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Everything posted by Entropy

  1. No real fishable populations of Pike in Balsam or Mitchell.
  2. Well if I were you I'd bring some fire wood and a case of beer (on ice of course) to my house! Entropy
  3. Yep, that sucks !! Next time you'll remember to check that for sure.
  4. Yep, no real good pike spots around here. Really on only bass and walleye.
  5. Moving the batteries sounds like a great idea, it's a simple fix to your problem. There is one guy on this site (perhaps a couple) that have done exactly as you are thinking to their boats. Entropy
  6. Go here http://www.smalloutboards.com/m99.htm example of a conversion down the page on the right side. Entropy
  7. So, is this a good thing for me?
  8. Sent you a Message.
  9. A side-arm would be best. It's hard to get a carying permit for this though. CH123, story?
  10. I understand that it is an exhaust and carb swap.
  11. That's my Muskie bait, please mail to : Entropy @ PO Box
  12. When I bought my boat I had the same problem, the marine mechanic told me to put it in the water put in in gear and take it to 1/3 throtle. It opened after about 1 min; the water was cold. He said it would not open (much if at all) when idling in the driveway. Hope that helps. Entropy
  13. It was to use A/C when doing (something like) +80km/h, and when doing under 80km/h roll the windows down. Entropy
  14. Hmmm, and I thought I was cold laying on the lawn watching fire works. Yikes!!
  15. Well if someone was willing to 'donate' a digi cam to me, I would post pics too. Offers? Entropy
  16. Yikes, how often do you get up there? If that were me I'd likely only make it up twice a year; with the amount of fuel and cost. Entropy
  17. Weekend Report Well the only fishing action I got was on Saturday at around noon. I was to meet my wife at the farm at about 1 pm, so on my way up there I made a slight diversion and fished a local river. It was loaded with Pike and a few Muskie. Most pike stopped short, and of course I had left my stinger hooks in my other tackle box, but I did manage to land 2 medium size Pike. I had a cooler with some ‘drinks’ in it in the back of the truck, so in they went. Now we all know that Pike are a slimy fish; so when I got to the farm and opened the cooler reaching for a nice cold ‘drink’ they were totally covered in slime. After the drinks were cleaned up the fish were cleaned as well. Three years ago I made myself learn how to clean and get the y-bones out of Pike, man I’m sure glad I did, they are some tasty fish. Did them up in some Fish Crisp laid them down in a pan of hot Canola Oil. Other than that I built a rock wall around the last garden in my front yard, built a swim raft (total cost was $30, it’s great when you get materials for free), changed the oil in both vehicles, cut the grass, cut a tree down, picked up fire wood from a friend, met some friends for breakfast at the Lindsay Airport, and some friends over for a fire and cooked breakfast the next morning, went to a friends house to see $400 worth of fire works go off, went for a tour in the boat, moved my ice hut (got the truck stuck for about 1 hour at the farm), cooked some goose up on the BBQ, and to top it all off I even got a hair cut. Glad to be back at work -> sometimes its easier ; I need a holiday! Entropy
  18. You need one to fit each person, they don't have to be put on. Entropy
  19. Very nice! How long does it take you to get there? Entropy
  20. Warm Up !!! The surface water was 19 deg C last weekend, that might start to send them deep.
  21. I have done some snorkling around Burleigh Falls, in the fast flowing water at about 12 ft deep there are plenty (mid summer). So, try to find creeks that are flowing in ???
  22. What you have said makes sense, if the kid can hold a reel and toss a bait, Cons limit. Entropy
  23. $950 and they should take his truck too!
  24. If you can swing it put two 4 hp 2 stroke mercs on the back use both for your high speed run down the lake, only 1 for troling and possitioning.
  25. Authority, order http://www.ualberta.ca/~leendert/lotf/ Conch: The conch shell symbolizes the law and order of the old adult world which Piggy tries so desperately to protect. The conch represents all the authority which the boys are so used to obeying. When Roger destroys the conch, anarchy quickly ensues because any hope of strong, central leadership has been abandoned. The island society collapses into chaos. http://www.novelguide.com/lordoftheflies/m...oranalysis.html Democracy, Order
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