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Everything posted by vinnimon

  1. Does anyone have a pdf manual or know of a good site to go on, so I can repair my outboard. This unit has good compression but I do not want to continue untill I have some specs and guidelines.The model # is 169275.Thanks in advance Vince.
  2. Im in the same boat as you worm dangler.Morgage, wife, kids,Insurance.All the bills are adding up and today I found out there is a conlict between the record of employment and the notice I received from the employer.Talk about fustrated!!!I havent received my first EI check yet and the x employer goofed up.
  3. Hang in there, it gets better.I have two girls 8 and 5. BTW one word of advice, Steer clear of the projectile Vomit.
  4. OH OH!! I recall one time my wife was that nice, there was a bun in the oven.Keep a good eye out for change in food cravings. Good luck!
  5. Dang
  6. third
  7. A nice romantic dinner after the fishing show should get you out of a bind.But for monday I have a feeling your going to have to sleep in. Valentines day then family day.I think were all done for.My wife is also pulling the nicey nicey gig on me.I have two cards to play with and Im going to use one for now.Not going to try my luck a second time.
  8. out of curiosity, didnt red fisher back in the day swear by them?To this day I cant get my bud to part with his.
  9. Now those were nice reels.I beleive some of them are a collectors item.
  10. Hopefully I will be there.Otter 2 sled with skiis and a clam hut.
  11. Thanks Tj, your the best.Tight lines and good fishin to ya always.And Dave too, of course.Vince Team 1 RIPPIN'WEEDS. Watch out for COOLIO the BASSBUGGER.He will flip you a 180 and knock you out.Look out
  12. as roy said.And a little pricey too.just my 2cnts worth thats all.
  13. check out [email protected] or goto to bing and punch in zonker jig.The look like oversized wooly buggers on reg jig heads.
  14. and Im sure you can catch some from one of those gals
  15. Put one aside for me please.pm sent
  16. Try giving nandos a call here in the hammer.Their pretty reasonable.Also there is one on hwy 6 north jdj I beleive in flamborough.You can also try D C leasing, but I think Dave is venturing away from small trailers.
  17. Hamilton, ontario sent it your way and took the chains for your wheels. Just a little sarcasm my friend.
  18. Still looks and smells like one esp at cootes drive.Mind you they replaced the railing at crooks hollow over the dam.Still looks like a sewer drain to this day.Just my 2 cnts worth
  19. Ive always went to the end of windemere rd and parked at the ramp by the hotel.Easy access to the lake.
  20. Give bigugli a shout.He is also in the fishing classifieds.
  21. Quick question Where is throttle position sensor located on these vehicles?Is it in the ecu or attached to the fuel pedal? I have come across this with trucks that I have worked on, but the sensor is attached to the fuel pedal.Most complaints were irregular or no acceleration or even once wot.All deisels mind you. A similar pedal problem occured recently blocks away from my neck of the woods.I dont know the full details,but Im sure it was one of the first fatalities.Husband runs over his wife in his driveway,if im correct.
  22. vinnimon


    Whats on second
  23. I always cast with my right hand and reel in with my left.For some reason with a baitcaster I cast right but Im comfortable reeling in with either hand.In sports Im right handed except for playing goalie.
  24. I beleive there is someone in dunville that deals with used machines and parts.Not sure about the name of the place.
  25. Puslinch Lake.
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