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Everything posted by jbailey

  1. ahh most of my family lives in Caledonia and they've had their cars stolen multiple times. More recently my cousin had his engine, gas tank and seats stolen out of his boat.
  2. very envious ! congrats pal
  3. CRIME OF THE WEEK Sometime between Sept. 1 and 3, someone broke into a cottage on Toad Lake near Port Loring, according to Near North Crime Stoppers and the Powassan detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police. The cottage can be accessed by water only. Once inside, the culprit or culprits made off with an older .22-calibre rifle, about 500 antique fishing lures, six fishing rods and reels, six tackle boxes, a Hummingbird fish finder, a Shindowa chainsaw, a Daisy BB gun and two mounted fish, a pike and a smallmouth bass. The value of stolen property is estimated at $4,000. Anyone with information is asked to call Near North Crime Stoppers at 476-8477.
  4. valid point! but are you sure they aren't salmon? haha
  5. 5" senkos texas rigged or subsurface crankbaits, then again there are so many choicess!!! i guess what ever I find catches the fish that day haha
  6. nice pic! that things a monster
  7. yea my car was broken into a few times when I lived in oshawa - fortunately at that time i didn't own anything haha Lock your car doors!! "Car-hopping" thefts on rise in Durham Region By ROB LAMBERTI, Toronto Sun Last Updated: September 8, 2010 3:42pm Email Story Print Size A A A Report Typo Share with: Facebook Digg Del.icio.us Google Stumble Upon Newsvine Reddit Technorati Feed Me Yahoo Simpy Squidoo Spurl Blogmarks Netvouz Scuttle Sitejot + What are these? Just lock the car door. “Car-hopping” — where burglars check for unlocked vehicle doors and then snatch prized items — occurs up to 10 times a day, every day in Durham Region, police said Wednesday. And it could be cut dramatically by simply locking vehicle doors. Thieves focus on computer equipment, GPS units, satellite radios, wallets, sports equipment and anything else of value. The trend hasn’t stopped despite earlier pleas by police to have motorists lock their vehicle doors or put personal property into the trunk, Durham Regional Police Sgt. Nancy Van Rooy said. “The numbers are high and it is a concern,” she said. Police said a thief or thieves go through dozens of vehicles within a neighbourhood looking specifically for unlocked vehicles. Car-hopping is a crime of opportunity and it’s rare that a windshield is smashed to gain access into a locked car, police said.
  8. haha thats just sad - i'm sure he does the same thing with pike and muskie lol
  9. yea i learned my lesson for sure, and was honestly suprised we got our gear back, you'd think they would have stole it and left - not use it the next day! I guess I'm lucky they weren't very bright haha
  10. haha the thought crossed my mind but we heard the kids pull up in the boat and watched them leave within the 10-15mins we were at the truck and they were the only people to come off the dock - also he was gone for the night
  11. wow thats intense, anyone ever get caught?
  12. So on the weekend I was up near Whitestone fishing, a friend and I rented a boat from the marina. We finished fishing for the day and docked the boat, left our gear in the boat and walked to the truck which was maybe 80-100m away. We were setting up a propane BBQ when I decided I would go back to the boat and get my camera to take a couple photos. I get to the boat and my stringer and pliers are on the floor in the boat, and a new pack of cigarettes was open with only 2 taken.. It didn't appear that anything else was out of place, but I had been in to a few beverages and it was dark out, so I shrugged it off thinking I was crazy or paranoid. Anyway we pack up and leave for the night. The next morning we get back and head out to our first spot. I go to pick up my new mojo bass rod and citica reel, but there was a daiwa reel on my mojo and my citica was gone, my buddies RType rod was gone - the daiwa reel attached to my rod. We had about 10 rods in the boat - they chose a rod and reel and put it together in a matter of 10mins - while in vision of where we were cooking.. ballsy to say the least. Fortunately my buddy had customized his RType with a little fenwick logo on the bottom. So we fly back to the marina and speak to the guy who runs it (really nice guy, very helpful!) and we explained the scenario and he told us there were some older teens staying in their parents trailer and he would wait for them at the dock when they come back in fishing. At this point my buddy and I thought it was a real longshot at getting our equipement back, but when we arrived back at the dock that night, the marina guy had our rod and reel for us!! Just amazing - the only downside is I didn't get a chance to have some choice words with them myself! Ah well probably for the better and I'm glad they didn't attempt to take everything! What about the rest of you? Anyone else run into this type of scenario?
  13. good work not lettin the crappy weather get you down! nice fish, even that haggard one that looks like its from my old home town of oshawa
  14. hahaha
  15. nicee those are some fatties
  16. Ah i'm sorry to hear that, keep your head up, things will get better! It was definately one of the most difficult times of my life when my alaskan malamute was put down a few years back from throat cancer, took a little less than a year to get another dog (Great Pyrenees) it helped ease the pain and brought new joy to my life for sure, and I know I will never forget my malamute so i was able to gain some peace.
  17. been waiting for a nice report about some Lake O pike - congrats, nice fish
  18. it does make that 4lber look like nothin wow
  19. what a monster! welcome, lookin forward to reading your reports and seein some mroe seriousss photos!
  20. thats interesting, is it the diet that affects the pigmintation?
  21. nice report! some solid fish
  22. ah the secrets to success lol
  23. I went out with Lloyd last fall it was phenomenal! Definately a good choice.
  24. definately some fatties good worrk!
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