Weekend Report
Well the only fishing action I got was on Saturday at around noon. I was to meet my wife at the farm at about 1 pm, so on my way up there I made a slight diversion and fished a local river. It was loaded with Pike and a few Muskie. Most pike stopped short, and of course I had left my stinger hooks in my other tackle box, but I did manage to land 2 medium size Pike. I had a cooler with some ‘drinks’ in it in the back of the truck, so in they went. Now we all know that Pike are a slimy fish; so when I got to the farm and opened the cooler reaching for a nice cold ‘drink’ they were totally covered in slime. After the drinks were cleaned up the fish were cleaned as well. Three years ago I made myself learn how to clean and get the y-bones out of Pike, man I’m sure glad I did, they are some tasty fish. Did them up in some Fish Crisp laid them down in a pan of hot Canola Oil.
Other than that I built a rock wall around the last garden in my front yard, built a swim raft (total cost was $30, it’s great when you get materials for free), changed the oil in both vehicles, cut the grass, cut a tree down, picked up fire wood from a friend, met some friends for breakfast at the Lindsay Airport, and some friends over for a fire and cooked breakfast the next morning, went to a friends house to see $400 worth of fire works go off, went for a tour in the boat, moved my ice hut (got the truck stuck for about 1 hour at the farm), cooked some goose up on the BBQ, and to top it all off I even got a hair cut.
Glad to be back at work -> sometimes its easier ; I need a holiday!