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Everything posted by Entropy

  1. Man ... do your own work ! oh and here is a tip. Civilized authority, democracy from : http://www.cummingsstudyguides.net/Guides2...ng.html#Symbols Entropy
  2. There is one loose tile on the outside of the shower curtain, it is a part of the trim tile (if that makes sense). It is long and narrow. I guess I would just pull it off the rest of the way, scrape the adhesive off it and the wall and apply new adhesive. Then do the re-grout. ?? Does that sound right? Entropy
  3. Thanks very much for the info. I guess it will be the week of July 16 that I will be able to do this project. Thanks agian Entropy
  4. It is beige tile about 5x5 or 6x6 with a dull white grout in-between. ??
  5. I was looking at the tiles in my bathroom around the bathtub (the shower tiles) it looks like hair-line cracks are developing between the tiles. I have been told I can simply re-grout them. How does one do this? What products do I need? Any experiences doing this yourself? Or, should I just call someone and have them do it (what would that be worth) ? I would like to put a surround in but we first need to save some $$ up for fixing the garage. So re-grouting sounds like the best solution to get us through the next 3 to 5 years. Entropy
  6. I can only see the backside of an elephant. .... not that I'm familiar with one.
  7. I hear ya ccmtcanada. I too am trying to figure the lake out.
  8. I have the motomaster automatic charger; I think it is on sale until Friday for $50 it does regular and deep cycle batteries, and has 2, 12, 75 amp charge settings. The 75 amp is for boosting. Have had it for 5 years, works great! Entropy
  9. What are those two + symbols out from Birch Island.
  10. Saturday morning my Dad came up at about 9:00am we fished until noon on Scugog. The only fish caught was a small Walleye, not even work keeping. There were lots of boats out, more boats fishing than I have seen our fish’n since I moved here last July. Saturday afternoon my wife and I headed up to her parents farm. As, she and her parents sat and chatted I hoped in our little 4 x 4 and headed down the trail to their lake (basically a very large pond about 40 acres in size) I took 1 cast = nothing; 2nd cast = a pike hit, 3rd cast = pike on ( man was I glad I had a good leader and a baitcaster loaded with 50 lb test power pro there’s tons of stumps and logs.); 4th cast = nothing; 5th cast = nothing; 6th cast = nothing; 7th cast = another pike. It’s at this point that I realize what a special little treasure they (and me too) have here, apparently a number of years ago and 2 owners ago someone had stocked pike in this big pond and they are doing ok. I released all 6 that I ended up catching; I’m hoping to make it up there again next week to catch them again. Sunday afternoon my wife and I headed out on Scugog and to her pleasure she was the only one that caught a walleye. Me, somehow, snagged a carp, but after 1min. The scales came off. I saw some guys fishing at an access down the road from my place. Between the two of them they had about 6 walleye, all of which were very small ( 3 were the size of perch). Looks like the best fishing is to be had right off shore. How’d you make out? Entropy
  11. That didn't seem like a smart idea in the first place. Is that ever done by any rescue org?
  12. There is an adjustment tab on most motors right above the prop. Losen and turn, then test drive.
  13. Is there a verdict ?? I kind of like it the way it is. Blur if you feel you need to. Post if you want to. Entropy
  14. Is there a verdict ?? I kind of like it the way it is. Blur if you feel you need to. Post if you want to. Entropy
  15. Last summer I paid $400 for 2.75 triple axle dump truck loads of 'B' gravel. Apparently this is driveway / road base material. This year we are going to top it with 'clean or clear' stone. Not sure about the Ground up asphalt stuff though. $150 for how much?, a whole dump truck load? I found that 1/2 the cost is trucking and 1/2 the cost is material, for the 'B' gravel that is. Entropy
  16. I guess some boats just need more free-board. 3 batteries, main motor, kicker, full load of fuel = running out of room
  17. Just be careful how you park it at the marina. Park ... neck out.
  18. "Quest for the Bay" THAT'S IT !!! Thanks guys! Entropy
  19. Does anyone remember that series that was on T.V. where they took the york boats in constume with loads to Hudson Bay. Who made that series? Do you have a copy of it? Entropy
  20. Minnows This Morning I walked down to the dock this morning (coffee in hand) to ‘greet the morning’, and I was pleasantly surprised to see thousands of minnows moving along the shore. They were about 3 inches long and fairly thick. It was nice to see an abundance of life in the water. Have no worries I have no intention of putting a minnow trap out. I guess my own stewardship tells me that these may be yearling walleye or just minnows. Mmmmm minnows = food for bigger fish! Enjoy your day. Entropy
  21. I took my Mother out looking for Trout on Gull Lake yesterday (Sunday), we fished a couple of promising areas with Smithwick Rattle’n Rouges and jig heads with Dew Worms. This is our annual “week before Mother’s Day - Mother & Son” fishing trip. Unfortunately she caught nothing, and I caught 1 sucker and 2 OOS Sm. Bass – No lakers. Last year we did the same thing and produced fish. We trolied, jigged, casted off weedy drop-offs, casted at rocky drop offs, casted around inflowing creeks/rivers, jigged here and there, etc. I guess they have moved deep. Water was 9 deg C. Anyone catching Lakers in the Minden area? Entropy
  22. LOL Thats awsome.
  23. looks like an old coleman fiberglass, call coleman canada and ask if you can get a cap for it. Current coleman canoes are made in Quebec by Pelican, I have ordered parts from them in the past (also a cap, but for a newer canoe), cost should only be about $15, the might even have a set of new rails for the sides, then your off to the races. I still have the exact canoe as that at the in-laws farm, I painted it with Tremclad, just hand sand and spray on the paint -> 7 years latter and the paint is doing great. This might save you some work. Entropy
  24. I bought a 2000 chev tracker with 196 000 km last Sept. for $4900 and love it. Took it mud'n (sort of by accident) last Friday. It did good. I drive 120 km a day to work round trip, and am very happy with the gas consumption. Took it out on Nipissing and Scugog, works great on the ice and in the snow. Today it has about 218 500 km on it, that's 22 500 km in 8 months. Repairs with approx cost done so far: - front left suspension link $90 plus $20 labour - tires (stock size Trail Mark from Walmart) $390 inst. with free rotations and repairs. - tail pipe repair ( the resonator rotted, which I hear is common) $70 to fix (Speedy Muffler cut, bent, and welded up a bit of new pipe). - had some problems with the front side windows (dealer replaced the .. seals.. at a cost of $40 each, I understand that this is common) [i priced out new power window regulators and dealership cost was about $600, thank god that was not the problem] - had the rear brakes done $130 ( not sure if that was just shoes or incl. the drums too). - steering shaft started to cease up, it was taken out and worked free and lubed. A new shaft was to cost something rediculus like $600. It was not needed. To remove and lube ... I was charged 2 hr labour, but I watched them put it in; took 15 min.... so ? All in all, I like it a lot. The rear folding seats are great. Paint is good. Some parts seem to be over priced if you ask me, but ... I plan on driving to the 300 000 km mark in the next year and a bit. I figrue I might have to have the top end rebuilt (I change the oil every 4000 km so, here's hopping I will not need to. It does not make any noises right now), but would not have a problem droping a brand new engine in it for $3000 ... not that it should need one. I'd go out and buy it again right now. Entropy
  25. My brother-inlaw also has a 4 hp merc on this kind of canoe, works great !!
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