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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. I hear you Andy.. but if they can tell the difference between an original and a photocopy off my HP 3390 I'll eat my hat! Besides... all Service Canada is doing now is printing them off what ever tax payers printer they have at hand!
  2. If the boat has more than 10HP on it.. it is a requirement to be carrying a copy of the matching paper vessel registration for the numbers on the boat. $300 fine for failure to show ! Under 10 HP.. no registration.. no need to carry proof of ownership.
  3. GREAT stuff Dave!! You sure that you're not still a working man, because retired folks don't have time for this much fishing!!!
  4. Exactly Ron... the thieves do exactly that on Temagami. Steal sleds and ATV's off islands... and when insurance replaces them for the owner, they take them again. Doesn't take much figuring when there's only so many Stanley drop bridge boats on the lake... but nobody seems to get charged!
  5. The rowing between rapids will do you good boss!! Nothing I hate more than a thief!! Unfortunately knew it was just a matter of time for you... as others have said the trails too well kept now, or was it a boat down from the campground above?
  6. Great, 20 year old, find Nemo!
  7. Nope.. that's not what I shot last night! Got ground hogs, fishers and porqupines... no badgers.
  8. The most important part right there! LOL Congrats on snagging a day job!
  9. Roy!! Thank God for (top rudder and) HORSEPOWER ..or he'd be a swimmer! Most, probably even me, would have ended up upside down before hitting the water. A lot of military training (read tax dollars ! LOL) paid off big time there!
  10. I printed that out for me tackle box boss... (but of course it's not signed by anyone so useless) Have always been told there was no catch and release on them because they were so fragile. You catch.. you keep.. you go... was what was laid out to me in years past.
  11. God Speed to your Mother Fisherman! She lived a nice long life, with a couple of lads to be proud of I'm sure! The last line's the truth!
  12. Definitely Roger! Just don't suck toooo hard...
  13. If the guy truly owned it... then it's as easy as my post above! My father-in-law loses the original ownerships for all the sleds about every second year... no big deal.. go in with your RIN number and get new ones from the licence bureau. Same deal on this trailer... have him just go in and get a new ownership. Then get him to sign it over.. use your bill of sale and have it transfered to you. No need to lie.. or find out you have bought stolen property!
  14. For $275.. if it runs is all you need to know! Water pees and motor runs and idles... grab it! If you want.. grab a compression tester, pull the plugs and pull it over while someone holds the compression tester in each hole. Pull the lower gear box screw out and get a dab of oil on your fingers and put it back. Clean or milky?
  15. You are going to need declarations of ownership signed in front of a Notary.. from HIM ! ..or the easier method, with licence plate in hand, get him to go to the licence bureau and get a new ownership. Then you can go in with that one and the bill of sale and transfer it.
  16. Wayne... do you have it in writing from the dealer that the boat has never been repaired??? IF so.. it should be an easy lawsuit! Either they.. or Tracker corp is paying... We have two lawyers, minimum, on this message board... can none of you help this guy?
  17. Great stuff... looked like a LOT of fun! ..oh and tell the lads it won't stay cold with the lid open!
  18. Exactly Wayne. As a matter of fact.. my best Lake Temagami Pike and Pickeral have been caught right beside my own dock! They like eating what hides in the cribs tooooo ...
  19. Congrats Connie and Norma!! Quite the landmark in todays world... 28 for Leah and I this August.. so we've got a ways to go yet!
  20. Yes acetone works in some situations.. but when it comes to glue residue I find that the best thing is reducer 9 times out of 10. It's also fairly friendly to (well cured) painted surfaces. A couple wipes with reducer and it will be gone.... Acetone will take a bit more work if it's been there for any time period bowslayer.. but like others have said, easy to source (unless you have a body shop around the corner and show up with a little jar!) Goo Gone... If find is basically useless for anything that has any age to it. Lighter fluid.. is the best thing on vinyl and acrylic or polycarbinate sheet / windshields. Great for heel scuffs on that expensive kitchen floor!
  21. Not gonna be the ones you want Wayne... but try starting here and they might point you at the right department. I can't find small craft safety contact.. http://www.tc.gc.ca/eng/marinesafety/oep-inspection-contact-menu-919.htm
  22. There is nothing you can't build Cast-Away... it's just time and money! lol
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