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Everything posted by ricoboxing

  1. i took the kayak to the bog on saturday and didnt get a sniff. had a great time paddling around though.
  2. nice job young one. im still trying to get my 1st, but i just don't put enough time on the water.
  3. u r a fishing machine!
  4. yes rodeo is very cruel, poor animals! think about it makes me hungry, I think im gonna eat my veal sandwich now.
  5. you will get fish at this place called Burds, you can access it off hwy 48
  6. i work 70 km from home, but i got flexible hours, so i start early and leave early. like most others said, its not the distance that kills you, its the traffic. i also drive a 98 toyota tercel so i get 650kms on a full tank. i work in a pretty shady area, so the further away from work, the better.
  7. as long as its legal, and the fish dosent go to waste, i dont see any difference than using a rod and lure to catch some dinner. It's no different than going deer or duck hunting. At least you get to choose which one you wanna keep, before catching it.
  8. nice job. i took my dog out for a bike ride and i think i saw you (along with the 50 other people).
  9. that was me in the background of your second pic. you shouldve asked me to take the pic for you.
  10. yesterday was a day off for a lot of people, which explains the crowds.
  11. i did that once around Christmas, and the lady said she didnt know.
  12. i fished frenchmans last sunday afternoon for a couple of hours. got skunked, there is still LOTS of ice there. people still icefishing and kiteboarding on the ice. i was planning on taking the kayak there next weekend, but with all the ice, it dosent look like it will be boatable until may.
  13. i fished frenchmans last sunday afternoon by for a couple of hours. got skunked, there is still LOTS of ice there. people still icefishing and kiteboarding on the ice. i was planning on taking the kayak there next weekend, but with all the ice, it dosent look like it will be boatable until may.
  14. just another day at the office for you two!
  15. No offence but what does this thread have to do with fishing?
  16. your kid is only 5 years old. i just saved you 9 bucks!
  17. yo that sounds like fun. If it wasnt so dam far from me. I'll probably do it though. I'd drive up to an hour from Oshawa, and I'm willing to fish for anything. I think in a large body like Lake Huron, we would be in the hands of mother nature though.
  18. nice fish! u gotta show me the ways sometime! I still havent caught a steelie. I checked the creek on monday, and it was mostly frozen
  19. Nope, I heard they got a few winners before. about 41 years ago. I wonder if I'll ever live to see the leafs win a cup. I'm 30 years old and I expect to live till 84. I doubt it.
  20. mmmm looks good. makin me hungry!
  21. she should've changed her name to Dumbass
  22. ESPN Sport Skills Difficulty Ratings well according to these ratings from a panel of experts, it ranked... drumroll 60th Dead Last!
  23. fishing is a sport. a recreational sport. fishermen are not athletes. Anyone who thinks fishermen are athletes, were probably never athletes themselves.
  24. hey congrats! who needs a boat when you got a kayak!
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