella !
  5. Couldn't resist!!.. although I couldn't find the big bird costume... some interesting movement in the other shots. Knew there were some 80 lb 'yotes around... and the real curious guy right up to the lense...
  6. Ya.. my Java is right up to date.. and my computer is behind a server in the house.. and then another one over in the plant that my son uses for part of his spamassassin business.. so I'm well protected.
  7. It sure is bud... and you don't even know just how much they were appreciated.. TWICE !
  8. Funny... I'm runing IE 7 and everything seems to work okay, other than I have this in the bottom left corner all the time.. "Code corrupted. Insert fresh copy" and trying to Edit takes a couple taps of the icon to get it to load at times.
  9. I've been saying for years there should be a 5 or 10% skim on classifieds Rick.. and everything you typed above makes sense to me!
  10. Never seen anyone in a hurry to send the Government what they don't deserve... .. but at some point in time.. the PST folks in Oshawa will send you a letter asking to prove where you paid taxes on it, or remit same. This may or may not happen.. it's a crap shoot (I get about 6 out of 10 on airplanes).. and with them all busy playing with their new found (6 months full severence) money.. without even changing desks, or missing a days work, to go from a provincial worker to a federal worker on June 1st...there's even a bigger chance you won't see a letter.
  11. Yep.. identical batteries and same vintage.. you're fine! And yes... you should always get in the habit of unplugging your trolling motor during charging. Especially if it's a wireless model..
  12. Same one Art was... ...OH.. and LLOYD !! Next time Leah asks you what I want for my birthday, can you be just a LITTLE more specific when you state "two blondes"... PLEASE !
  13. Thanks folks.. and Art, you'll catch back up to me in a month and a half!
  14. They paddle like a BRICK.. I row my full transom model !
  15. lol.. ONTERA is the phone company in the North.. use to be Northern Telecomm.
  16. Call Brian Beurault and ask if he has any used refurbs in the back at Backwater...
  17. Now if my sister-in-laws brother had never written the programming, that Google bought from him, to do the advert bot bull... we wouldn't even be discussing this. Guess I'll call him up and give him proper hell instead... anybody know what it costs to call California.. they even moved the bugger there after buying him out.. he went from near broke to living the high life.. only took 25 years of coding to get there.... As for Captain Bruce.. I hear what you are saying, and as you obviously saw from my posts... I was questioning similar tangents of what you are saying. Give the lads a bit.. and they'll sort out what they have to have, what we will tolerate and what the happy medium ends up being.
  18. At least we keep it out in the open Paul.. no going behind your back!!
  19. I don't know about keeping your tackle from rusting.. but it kept us healthy in the 60's and 70's !
  20. Not questioning that TJ... rules have been set that we have to keep it PG and we.. and sometimes even you ...do our best lol .. .. you can't have adverts popping up that aren't.
  21. Thanks Carole and everyone else. Out working in the shop, just like every other day in the last month or more. I've lost count of now many days straight so far trying to work towards getting the summer off... .. and Carole, my Birthday wish is that you get the same ! ...oh and to all you smart asses.. I'm younger than Terry !!!
  22. Or Dano's "dancing darling" had to go.. yet ads have been popping up showing more in them than his avatar ever did...
  23. Exactly Chris and why I questioned why adverts are okay stating "how's your Love Thermometer??" .. and we couldn't post anything of such..... what's the word for it! lol
  24. Also find that some of the advert content is beyond what we're allowed to post here. The "Spiel Filter" would get us for posting similar content...
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