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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Was gonna say Cudz.. beamer's been making diesels for almost 30 years.
  2. It sure is Denis and what fishing was intended to be all about!
  3. Most of the main Musky waters of GBay can be done in a canoe...
  4. Good stuff Shayne !! Kids are having a riot... so is the guide!
  5. It is a great product Dan..probably one of the best !! Just be careful with it if you are allergic to wool !
  6. Well if she can put up with you G... I'm sure she CAN kick all our butts ! lol
  7. You serious? Pick up a reg book when you get a chance...
  8. Just wanna be sure you saw what Raf typed... one line per angler on Georgian Bay! A novel idea to many it seems... His other advise I'd take 120% !
  9. Art, if it becomes an issue... I will give them to a guy I know that anodizes all his float attachment parts. This stops corrosion of aluminum.. until you scratch or nick it at least. Powder coating requires heat.. and something I do not like with aluminum parts.
  10. .. just realized.. you can also see where I keep track of oil changes. Habit... I do the same on airplane filters and engine cases.
  11. Santa brought this item for Leah last year! lol I installed it last night and all I can say is that nothing could be simpler to install. The most difficult part was running the wire from the motor to the console thru the gunwales. The only beef I have is the throttle rod that you have to install (after removing the original to allow the servo full control) had the loop made too wide and it fell off every time I cycled the control servo. A couple pinches with a pair of pliers fixed that, after resetting the stroke, but it's the only thing that the manufacture need to correct in what they are selling. Issue I had with my boat was on any major turn the cable length would change the idle setting and screw up your trolling speed. Throttle cable slop and not wanting to play with the throttle once under way negated using those throttle busts and idle "games" to get lakers to commit. The troll control is a gem (I've already used it on Lloyd's boat)... set your speed... push a button for full throttle.. let go and the unit returns you to exactly the same speed. Get a fish on.. hit idle and the boat stays in gear but goes to factory idle setting while you fight the fish. Can't wait to put it in action... The only thing I would change if I was making the product... the power connection would be at the motor end of the cable, so that you could move the control head around in the boat. Would be nice to have it so you could move it depending on what and how you were fishing.
  12. Finally stole a day to get my boat in order (reality = waiting for couriered parts for what I'm supposed to be working on)! While cleaning things up I noticed that all my pedestal bases have corrosion just starting to happen thanks to that "battery" action between disimilar metals. Stainless retaining screws and aluminum pedestals, add water and you have a battery! Also noticed that my Swivl-eze seat bases are corroding and my Springfields are not.. so kind of a product review here as well. I have Swivl-eze in the back (Lund standard) and Springfield air rides in the front (dealer install as Lund shipped with fixed pedestals and not the air rides that were ordered). Anyhow.. the Swivl-eze have all them nice white spots of corrosion on them and the Springfields do not because they were anodized. So if you have a choice.. buy Springfield! Also corrosion happening on the stub section of the pedestal post that goes into the floor base (alum tube.. metal lock tabs!) For now I sprayed and wiped everything down with Fluid Film and will see how it does this season. If that doesn't nip it I'll be pulling all the screws and coating them in epoxy chromate primer before reinstalling them. Another great product made specifically for this is ACF-50. If you let this "white powder" go the pedestals will just turn to powder as well, due to granualar corrosion.. and a few squirts of prevention is a WHOLE lot cheaper than new bases/pedestals/and seat bases.
  13. You were fishing in the Sobeys parking lot and just photoshopped the background...
  14. I'm sure someone saw daylight for the first time....
  15. Safest way to travel Stan... don't ever forget that!
  16. That's one of the lakes we don't talk about here... (that should tell you how the fishing is... )
  17. Every fall I un-snap mine.. roll it out on the hangar floor and wash with straight water thru the power washer and scrub with a bristle broom...let it dry and put it away before the ice ladden musky trips. I just put it back in today, after being rolled up all winter.. looks like new!
  18. Guess you wouldn't want to go for a ride in my 1946 Piper J3 cub..... ..oh and that Beaver you rode in was probably older than the Otter in Eddies adventure pictures...
  19. Can't help ya Rob... but glad to see you planning a fishing trip !!
  20. It's a Turbo Otter Stan. Built in 1960.. so it would have originally had a radial engine on the front. Suspect it's a Vazar conversion to the turbo prop engine since this one has a Pratt & Whitney PT6A-135 in it and it was probably done in the early 1990's. .. It'll go where ever a Beaver will (and possibly then some)... and at a gross weight of just shy of 8000 lbs. I wouldn't want to fuel that 750HP.. maintain it or pay the insurance on that beast!
  21. His name's not "Joe" !

  22. LOL Goran ! Andrea sure did get the short end there! If you look close in the pictures... you'll see that Kristal is wearing my engineering ring on her thumb. I was totally unaware of it until we were on the drive home, but I guess she grabbed mine because her Aunt Wendy's didn't fit any of her fingers. Her Aunt (my youngest sister that passed last summer) pushed her way into a "man's world" in 1978 and got her Civil Engineering Degree from Carleton.. so Kristal felt she was walking in her Aunt's foot steps and wanted her there with her when she received her degree ...
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