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Everything posted by Marko

  1. I dont know how many times I`ve seen people catching fish, ripping it apart and then taking the roe from it and chucking the fish in the garage. Its a normal ocurance when fishing for salmon and trout in the tribs.
  2. For us with no boats and who do a lot of river fishing, this summer has been awful. Water levels are usually high, murky lots of crap flowing around. I don't remember last time where we had 2-3 sunny nice days in a row where it didn't rain.
  3. Good luck Mike, Enjoy yourself and catch a big one!
  4. Decided to leave work a little bit earlier today, was tempted by the sun and the blue skies. E-mailed John and asked him how rivers were and he told me that they should be good to go. I was telling my friend, that was with me, how much fun it is to chase carp in shallow rapids especially when you can see them take your bait. I hoped that was going to be the case today. River was a little bit high but you still could see them swim around in couple of different pools. In the very first pool i get this little guy. Two casts later, fish on and the line snaps, so i am thinking it happens what can you do. Couple of more casts later fish on, spits the hook, i am shaking my head thinking its going to be one of those days. I see two fish swimming around, cast couple of feet in front of them and one of them hits it, it starts peeling my line and SNAP, line snaps again. Now i am ticked off. Decide to go to a different pool, give fish a chance to settle down a little bit. Put a worm on to try to get some bass. First one of the day Same pool cast again, this little guy hits. So i am thinking this is working out somewhat better then carp fishing. Couple of more casts another one I am thinking I pulled enough from this pool and off i went to another pool. First cast and this guy hits it Meanwhile my friend isn't catching anything nor is he getting any hits so we decide to go to a pool where we saw bunch of carp swimming around Couple casts in and he hooks into his first fish Not even 5 minutes have gone buy and he is hooked into his second fish of the day. This is him trying to chase it down, left the net in the trunk lol. This is the fish. Meanwhile i was trying to clean the pool of smallies and they weren't shy. They were not very big but sure do put up a great fight. Couple of more i got in the same hole. This guy had some scratches on its side, not really sure where they came from. Now it was my turn to try and catch some carp. Went to my car and change my spinning reel, my line kept on snapping for some reason. Its really weird because i had used that reel couple of days ago and it was alright and today even the slightest thug on it made it break. Any who, it wasn't too long before i hooked into a carp Little baby Slightly bigger one and me fighting it And my friend not to be outdone, he catches one more I also ended up catching couple of rock bass and one really big sucker. Caught couple of more bass and couple of more carp but didn't take pics, my battery was running really low. All in all a really good day
  5. http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/Downloa...ppowertoys.mspx If you go to that windows website, scroll down, on your right hand side you should see "Image resizer" Download it and its easy after that. Right click on the image u want re-sized and just select the size of the copy. Fairly simple.
  6. Thats not bad at all for grand. For me usually its a struggle, but way to go
  7. So now that you caught a fish i can consider you as my guide when i get up there. You raised the bar prety high by catching that monster. Great fish none the less, way to go!
  8. Morning John, Yea all fish went back in the water, i`ll give it a try next time. Maybe i can lip some Thames bass when i catch them haha.
  9. I tried liping that big one but didnt quite work out. My shirt was covered in fish slime, should have seen the look on my gf`s face when i showed up at her house lol. If looks could only kill haha, guess she knew what i was up to lol. For some reason i thought only large mouths get lipped like that, not small mouths.
  10. On my way to Ottawa this weekend decided to stop at Mississippi river, i think. Figured i am going to check if the bass have returned to their little hole and get some rest after a long drive from Kitchener. Bought dozen of worms, split shot and a single hook, bottom bouncing for smallies. Sounds simple enough, it gets a little tricky with rocky bottom tho. Here are the results, This guy was half decent and had a heck of a time pulling him through current. And my personal best, this thing was a monster, my hands are fairly big so this picture does not do it much justice. All in all, 90 minutes great spent, ran out of worms again, but will be back in couple of weeks.
  11. Great looking fish, looks like i missed out!
  12. I dont mean to Hijack the thread but i havent seen any posts from father of 3, his nick was something along those lines. He posted quite a bit last year, bass and carp. Hopefully all is alright.
  13. Good to see you got into some fish. nice report
  14. Linning is the way to go and a big reel LOL
  15. Welcome aboard ! I fished Mississippi river 2 weeks ago, right of hwy 7, its my resting place on the way to Ottawa. Great looking pics, looking forward to some posts.
  16. Emil, aka IceFisherman was kind enough to take me walleye fishing with him this morning. He was looking for a partner and i wanted to fish so after couple of PM`s we finally met up at 4 am and off we were to Burwell. Great guy he is, knows his fishing for sure. Weather was calling for nice and calm morning and we were in the water by 5:30. There was barely any wind, less then a foot waves, it looked like a perfect morning. Emil had a fish on shortly but lost it. After some debating, he took one of mine 7 foot medium spinning rods and set it up for down rigging, after some 30 minutes i had a fish on. I swear i thought i was just pulling some weeds or somebody`s garbage bag full of water but it was a nice eye, my Pb just reached 27.5 inches. Then Erie got really angry and the winds have picked up drastically, those 1 foot waves turned into 5 feet waves, we still trolled for good 2 hrs under these conditions and managed to get some Giant Perch, don't have pics of them but those guys were massive. I snapped couple of photos of the lake, the picture doesn't do it justice. Its unbelievable how it changed in less then 30 minutes, scary actually. Emil tried really hard to get us on some more fish, it just didn't work out today. Thanks a lot bud! It was great meeting you! Cheers
  17. Marko

    Carp Pics

    Those are pretty awesome shots!! They have been doing that for weeks in this lake where i chase them. Carp fishing has been really weird this summer. John what are u doing swimming with carp lol
  18. Sorry to hear that the weather didn't co-operate with you guys. Wind is a funny thing when it comes to fishing, it can make or break your day. Better luck next time!
  19. Steelheads are one of the most beautiful fish around. Love those pics of steel in snow!
  20. Thats probably the nicest thing I have seen in days!!!
  21. Would that be in all Walmart`s or just one up your way??
  23. Wow,awesome looking fish. Keep fishing i am sure you`ll get even bigger one!
  24. It got really nasty really fast here in Kitchener. It was cloudy all day and all of a sudden the sky just turned black and start thundering and rain started coming down like crazy. Stay safe people
  25. I dont think there is carp up there Victor , Those big pike ate them all ahah. Love reading your reports man, just some great scenery and some great fish.
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