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Everything posted by ricoboxing

  1. i grew up fishing that lake in the 80's. we used to catch bass, and sunfish/perch. back then there werent any crappie or pike in that lake. used to ride our bikes there and fish all day in the summer.
  2. yeah, i thought about getting one but when i saw the sale at lebarons for 149 for a minn kota 45lb thrust i had to get it. i use my boat mostly for duck hunting so having a trolling motor makes picking up decoys a whole lot easier. Im not gonna be trolling around the lake all day, so a smaller one is better for me.
  3. how the hell were you able to remember that conversation? did you record it? LOL
  4. hey guys, I have a little 12 foot jon that I bought a min kota 45lb thrust to use as the main motor. What would be the lightest deep cycle marine battery out there? I used to have on of those energizer ones and it weighed a ton. I saw a smaller deep cycle marine batteries at walmart for $107, so I may go with that if I can't find anything else. It's not that im a wimp and can't pickup a heavy battery, its because the weight capacity on my boat is only like 300 lbs. thanks
  5. Aloha! Hawaiian Barbecue is a full service bbq caterer. We provide on-site event catering for a wide variety of functions throughout Ontario. You can also taste us at many events and festivals accross the GTA. Check our website for event dates. Hawaiian Barbecue Website
  6. glad it ended the way it did. lots of loser parents these days will take their kids side no matter how wrong they are. im sure the kid will learn his lesson. i did way worse things as a teenager so i guess people do change.
  7. i see tons of them in the shwa. i live down by the oshawa creek and hear them howling all the time. even seen them pop out of the woods and stare us down (while i was walking the dog) had to charge him to scare him away. they are in pretty thick and no longer fear humans. One evening in december there was one casually walking around lakeview park, and I use to see a scruffy looking one around the GM plant on Stevenson Rd.
  8. i think the only parade that leafs fans are going to this summer is that one on church street
  9. the only thing i really buy there is dog food, we have a free membership. i dont think i would buy one though.
  10. Hi all, a co-worker is visiting from Houston Texas and I wanna take him ice fishing on friday. I've been to cooks bay a couple years ago (from the keswick side), but will go on from the Gilford side this time. Can anyone give me some tips on where to park, get bait etc? I found some place call innifill bait and tackle on some other threads so i guess thats the place to go. I will also need a non residence license for my buddy too. thanks for the help and sorry as this question probably gets asked 3X per week. Just wanna catch some perch, even if they're dinks.
  11. its a lose lose situation for the guy so he did the right thing. beat the girl = he's a wussy for beating a girl lose to the girl = he's a wuss for losing to a girl
  12. couple weeks ago i did my e test (98 toyota tercel 425K), changed the oil and filter the day before, brought it in cold, and it passed with flying colors. the type of driving you do makes a huge difference, so make sure you let her fly down the highway a few times too.
  13. I bought a shotgun there on boxing day once. I don't think you can combine it with your lebaron's card though.
  14. no they would ban bridges
  15. I was at the park last week and didn't see very much shore fishing spots that looked good. Better off going a little east to Belleville or up the river (Moira I think).
  16. matrix and vibe are both made in cali
  17. I bought a bass boat on kijiji, already sent the $$ to nigeria, now im just waiting for the boat to be delivered. should arrive soon! :D
  18. you are correct sir - only topics that are about fishing are allowed here, and they MUST be about fishing in ONTARIO :D :D
  19. maybe you should start snaring coyotes :D :D
  20. getting head butted hurts alot more then getting punched in the face. I've been punched in the face 100's of times so I know.
  21. congratulations, you have just cut your fishing time by 80%
  22. wheres the kitchen, and 3 piece bathroom?
  23. maybe he's too hungover to post?
  24. I blasted my first coyote last week, and hope to shoot some more this week. Some people will never understand why we shoot coyotes and crows, just like some people just don't understand why we find so thrilling to catch a big musky, take a picture of it and toss it back in the water. I love doing both and will continue to do so as long as they are legal, so have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
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