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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. He has his auto link typed wrong.. the address above it works fine
  2. Definitely Dave. Jen stays in touch with the social worker, on the Sarcoma unit floor in Sinai, for just such reasons. Leah and I... as parents.. had nobody in a similar situation that was willing to "welcome" us into this nightmare and share with us how to proceed. As time progressed we became the "go to" people on the sarcoma unit floor for the new parents coming in.
  3. Well before the spam police get here for linking to your business... I'll get the video's up so they can remove the link. GREAT idea !! <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/lmiRlCJQ_qQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/UJW6lIYw9lc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  4. Yes Joe she's eating well and gaining a pound or so at a time. Jen has a blog she has been writing since getting out of surgery, that will no doubt develop further with time. Leah is writting a book about dealing with a rare sarcoma, from a parents prospective... (and as Roy points out I've written this novel with a bunch of co-authors! ) She is also talking about going back to work..... as her new office should be ready in Maple Leaf Gardens very soon and she doesn't want anyone stealing her new desk and chair! LOL
  5. Jen's latest videos from the last week or so... gonna take a while (and money) to arrive at the final correct shoe height, since her leg moves in and out of the tissue socket it's not a finite measurement. Probably will change over time as well... as more scar tissue builds/muscles change etc. Watching her arms/abs video... I feel sorry for the first bugger that tries to mug her! <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/-RrXR_wFDE0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/fmDBHq-hhU4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/tI8s0uR9bnM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/TzSKpN2bzNM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  6. Well when this one locks down... there's at least 12 other threads on Cormorants.. some that have ended the same way. Just type cormorant into the search function....
  7. More the reason to get out there and catch some BIG pike ! Lets steak them.. buggers...
  8. The one that kept leaving a 5 gallon white stain on my dock got the "Ruger" treatment....
  9. You still working HD Duckdog?? I'll be up there from the 17th to 26th of Feb... if you wanna join us for a day out on the lake during that period just PM me and I'll send you some details on how to find us easily just from driving out from the TOWN boat launch. We'll all be on sleds though... and Terry found out an ATV is no fun in a foot of snow one year ,although I'm certain he enjoyed Laker Jessy on the back.... (oh it's okay it's was before she was married! LOL )... but pending lake conditions you could probably run right with us for the most part by staying on the main sled trail if snow depth is an issue.
  10. Yah.. I warned Johnny about drilling holes in the road.. not good! lol Lakers.. remember they don't open until FEB 15th... but you can catch whities and 'eye's in the same holes today! Don't get too caught up on depths for lakers on Temagami as Walleymaster can tell you I proved to him, when he and his lads were all laughing at me for drilling in 14 FOW !! (they didn't laugh too long!)
  11. Dang.. what's with all these board members poppin up in town! LOL If you don't know the bay.. you'd better be carrying a spud bar that's all I can tell ya! Full of springs... multiple creek inlets... a friggin sewer plant outflow.. ETC !
  12. Yah Mike picked a bad date to use as an example.. with the "spike" in 1980. The last 10 years have been the most measure-able.. following the "hedge bet" with printed money no longer being backed by gold.
  13. Current plan is up mid day 17.. out 26. Might get up in late January as well but don't know for sure.
  14. Yah... they sure messed that up and don't seem to care to fix it with that nonsense applying to stocked lakes. I'll be up there at this point from the 17th to 26th of Feb.
  15. Congrats Ernie... just think that bought your lift !
  16. Smallest gold buckshot spoon in 6 feet of water and hang on!! We gotta hit a back lake together Matt!
  17. LOL.. yep those are 'yote tracks where I turn around to take off! (the deer tracks are at mid field! LOL)
  18. http://ontariofishingcommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=59598 Tommorow at 7
  19. I'm still kicking my arse that I didn't I didn't buy when I was told to at $297 an ounce. Advisor that told me to bought a $100k worth of hard gold.. now work $600k less capital gains tax. Why it will keep going up over time... they no longer have to back printed money with gold !
  20. The question is why would you want to sell it... it's speculated to go to $9000 per ounce in due time. A 25 kg bar that was worth $13,000 in the 70's is now worth over $800,000. (just wish I had a few...)
  21. Great shot Dan! Now I now what my future Nipigon fishing partner looks like !
  22. I didn't go out of my way.. it gave me somewhere to go! Thanks gonefishin!
  23. Great stuff fella... just about time for another meal at Terry and Helen's Chinese and another trip into Temagami's stocked lakes.
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