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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Glad we're sellin Nadens with no motors... Sorry Henry.. but gotta agree with them. A boat that won't get up "on the step", and instead is stuck at hull speed when loaded, is just a disaster waiting to happen.
  2. You're screwed either way Raf... the way the case is built, where the port is and where the motor mounts to the airplane negates the ability / clearance to install a sender directly to the case. You have to use a fitting, hose, adapter and then a sender. Just more points for failure. The savour was the restrictor orifice that I made when I first built the airplane....by brazing in the fitting hole and then drilling it out with a very small bit.
  3. Just for show.. they're actually pumping oil, from a reservior, right into the exhaust outlet area to create it.
  4. I also learned yesterday... how not to try an fix a Lowrance Roy! But that's for another thread!! lol All is well. I always love the aerobatic shows but they can have it... I've got a few hours training in a Zlin and that's enough for me.
  5. Straight and level was good enough for me yesterday Jon.. trying to land in the yard with the wind gusting 40K when I got back from ice fishing must have been fun for a spectator (and I wish I had video). I almost rolled her up in a ball... only to find out when I was pulling the plane into the hangar that someone was looking out for me long before I got home. Blew my oil pressure gauge line somewhere along the way.. thankfully that 40K wind was a tailwind and I got home 25 minutes early. I didn't have 20 minutes left... 30 minute flight (that should have been 55) threw 4 quarts, out of 7, and thankfully it all stayed off the 1550 degree exhaust pipes.
  6. That would be a good friend of mine Bill... I let him know you care! David can only do so much with existing infrastructure where it is unfortunately. I think he's run out of inches for widening Bayfield Street!.. that use to just be a single lane road in the middle of nowhere. Had nothing but the Bayfield mall and CK's chinese in 1985!
  7. Maybe I can get one of Lloyd trolling behind the plane tomorrow....
  8. Thanks Mark! Lots in that boat.. what the hell do you say. All thoughts are and have been appreciated by all involved. Jen reads this thread from time to time as well... seems I left the link on her "favourites bar" when we were living in her apartment and using her computer! Upwards and onwards... she's yaking about going back to work in February. Doesn't want to miss out in case her new office in Maple Leaf gardens has a window!
  9. yah... but Nita does great work Bud!!
  10. Fingers crossed Albert! PM me if need be... I can point her at an pretty amazing medical team...
  11. Starting to think a lot of you guys should be carring a welding magnet and 100 feet of rope!!
  12. A day at at time my friend..... there's no rush. The daily thoughts and memories will never seem to change, but the tears will turn to smiles at some point in time. Did you ever get that porch finished for her?? If not that would be my first project.
  13. Will do fella..... hope you've got things in hand at your end, my heart goes out to you.
  14. You realize it's ice fishing season Jim! Don't be doin that to peoples... (thanks!)
  15. THANKS! Hit edit and advanced (or full editor) and it will let you change the title!
  16. Thanks.. got a guy with a lot of personal pride... I'm just sticking a hand out on his behalf hoping someone can help.
  17. Probably blown ashore more than once on the Quebec side... West wind and all...
  18. ..and Ford thought I was nuts when I requested that they stop the nonsense of my truck turning on all the marker lights every time you open a door and the safety issue, for a women alone, of the interior lights coming on when you shut off the truck. All that kills the battery in a week when ice fishing and getting your helmut out of the truck each morning
  19. Be sure you stick your ear out the door to hear it's actually starting. I remember well someone pointing his remote out the camp window at his diesel truck (-32c)... and it did exactly that die!
  20. Thanks guys... and Remo give your little lad a hug for me tooo !!
  21. I asked in announce and hoping that maybe it's just being missed there. This is a fairly critical situation with someone homeless and living in a motel. Hoping someone can help! THANKS! Have a good friend looking for a furnished, if possible, 2 bedroom apartment, or house, in the Bradford area. Needed immediately! If anyone has a lead.. please PM me. THANKS!
  22. Get Bill to help you keep that white bottom clean!!!! Congrats Mike... great step and beauty boat!!! Now go buy a 45 degree bent bottom kitchen mop now.. with the pull handle to ring. Scrub it right at the launch when you pull it out and it's still wet!
  23. What ever "floats your boat" is all that matters! And what Bill said.. watch the "package" details to make a sale, and how underpowered they usually are! (Sorry Henry!)
  24. Amazing what a guy will do in an election year. Wonder what the voice coach cost the tax payers...
  25. I thought about lunch.. but it's a good thing we didn't plan anything. Figured with an 11:30 Xray and a 2:45 check up we'd have lots of time to do lunch, but as it was we got to the Village Idiot at 1:15 and made it back just in time for her appointment (but that could have been my fault waiting for the second Fullers London Pride! ).. only to sit around for an extra 2 hours. We ended up getting out of Sinai around 6pm. ...and Thanks Shelly!
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