On one of my many trips to Ottawa I have seen some premium fishing spots, but never took my time and stopped and fished some of those spots.
This time i decided i was going to stop on couple of places and try them out.
So off i go, out the door at 8:30, hit this spot later in the day and these are the results.
Kept fishing really simple, worms and a split shot, i guess i am old fashioned and like to keep things really simple.
These are the results, John you`ll be proud of me
12 worms = 12 fish
All the fish went back in the water to swim another day, and all of them went back right to the same hole for me to catch them next time.
All the pics were taken using my cell, its not the easiest thing while standing in the water and holding bass with the other hand lol.
Hope u enjoy the pics!
I promise they are not the same fish snapped 12 times haha.