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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. I wonder if they were charged with failure to properly secure a load, under the highway act, like any of us would have been? "Teather strap broke and rear straps released"... that's why there's a mandatory saftety chain requirement!!.. and try "rear straps weren't attached"!
  2. Hey JP... there are better ways to try and get your pilots licence!!! Glad everyone is okay.. and the boat survived as well.
  3. Gonna be clear again by tomorrow and hot and muggy. Nothing gonna be changed by this front other than the day. Visiblility is all I'm gonna care about tomorrow.. that or it's a skud run North! Already pouring here in Penetang.
  4. Not sure whom you are renting from... but go into "Dad's" before heading for your boat and buy the laminated Adventure maps for the lake. Requires two of them to cover the entire lake. Surface is already 73*F.. lakers are already down below 80 feet.
  5. Is that like cup the curves... but don't squeeze the throttle. (don't worry Spiel.. I'll be gone by morning! lol)
  6. Yah,, I typed that Terry and hit the back button! I think he's talking about the truck incident in the post above his! .. and I think you missed a "don't" in your second line. If you DON'T cause...
  7. Now that's perfect timing !! Guess he knew you were planning a trip....
  8. Yes definitely sliding on the step Dan and not in a channel we normally use for landing unless there's some good wind.. First time there.. raining.. probably a quick decision to land that obviously didn't go well. About sums it up... kinda like day dreaming and bumping some guy at the lights in your car. (just more expensive!) I won't say anything further on an open forum other than crap happens.
  9. Damn.. is there a law against that now? Now what am I gonna do know while going cross country? Hope they don't ban taking pictures tooooo .... Hope you're well my friend..
  10. LOL Connie!! He should have dropped the gear 1/2 way thru the slide.. it was an amphib! Although I hear he hit the dock still doing 40 knots!
  11. I won't comment on the issue... other than no it wasn't me. Airplane is actually still in excellent condition, floats are another story. I still haven't got mine up there... been a tad tied up with family matters. But my brother survived his quint bypass today (6 hours in OR) and I hope to be flying to the lake late tomorrow or Friday... and I'll try not to land in the "short" lane !
  12. Yep.. stop the USA/UN from chem spraying now and stop playing God with the weather....
  13. WHAT.. no pics of Jessy ??? Thanks for the report John !
  14. Thanks Jon ! Same for Pete's Mother-in-law. He and his wife's family are in for the harder ride.. Brother is now scheduled for noon tomorrow.
  15. You were actually in one of the best spots in the near North 10point. Air ambulance has a pad on Bear Island.. one in town and a few other select spots on the lake to take him/you/whomever directly to Sudbury's cardio unit. As for the fishing... they are there but you've got to definitely work for them. Leah and I got out for the first time on Saturday, 10 days after arriving, and put 5 lakers in the boat in 3 hours. As Dara suggests.. .maybe Lady E next year for a different twist and a little easier to find fish.
  16. Sorry Pete.. I'm out.. brother had his Angio today and couldn't be stinted. He is now scheduled for a quad or quint bypass late Wednesday or early Thursday.. so I'll be there. Need the bit of time I have in between to get my own repair work done here and stuff ready to go back up North.
  17. Offer was on the table until Leah and I headed North and as it was we left 7 weeks late! You should have taken a day off from fishing.... I was only coming home to get my airplane.. but now have my older brother in the hospital for an Angiograph/plasty tomorrow. Pending what the final outcome is there, hopefully tomorrow he'll be stinted and ready to go, I might be able to squeeze you in quick Tuesday or Wednesday am before I fly back to the lake. Otherwise you need to find someone else. Two ball peen hammers will buy you some time..
  18. These bbq threads REALLY have to stop....
  19. Yes to the plates.. NO to the registration.. $300 fine if you can't produce a vessel licence. Shouldn't take more than 15 minutes at Service Canada if you have the right paperwork.
  20. I've heard of taking your gear out of your boat to prevent theft Dave... but you're going tooooo far...
  21. Rollie and Helen are GREAT to deal with!! USPS.. pay the tax on value and $5 handling and Bob's your uncle. There is no "duty" on USA manufactured products. If something happens to be in there that originated "off shore".. you might get dinged what ever percentage customs has mandated for that product code. Only thing I've ever been nailed for was fishing line.. and the stuff I bought was actually USA made.. they coded it as offshore and that part of the shipment, only, cost me 3.7%
  22. That's reserved for Roy to use for peeking over the fence...
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