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Everything posted by Entropy

  1. Hope he called the MNR
  2. I'd let it go....
  3. What a weekend!! On Friday my wife and I painted the boat lift and 4 sections of dock frame, and put carpet on the bunks of the boat lift. A very productive start to the weekend for sure. Saturday saw us raking the lawn up and cleaning up the area where I cut and chop fire wood. In all we took about 15 wheel barrow loads off the lawn. My wife painted the garage while I changed the oil in the truck. We fired up the barbecue and enjoyed some chops. Ok, this is where I admit I was I was a little ‘food drunk’ and ready to take a nap. But laziness aside we put our rubbers on and rolled the boat lift in to the lake. I got a soaker and decided that the water wasn’t THAT COLD, so in up to my waist I go. Yes IT got a bit chilly but I was surprised at how tolerable it was. My neighbor showed up and gave me a hand to get the dock in. Latter that night I walked out on the dock with a big flashlight and saw 2 bass, 2 doz. Walleye, and one very large Muskie. I was surprised how many fish were right there! Unfortunately there are none when fishing off the dock in the summer, the water must get too warm. After all that I called it a night. Sunday we got up to Horseshoe Lake to see if we could perhaps catch one of the 20 year old (last time it was stalked) Lakers. Nothing. This lake is not known for Lake Trout but more for Whitefish. I don’t think I’ll be heading back there anytime soon .... for trout that is, it might be ok for Sm. Bass. It was a beautiful day though. We rounded the evening off with a small fire and a couple of drinks. A productive and relaxing weekend it was! Entropy Oh, I see that dew worms came up last night. You know what I’ll be doing this week.
  4. Trout if I'm right.
  5. Anyone know if Minden Area lakes are free of ice, specificaly Gull, Moore, Horseshoe, Mountian. Thanks, Entropy
  6. You could lower the insurable valued to say $4500, that would drop your amount, is it it worth over $7000 to replace it with the same thing?
  7. I have a 91 side console, 91 25 hp mariner, tariler, toatl ins for about $4500 ot $5100 ish and pay $130 with StateFarm Ins. (have truck with them too) That includes every imaginable coverage, with a $200 deductable.
  8. Thanks guys.
  9. There are about 60 grads a year from that college program alone, your odds are not good. Much of the work in the Provincal Parks is contract or private contract.... if your looking for a stabile career ... not a good one. My wife has been there and done that for 7 years, had fun, but had to change ...
  10. sorry 20hp
  11. anyone know if this motor would have above or through-prop exhaust? Entropy
  12. #1 Tackle Share at Provincial Parks (a good thing) #2 Gov adds on TV (seen a few over the last few months) #3 Youth Clubs ( I run an outdoors club, we do ice fishing and shore fishing) #4 Personal Introductions (take a non-fisher fishing) #5 Be a member of an organized group/club who shares similar values.
  13. I made them Saturday, used Roy's recipe. I'm going to test one out tonight. I'll let you know.
  14. no thanks
  15. oh god! What have I started ? I can hear it now "Greenhouse gas emisions on the increase due to consumption of pickled eggs!" LOL Thanks guys. you know what I'll be doing this weekend. Entropy
  16. Does anyone know how to make pickled eggs? Got a recipe of your own or would you mind pointing me in the right direction. I’d love to have a jar sitting near the bar, and to have the conversation that I made them ... now that’s something you can enjoy for the evening, not to mention the smell. Entropy
  17. I guess I have kind of found my answer !! http://www.greenspun.com/bboard/q-and-a-fe...l?msg_id=000Qj8 http://forum.doityourself.com/archive/inde...p/t-130824.html http://lanternnet.com/faqs.htm
  18. So, from a 1/2 hr of searching around, I have fournd that I can get a wall mount from Cabela's, and then the second place that has a good selection of affordable oil lamps is Lehmans in Ohio. Is there anywhere in Ontario or Canada that sells this stuff??? Entropy
  19. What lake / location does it look like? (can't do the youtube thing right now) Entropy
  20. I hear ya, 1) I need to put on new lights, the contacts in the existing ones are corroded and falling appart. 2) Grease the Bearings 3) get a couple of welds repaired, (they are not rusting 'much' but are begining to rip). 4) it's time for new carpet. I got new rubber last year so I'm set in that department. Entropy
  21. Jen, I’m glad to hear I’m not the only one. I get my kerosene from a gas station that has a kerosene pump, I think I pay about $1.20 per liter. I only have 2 lamps one in the living room (use it almost every night, initially I was using it due to the meaning it has to me in it's family history, but I have come to enjoy it's light), the second is in the recroom to provide 'the characteristic light' while I'm enjoying a beverage infront of the fireplace. I'd like to get a wall mount lamp for the downstairs bathroom. Mainly for decoration but also for power outages. Anyone know where I could buy one that is new? When I was a kid the family would go to my Aunt's cottage, it had no power at all. There was a wall mount lamp in the bathroom there... ahhhh memories..... the kitchen sink had a hand pump to pump the water out of the lake, the fridge was propane and there was one double propane lamp in the living/kitchen/diningroom area. Good Times !! Entropy
  22. Anyone know which burns cleaner. Kerosene or Coal Oil (Lamp Oil). I have a ' wick fed oil lamp' and use Kerosene in it, since it costs about half that then Coal Oil (Lamp Oil). Someone said that it is not good since Kerosene burns 'dirtier' than Coal Oil (Lamp Oil). Anyone know? Entropy
  23. Look at that, this topic was on the news last night.
  24. huh... thanks for the link.
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