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Everything posted by Entropy

  1. Yep, not to divert traffic but I have posted some news paper articles there: http://forums.fishontario.com/thread.jspa?...43&tstart=0 I'm still swimming in it, shouldn't be a problem eh. Entropy
  2. I hit one of those many dead carp with my boat last week. My motor was ok, but the carp turned to mush. Entropy
  3. My agent gave us $300 to get the septic tank pumped. Took instructions and lead from me. It was a good relationship. Heck he wanted me to sign a contract thing with him that he would be the only agent representing me. I refused and gave him my word and told him that that would have to be enough. Things worked out. Sounds like you've got yourself a nice place. Enjoy. At least now you don't have to worry about putting docks in and out, and shoreline errosion. Entropy
  4. Yikes, how quickly things turn bad, eh. Glad to hear all worked out well.
  5. yep go with the foot control.
  6. And no electronics to fry. Nice. I think my father has that model or one very similar. He had a power drive motor but took it back after 2 outings. Did not like it at all. Nice buy. Entropy
  7. I bought my Chev Tracker there,..... Many problems with management. but I persisted, and was a pain in their butt. Got most things fixed, Check Engine light still comes on, they were not able to fix that. They did go quite the distance though. Honestly I would buy another car from them. Ron is a good solid guy. Entropy
  8. A guy down the street from me was cleaning up his yard and had an old boat there, took the sawsall to it and put it in a disposal bin. Or take it to the dump. Or, put a free sign on it and wait. Entropy
  9. I migh be on the lake Sat or Sun, if you see a 16 ft red starcraft say hi !!
  10. Great, first June Bugs and NOW THESE !! Entropy
  11. Nope, Looks like a Chile Dog........ Yuck !!
  12. She make her own Hot Dog!!!
  13. So, you cooking that monster up for him? How do you plan on 'cleaning' it. Entropy
  14. So, you cooking that monster up for him? How do you plan on 'cleaning' it. Entropy
  15. FROGS ... USE FROGS !!!
  16. Oh, and welcome to the board !!
  17. If you are lucky you might even catch some sleep. Several years ago; when my wife worked there; I spent a number of nights camping there (to visit her). The darn Bull Frogs were croaking all night !! I could not get to sleep, and eventualy thought about putting the canoe in and 'relocating' the dran things. Don't get me wrong, it was a nice sound at first but by 2 am it got awfully annoying. Best of Luck Entropy
  18. Wow, some good Carma or what! Just got a phone call from the marina; my motor is fixed, and only at a cost of $102. Very Nice. Looks like I might get out for the Muskie this weekend after-all. Too bad it will be Sunday, the Wife and I have to go to her parents house on Satruday and help build it..... yep you read right, help build it! Good thing they own a pond stocked full of Pike! Time to re-string with fresh Power Pro !! Entropy Here's hoping that my motor is actually fixed.... I'd hate to get to get out there and have it bogging down again.
  19. They are growing, but the lake is still 'passable', lol.
  20. Booooooooh!! My boat is at the marina get'n fixed. Took it there last Sat. and as of yesterday afternoon they still have not looked at it. This weekend does not look good for me. Entropy
  21. Scugog is 23 - 24 deg C. Went swiming Monday, it was very nice.
  22. Garmin Etrex Legend.
  23. Looks like a great life !!
  24. I don't think so, mostly trout and bass in shadown too.
  25. Your in Dunsford? My buddy lives there too just of Cedar Glen!! What road you on?
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