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Everything posted by Marko

  1. Marko


    Welcome aboard!
  2. It does look like i am holding them a little tight doesn't it. These fish were feisty and had some attitude, put up a great fight. Yes John we can head out, not sure how much this rain messed up Thames again.
  3. On one of my many trips to Ottawa I have seen some premium fishing spots, but never took my time and stopped and fished some of those spots. This time i decided i was going to stop on couple of places and try them out. So off i go, out the door at 8:30, hit this spot later in the day and these are the results. Kept fishing really simple, worms and a split shot, i guess i am old fashioned and like to keep things really simple. These are the results, John you`ll be proud of me 12 worms = 12 fish All the fish went back in the water to swim another day, and all of them went back right to the same hole for me to catch them next time. All the pics were taken using my cell, its not the easiest thing while standing in the water and holding bass with the other hand lol. Hope u enjoy the pics! I promise they are not the same fish snapped 12 times haha.
  4. Yea i am leaving today, last time i left Kitchener at like 9 and i got stock in CAMBRIDGE for half an hour lol, the rest of the trip was ok tho. Thank you for replies
  5. Hey guys does anybody know when does a morning rush end between Toronto and Oshawa. Traveling from Kitchener and going east, not quite sure when to leave. Thanks to anyone who might know.
  6. Last i saw from Stoty, he was asking about some lake North of Kingston, I think, I know he was asking about some lake where he was supposed to go fish with his buddy. Gerrit, I am not sure.
  7. cant your just recover your password using your email?
  8. Bottom line is if you didnt do anything wrong then there is no reason not to give your fishing licence to the police officer. Lets say you didnt catch any fish and stopped to Costco on the way home and bought some trout. If Police officer asked to check your trunk and found 10 trouts from Costco sitting in a bag would you get in trouble?? How would you proove that the fish sitting in your trunk is from costco?
  9. Catfish has no hair on its head, bat does ewwwww.
  10. Thank you John How is it going?? How is Thames doing these days? Still as muddy and just as high?
  11. Ozzy bit a head of a dove and spat it out lol. He was in a studio when he did it so i dont think he got paid for it.
  12. NOOOo wayyy Thats not the fish that i would jump on with that big spear as nose lol. Crazy tho
  13. As fisherman, how do we know who is allowed to stop up from fishing and who is not. Is any security officer allowed to come up to us and tell us to go away or ? I know when Co or OPP or Police show up and tell you to leave, you just leave no questions asked. Not sure about anything else.
  14. Just get him to call the cops and then explain yourself to officers when they show up. I am sick and tired of these idiots roaming around not letting people to fish. This isnt the first time that i am reading about people telling fisherman not to fish here and there.
  15. Haha. I am a big cub fan and i follow all the teams in division prety closely. Reds need to get rid of Griffey and maybe even Dunn and start rebuilding. it would be great if they could get some half decent young tallent for those two but i dont really see anybody biting on Griffey. he has struggled a lot this year and his defence is still prety good but not as good as it once was.
  16. You guys got Volquez in a trade and he has been incredible, guess the trade has worked out for both teams. Dusty is ruining them this year, bringing up all washed up cubs players that played for him when he was here.
  17. Grab some electrical tape and tape it up lol.
  18. That was a show he put on last night!! If stories like that don't inspire people then i am not sure what will.
  19. That old man got LUCKY!!! That was the first bass that i saw being caught this year lol Pretty sad.
  20. Its probably just jammed. Happened to me quite a bit when I used to play basketball. Its gonna get better in few days
  21. Welcome aboard man. Hopeuflly you`ll get into some Thames bass soon.
  22. I fish to give my body and my mind a break from our daily hustles. Going to a lake or a river is like an escape from work, friends, gf`s. Once i am on the water i leave everything behind and its just me and the rod and the fish.
  23. I was there on saturday just before the rain. Didnt even know those ponds were there untill my buddy called me and told me about it. Caught buncha sunfish and some perch. Saw a fisherman across pull something big out, Thought it was a carp at first but it was silver.
  24. It was great finally meeting you John! Took couple of tries and the weather cooperated finally, but unfortunately, the fish didn't. The big fish has alluded me again, there were couple really big carp swimming under that bridge, tried my best to get them to bite to no avail. That little pond looked promising in Shakespeare, I am pretty sure water being murky had something to do with fish not biting. We`ll get them next time. I didn't want you to take pics of me and blue gills because I`d hate being only one in the picture with the fish ahaha.
  25. If my memory serves me right there was a guy in here using them and he got some large mouths on them. I think he did quite well.
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