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Everything posted by Raf

  1. rowdy roddy piper
  2. ahh ok. so you're out in a rural area with limited internet access. been there done that -- most people living in urban centers don't realize the state of rural internet in canada is akin to a 3rd world nation. your options for internet providers are satellite, wireless through the big three telcos -- which had pathetic usage limits when I was on it, don't know if it has changed, or, if you have a local guy providing wireless 4g. the last is likely your best option if available. until then, any of these boxes will be able to play local content on your tv but that's about it.
  3. the android boxes are good but require more tinkering than the Roku/WD boxes. if you're looking for a no nonsense device go with the latter. chromecast is a nice device but as noted can be glitchy and definately falls into the tinkerer category. still not clear on what you want to do with these devices though. you mentioned streaming audio, do you watch netflix or any other online services?
  4. on a side note, glad i'm not the only one who despises those automated menu systems.
  5. i am no biologist but seems to me another difference between lakes where the two species co-exist is depth and size. the max depth of 30-40' found in the kawarthas is a mere shoal on the bodies of water where they live in harmony. there are exceptions (st clair and nipissing -- but what they lack in depth, they make up for in size). not sure it means anything just an observation.
  6. definatley something to keep in mind but for every one that won't there are 5 that will provided it is wett certified. i know all-state won't.. whether it is wett certified or not. so now i have my auto and home separate. i'll be switching come renewal time to take advantage of multi policy discount (if it makes sense to do so).
  7. RickOnt's enticer looks immaculate given the year.
  8. webster's definition of bonehead: ottawa senators fan
  9. educate yourself and take control of your finances. read some books on the topic [wealthy barber is a great place to start and should be part of school curriculum]. don't rely on investment advisors/financial planners. they make money whether or not you do. my investments are self directed, it's not rocket science. if you work for someone else, many companies match rrsp contributions, take advantage of that. you're still young, markets go up and markets go down, dont worry about the speed bumps. over 30 years, you will come out ahead. these days many people are relying on real estate (their home) as their retirement nest egg. better make sure it's paid off and there's no bubble.
  10. i still use a monochrome on the front of my boat and on the ice. i have no issue with it, tells you the depth, you can see your lure and the lakers chasing it on the screen. i say go for it. colour is a nice-to-have but a bit overstated IMO.
  11. don't know your location but those electronics places on matheson near dixie/401 have them for cheap. i think i paid $12-15
  12. good time to pick up a block heater timer & cord @ CT too.
  13. Nice sleds all. I cant imagine 112mph on a sled but sounds fun. Id be happy with something light, slow and reliable... ohh and cheap.
  14. Interstate are made by Johnson Controls who also make Die Hard, Duralast, Kirkland (Costco), Everstart (Walmart), and Prostart chances are, you get the same battery with a different sticker (and price).
  15. thai and indian as far as ethnic stuff goes but ya can't beat a steak on the barbie along with baked potato or a good ole fish fry.
  16. i'd go with your gut and initial impressions and stay away from that place. buy from an OFC'er! i did and am very happy.
  17. Art's seems like a good compromise. I too like carpet for the reasons already listed and dont think I could go or like all vinyl.
  18. looks like a 5500 series reel? you brought a knife to a gunfight. still, the reel should not have snapped like that
  19. all is well as atrocious as those last two losses were, they are just that.. merely 2 losses. doesn't matter if you lose 1-0 or 10-1, just a loss.
  20. I finally got my 1st nigerian scam email after hearing about them for years, today. Thought there was something wrong with my money.
  21. if you move around on the ice, a flip-over is the way to go in my opinion. the pop-ups are ok if you get out, put it up and stay in that spot.
  22. 75-80 km/hr gusts and squalls for us tomorrow. think i'm working from home.
  23. yep.. and snow squall warning for tonight and tomorrow. with gusts of up to 80km/hr..
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