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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. In truth... it should NEVER come out of that hole.. unless you get careless on the grease gun and why the hole is there to save your
  2. Yes you can overpressurize a seal.. puke grease out of it and still cause it no damage. Considering what you've said.. you've kept the grease cavities filled and no future sign of leakage.. I'd say they're good. Jack the wheel.. rock and roll..no play or noise, carry on!
  3. Thanks Guys! Spouph... best wishes to your wife! As for "smiling at the world".. lots of reasons for it, even though we did get ridiculed by a few families in the Sarcoma unit that felt "there was nothing to laugh about". Well we fooled them... I totally changed my attitude on life when I was turning 30.. I told my Mother "I was gonna enjoy the next 30 years as I was half way there".. with my father dying from Cancer at the age of 59. She slapped me for that statement.... but I carried on with that tact. I guess it rubbed off on the kids, as they live for today and enjoy tomorrow if it comes. Wayne
  4. I gave up looking for the knobbed straps everywhere and finally bought a pair off Ebay. This is the only place I can find the old 10" strapped cover so far.. direct from Jiffy. They've switched to the "quicksnap" on all their new stuff and it's available from the fishinghole in Manitoba. http://www.jiffyonice.com/EComStore/product/standard-blade-protectors,2733,21.htm
  5. I got lucky last year when another member remembered seeing one in a Canadian Tire store ...marked down even... went and purchased it and mailed it to me.
  6. Same thing every year.. just when it's safe to start fishing the Sound this little boat comes around. I'm sure he'll be back in Feb to really make a mess.
  7. Does James make them that big??
  8. A little white tube like this one Bunk? That's my go to bait on Temagami ! (and yes it's a 10" Red October Monster Tube)
  9. Wasn't talking about you posting lovetofish... was talking about Peter and you getting sucked into his rederick.
  10. Here's my best ever day of fishing.. that also turned into the worst afternoon of my life! Maybe that was the plan from upstairs.
  11. Amazing he can cause such a ruckus around here.. and he hasn't even posted in 4 years!
  12. I always just wait until I have my fishing buddies with me and pull into any gas station at random! They're always good and just jump out and fill the tank with their credit card...
  13. No the last one lasted two ! Didn't have much choice when 5 minutes into oven warming the spiral spark of death occured!
  14. $31.99 at CTC as I bought one in a hurray last night before supper!
  15. Great to see Peter driving an unfit vehicle!!
  16. 7lb ball.. she wanted to use the 8, but the finger holes where too big!
  17. Thanks Guys! Roger.. send me a PM and tell me how things are going!
  18. Something is wrong there Chad.. it says right on the renewal form that the one year licence fees listed are in effect from Jan 1, 2012 to Dec 31 2012. The three year licence fees are subject to change after Aug 31 2012.
  19. A "little" bone removal wasn't gonna stop her from enjoying a New Years Eve tradition with her friends! <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/hJYdTwWqa9s" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  20. Weather be no problem for you Bob... stuck in the middle lane, 5K slower than anyone else... with your hazard lights on! I handed the keys to my truck to the kids boyfriend and told him to do the drive. Hope I get it back in one piece. Took them from 2:30 to now (5pm) to get to Bradford and she says they're now out of the squall. 2.5 hours to go what generally takes me 55 minutes to get to Terry's house.
  21. Sun just came out here.. blue sky.... STRONG West wind.. maybe you're just getting squalled from Nottawasaga Bay.. I can only hope... time to check the radar!
  22. Well I hope it has stopped somewhat as I'm about to leave with daughter #2 for Cambridge.
  23. Just checkin... Makin my list.. check'in it twice.. gonna see who's hit'n the Temagami ice!
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