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Everything posted by vinnimon

  1. Yes, you have my friend.A few times before.Its not my forte.
  2. Sorry all and thank you kindly.I did take some stress releif liquids that night.Fyi to all, I was terminated for reasons of unsatisfied customers along with numerous complaints and so on with the bull.The letter was the same as the others had received upon termination.A regenerated letter and not pointing the finger directly to me.Any way as for the customer I aproached.Both her and I had been coworkers a few years back at another company.She decided to become a broker and a customer at the same place.I told her then and promised.Quote Its tuff out there and if the company cant help,I personally will.And when I go to a new place I will contact you.Qoute. Well as once before, I did contact her again, to say Im going elsewhere.Well the boss took it personally and probably didnt know.Oh well.He told me to pack up yesterday. Min of labour tomorrow for advice and possibly a lawyer if needed. Thanks all, and yes the sauce calmed my nerves.
  3. Long term work there are no worries.Just in the short term with mortgage and kids to feed.It really piises me off after all these years and I kept my end up.And lots of pro bono to boot in her favour.It just shows me alot more.How some can really be.I always keep my end up on a promise.
  4. Well I received my termination notice last thursday.Fine,I knew it was coming.Just something that he does.I was the longest employee ever.I was really surprized I was there that long.2 3/4years.I beleive he was in bussiness for 4 yrs.If I knew then what I know now,I would of left in a heart beat.Anyway today I was put to a hault.Willing to go look for work.I was told to hand in everthing,which was fine for me.I told him that my tool box in my service truck was locked up.Personal tools and box.He told me to leave it open so they can easily remove it.I do trust him to a degree.So I left it open.Well anyway I called a person that I worked with and personally worked on her truck at another shop after I received my notice.Not noing she was at home sleeping.I swore she was working as ussual.A promise I always kept to her when she needed any help when she working with me and when she first started out.And qoute to a tee"Jodie if you need any help regardless whatever it is.Youre starting fresh and you know my work.If I can help you,I will gladly do so.As long as the shop cant. Well she COMPLAINED.I knew it was her for sure.The first time she left her truck at the shop today and never approached me personally for the first time ever.Well any way again.The boss told me to leave.His excuse and not knowing.I was approaching customers and it was a conflict of interest.You have to leave as he said. I keep my promises and if someone forgets,SO BE IT. Sorry Gents I just needed to get it out of me.Conlfict of interest my butt.A promise made 7 yrs prior to today.No one ownes a customer. Any comments would be great,good or bad.Now I know to a tee who not to trust any more.
  5. I recently picked up an 85 4stroke honda 7.5 hp for $800.In excelent running condition tank and hose included.
  6. Should of got a pic of me walking up the hill.My hut,auger and rods went for a ride into the drink.The little open soft spot.The sled stayed with me.All good and laughing about it.
  7. I was waiting for you to post some pictures of that day.
  8. I loved it all back then.Cartoons,the bunkers,sanfords,jeffersons etc.Oh when I had a chance when dad was asleep BENNY HILL was a hoot.Thats when they showed the naughty stuff.The old black and white westinghouse 13 channels.Those were the days.My two girls are spoiled(moms fault),Im still old fashioned to a great degree.
  9. Excelent.Thanks Steve for the report.
  10. If your mama is like mine,she'll really love ya for it.I let my kids camp out in it in the living room when I got mine.Oh and mama was really really happy about it.And hello coach for me.HeHe
  11. Pm me and Ill give you the details.
  12. Got mine today and Im saving it for a special occasion.That shirt boosted my day.Thanks quesnel and dave.And all of the OFC members.I thanked all once and I dearly would like to thank everyone again.For all.Happy and good fishing to all here on OFC. sincerely Vince cheers to all.You are all good folks.
  13. Its not cheap but worth every penny.I purchased a set of long johns and shirt from fishing world a few years back.They still work like new taking the sweet away.There is no name that I can recall.But they are blue and have a logo with the letter n on the left leg.Money very well spent.
  14. Gotcha now
  15. no capish signore
  16. I would love to see how my thread will end.Got a few going in on it and whammo gone.It was going good for a while.Note I will only do this when the kids are gone to bed,it can get crazy.
  17. I caught the bug for whitteys.I have a need to go back up.Do you think its going to be safe this weekend.Fyi Im on foot,no machines.Im headin to 95fow at the most and work my way in.Any info would be great.
  18. You to eh.For me it muffles out bad sounds coming out of a certain someones yapper.Lots of test runs at home.Shes not invited on the ice.Last time she went out,one leg into a hole.And a yap that wouldnt stop all the way home.
  19. I can leave something at the office at weston for ya lonnietoon.It will save you the trek out there.
  20. I wont tell mine.
  21. Does she have a sister
  22. Is it connected to fishog lake,norland area?
  23. Pull the cover and spool off and you should find your problem.If its the same as a lazer magX there are 3 screws on the top.Did you try pulling the cord under comp and had a lot of resistance?
  24. Throw a glowing hookon it,go to fortinos, buy a pickerel,thaw it out,take a pic,and sell for $100 american on ebay.
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