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Everything posted by vinnimon

  1. What compells me to ice fish is that I honestly do have more fun.Meeting new people and have a good laugh.I really dont know to the tee but I really do have more fun.No matter how slow it gets.Today was a prime example as I took a good old dear friend of mine out for his first time.He said he wouldnt come out again until spring(that was in late sept).He came out today and probably coming out next weekend were ever I go.That something that interested him was that its always a good time no matter what.
  2. I heard you going out there before noon.It went quite for a bit, then one our way out The pup was chasing you on your atv.Steve today was the first time my old friend has ever ice fished.I was hoping the for some stress cracks today.So I can see the reaction on his face.Maybe a beeline to your place for a private sitdown time. He had fun and we met some friends of a friend.
  3. no need for the tye.A few bees and nghty night.Seriosly I actually not sore at all.It may due to the layers I had on.Horay for mustang suit.Not only do you float but they will cushion your fall.(kids present)
  4. Im surprised im not sore.Maybe when I get into the service truck and head for work in the morning.
  5. As fishmaster stated in his report ice was safe and a bit soft on top in areas.Mid morning it was melting then froze up again before noon hour.As for the fish report.3 good hits and nothing at the other end.These fish were hesitant by all means.We saw a few smelt on the view for their 5scnds of fame and thats it.The fish were marked higher than last weekend and following the baitfish from above.Only 2 fish focussed on my jig(viewing it from a humingbird)and didnt take it.A gent next to us using a vex fl20 had the same thing going on.I did though get a compliment on my run,slide and grab the line technique.As he said, the best slowmotion tipup hook set.My tipup went off,I ran(no spikes)slid 2 feet forward and on my butt sliding.While sliding I grabbed the flag shaft and held on.When I stopped it was 6ft from the hole and nothing on the other end.I inspected the minnow and little bite marks were present.Smelts nibbling like last week.ILL BE BACK
  6. as bigredredneck said,I just did a total overhaul on my 140 mercruiser and new pump in lower unit.Now I know were everything is and what is what.And in case of a failure I know what tools to bring along.Tools and spare parts.And a manual.For what I do for a living ,the marine engines are becoming easier than the heavy truck engines for repairs etc.
  7. Call grimsby bait and tackle for a repair guy in beamsville.Its well worth the buck.His labour rate I beleive is about 30 anhour maybe 25.Its money well spent.The guys name is HANS.I beleive I mentioned this once before.And youll probably save money too after forking out for gas.My kicker is kicking well and purchased it at a reasonable price for a four stroke 7.5 honda.
  8. Bruce national park is nice.I caught my biggest pickerel there for the peninsula area.From shore and lots of bass also.
  9. We got to ibp and lucked for parking.One nice whitey between the three of us.Marked a few chasing baitfish and the odd laker was marked as well.I personally missed a good hit,twice actually!But nothing showed up on the aqua view.Oh well maybe next time.
  10. Tried it out today at 90 fow.The clearity was pretty good,about 6 feet give or take a foot.
  11. When menapause hits im screwed.
  12. Mine got a ring and a house and I promised to get rid of the boat.So I did,In that I found a stray boat that needed a home.So I brought it home.Man was she pissed.HeHe Things we do.I do like to stir the pot for sure.
  13. There we go ,thats exactly what I want to here.you to eh!Except I caught a g/f and snuck her out the door.Funny thing is, We were all visit her family,and i dodged out for an hour cirlcing the block to pick her up and she had to wait at the dinner table and drink all the milk.So she can head out the door for some more.I bought the milk and I got the some more.oh ya.My dad knew what was up,and her dad (not a clue)
  14. just your most memorable/funniest moments to head out regardless,thats all.Kids waiting up all night and crashing at the door,whatever,doesnt matter I have plenty.And yes my kids slept at the door way togo fishing too.And using my tackle box as a pillow also.
  15. Thank you kemper,thats what I wanted to here.Im laughing now.Been there,done it.Lets hear others?
  16. Mine is when I packed everthing into the car at 4am,I went to the basement to double check on gear and such.when I got back up I found all my gear on the floor and all three of them sitting in the starewell.Giving me an I dont think so mister.All three of them, wife and kids.Darn,Thank god I hid a rod and some tackle in the car.I took them to st jacobs for shopping.On our way up,I made a pit stop,HEHE,the kids were happy and the wife was fuming.We did go shopping after all.She was still fuming all the way back.
  17. A cheapo kids tent and some matting, that shouldnt create a problem at all.Buy two.I did when I wanted shelter.Then no issues and you both have a back up.Just in case.FYI Those tents will fly across the lake like a parachute.So will the clam but not as bad.HEHE
  18. A backing stove,a pot and some soup and 2 bowls.That cured it last weekend.I have the same a never treated it.When the sun is high it will warm the fabric and you up.As for the wind to go threw the fabric,I prefer it.Esp when I get the stove going.
  19. Whatever you decide on, dont split on a hut/boat etc.Ive been there and seen many others in the same situation.It will go down hill for sure.You may loose a good friend and fishing buddy over a measly 2 bits worth.Its not worth it at all!I lost a good long time friend over something in the same manner.If you cant afford a hut then buy 2 cheap pop up tents, then go from there.No quarrels and you are both sheltered.AND STILL BUDS.just my 2 cnts worth.
  20. Well there are lights on it and hoping it doesnt scare them off at those depths.But it may work the other way.
  21. Sure,get me going!Im sure its the 100ftr for sure,it looks like for sure.Ahwwww.I dont need another prep job tonight.
  22. Dang ding nabbit roy,now I have to measure it.I know I bought the one with the longer 100ft cable.I know I did.Took long enough to coil it up.Darn ,another prep job for the AM.
  23. Im headin out for some deep water and packing a fish finder and an aquaview.The deepest I used the view was at 25 fow.At 80ft or so in clear water will it be the same on screen?clearity and viewing distance?I know to spin the camera around is going to be some work to stay focussed on my bait.Any comments would be great.thanks in advance.V
  24. I had my clam for 5 seasons or so.No issues so far.Seams are holding fine even the windows havent cracked yet.
  25. Hey Roy, could you manipulate our skyway bridge signs in the hammer to say. BRIDGE UNDER WATER .Just a thought
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