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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Taken me a while and I haven't come up with anything great to say as it touches way too close to home for me fella... I was 23. I know it's all a blur right now for you, but trust me when I say it will all work out..it just will. Mom is gonna need your helping hand for stuff and she's also gonna need her space. You'll know when and where I'm sure and life will go on for all of you, albeit with a broken heart. Godspeed to your father... always loved his posts. Seemed like one down to earth, grounded man with a level head on his shoulders. Never had the pleasure to meet him unfortunately. My loss!
  2. A young lad from Sydney , Nova Scotia goes off to University, but halfway through the semester he foolishly has squandered all of his money. He calls home. 'Dad,' he says, 'you won't believe what modern education is developing. They actually have a program here in Antigonish that could teach our dog "Jiggy" how to talk.' That's amazing!' his Dad says 'How do I get Jiggy in that program?' Just send him here with $1200,' the young lad says, 'I'll get him into the course.' So his father sends the dog "Jiggy"and $1200. About two-thirds through the semester, the money again runs out. The young lad calls home. 'So how's Jiggy doing, son?' his father wants to know. Awesome! Dad, he's talking up a storm. But you just won't believe this. They've had such good results with talking, they've begun to teach the animals how to read. Read? exclaims his father. 'No kidding! How do we get our Jiggy in that program?' Just send $2300. I'll get him in the class for sure.' The money promptly arrives. But our hero has a problem. At the end of the year, his father will find out that the dog can neither talk nor read. So he shoots the dog. When he arrives home at the end of the year, his father is all excited. 'Where's my Jiggy? I just can't wait to talk with him, and see him read something!' Dad, the young lad says, I have some grim news. Yesterday morning, just before we left to drive home, Jiggy was in the living room, kicked back in the recliner, reading the Cape Breton Post. Then he suddenly turned to me and asked, 'So, is your daddy still messing around with that little redhead working at the grocery store? The father groans and whispers, I hope you shot that son of a bugger before he talks to your mother!' I sure did, Dad!' That's my boy!' The kid went on to become a successful lawyer, and later on, he became a politician.
  3. First real Sledge Hockey game today in Newmarket. They won 9 to 8 !! <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/Ur0Sg_jUiT8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/bQgrP5BG8fg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  4. If he's not running a business that is doing the leasing at a 100% expense.. then leasing a vehicle is absolute nonsense. Now if he's running a business that's another story. In the good days the residuals where low enough that you leased thru the company and then bought the lease out at terms end personally (they don't care who) and then you sell the vehicle and make some money. With todays 45% residual values.. I wouldn't even consider a lease unless it's the only way you can afford to get some reliable transportation.
  5. Sorry to hear that Roy... you just never know what tomorrow brings. Condolences to all involved.
  6. You can also take a little more time when they're still full size / resolution.. edit the background and then downsize to lower resolution / small size and nobody would even know...leaving the beauty of the fish (and background) to the viewer. It has it's time and place....
  7. Well horses only live for so many years... Ale probably died, the new horse must be named Beer!
  8. Joe... just go grab a case of Moosehead Light. It's like Corona.. without the runs!
  9. ..and we wonder how rumours start!
  10. At least he got you off your ass and up to the keyboard Steve!!
  11. Oh.. it needs gas Shayne... just a totally different octane!!
  12. Was in Walmart today buying up the rest of their old style 5 gallon fuel cans and while browsing the sports section found what is called an NBA 3 in 1 Carry Sack. $7.98 .. fits the power head very nicely and it's breathable so the fuel fumes won't be an issue.
  13. "Standard" 8 foot door? Doesn't everyone install a 9 x 9 and get it over with right from the start??
  14. Keep smilin Richard.. it's a cure in itself!!
  15. Generally yes.. agreed.. but look up one section 429.. explains what Wilful damage is to cover what 430 says about wilful misconduct causing damage, etc. The RCMP still lay and prosecute as Wiful damage...as recent as 2012. BTW.. it was an attempt at humour given your position..
  16. You might get a 2006 for that money http://www.walleyesinc.com/walleyeinc3/lundboat593.html
  17. Ummm.. you might wanna look in that book again.. subsection 3 over $5000.. subsection 4 under $5000.
  18. Jeezz Dave.. just charge the guy with wilful damage and move on!
  19. Getting into my Tbird, with suit on, to head for TRW in Detroit.. pulled my plant key ring out and set it on the roof to take my suit jacket off for the drive.. and guess I got in and forgot about them. Heard something like cats claws on the ramp to the 400 at 93. Guess I drive pretty smooth as it made it to there... all the way from Penetang! Just too bad I didn't put two and two together before I got back that night from 26 mile!
  20. Don't be confusing him Davey Buoy... The boaters CARD is just that.. a useless card, it is not a licence! The Vessel Licence is the piece of paper that matches those registration numbers on the boat. The only LEGAL ownership for the boat.. is the bill of sale, unless you actually register a boat NAME.
  21. Oh.. I see you've put a tool mounted to a rotary tool holder through a CNC lathe bed as well....
  22. Yep... apparently only the folks in New Brunswick have the proper paper and lazer printer now!
  23. My first thought was let nature take it's course and take the "dumb" bear out of their gene pool. My second thought after seeing him at the refuge was... now he's gonna go back to the wild in the spring and tell all his buddies... "wake up early.. go lay in the open where someone will find you and they'll take you to this nice comfy place with straw to lie on and free food"!
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