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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Yah, I couldn't resist sending that text, well I actually did resist for one day! Good to know Drew that your arrived back to the Valley unscathed... he is a hoot in a boat for a day.. how you handled 3 in a row.. LMAO (and yah Andy, I luv ya like a brother!)
  2. Next time you should work harder at putting fish in the boat lads! That Andy.. fishes like a well oiled machine! Been waiting for these pics... I already knew it was the best LSC gig in some time!
  3. Even Billybob can probably figure out that this one isn't about a girl... <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/x2okOuZ8T_o" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  4. Dylan.. but with a soul ! <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/YuSilWHnczA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> and one of his best.. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/RfwGkplB_sY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> my sister's finally pretty much summed up <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/JfBdMXhpQnU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  5. Welcome to the "clique" Trevy! IE: Thanks for taking the time to upload all those pictures. Hours that could be much better spent, but we all appreciate them!
  6. Edzakery and what my point was... anyone that thinks otherwise go join P3TA now and just shut us fisher folks down for ever!
  7. We need a 54" or better to "Kill" on GBay when it comes to Muskie as it is. That said, those that think they "swam away for another day" need to take a better look in the mirror most days anyhow. Many days I just think it would be better to catch your limit on what ever you're fishing, call it a day and bring them home. Doing so would = less dead fish in the system!
  8. irishfield


    DANG... does she not know that right turns aren't allowed???
  9. Glad you didn't ask that of me... mine is made from the front axle out of an old 40's truck (c/w spindles and wheels).. a 6' I beam and a hydraulic cylinder that I picked up somewhere along the way!
  10. ahhh no... 6 airplane wrecks.. 2 rusting dodge ramchargers.. my old tent trailer that I converted to put the 12' tinney in back in ,83.. another trailer... a JD410 backhoe.. an '83 Southwind... and all sorts of assorted crap. It's what you do with your back "20" when you own acreage. Store crap "that you might use someday". The log split idea... gonna use that at the lake.. looks slick for slapping them poplar trees. As for the oak and maple in the yard, I'll stick to the hydraulic on the tractor!
  11. Guess the trees have grown in good enough.. around the 6 aircraft, 2 trucks, 3 trailers, backhoe etc back there.. LOL
  12. Something that's dead?? Sturgeon..
  13. Someone's asking Honey for a winch and a snatch block for Christmas !!
  14. Great to see you back in Ontario Clive! Thanks for checking in and reading our exploits.
  15. One room that went from SK to grade 12... oh sorry, that be my Mother!
  16. Yah.. but did you pay the parking ticket yet! LOL A day out is better than most here get around to Rich.. good for you!
  17. Google earthing that rock right now.... Great stuff !
  18. I've got a million things to do and ticking them off one at a time as the schedule allows... Lew bought himself a mightly fine new truck and CH pulled a fish out of the drink that many NEVER will! Both good to see !
  19. Did ya get Mom the Wonderwomen costume as well ??
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