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Everything posted by PERCHER

  1. 2011 Ford Explorer. http://www.ford.ca/app/fo/en/suvs_crossovers/explorer.do
  2. pink pink pink then watermelon
  3. There you go Dad.You should be very proud of your daughter and yourself for raising an extremely talented and intellectual young lady. Way to go to her and your family. Dan
  4. Sounds like a great day!!!!.It's always nice to come in not skunked.
  5. P-Line and nothing but.......p.p is like dental floss.
  6. Brian the boat turned out GREAT! Super job.And far as getting you out on the water.It was my pleasure.There is always a seat in my boat for a good Buddy.Buddy. Dan
  7. Like Fisherman said pictures go along way for ideas.There is lots of rigger guys on the board that could give some great suggestions if you posted a couple pictures. Dan
  8. Thats great news.I have been a grand parent for the last 2 years and have loved every second of it. Grand kids make you feel young again. Dan
  9. I have a couple ten pounders you can have for 25.00 each. Dan
  10. Kevin the river gonefishn is reffering to is the outlet.If you need any info on east Lake send me a p.m.I fished that lake for 10 years. Dan
  11. I had the same problem with my bases.They ended up replacing them under warranty. dan
  12. I also had detached retinas in both eyes caused by diabetes. Hem raging caused the retinas to detach.After surgery it took a while but made a full recovery. Quite similar to Pikehunter.Actually Dr Wong did one of my eyes at St.Mikes also.Now 17 years later I have 20/20 with my glasses. Best of luck .Hope all goes well. Dan
  13. I passed through Sudbury on Thursday on my way to Timmins for work.I tried fishing a few small lakes on my way home Friday with no luck.Glad to see you managed to get something. Dan
  14. See I told you they could lift an engine Brian.
  15. Head down to Bakers Baits in Napanee ang get yourself a couple spinners called the Canadain mint.They are on the left wall as you walk through the door.Place a large split shot on your line about 2 feet ahead of the spinner and tip the lure with a dew worm.Make sure all of the worm is on the hook don't leave it hanging off.Slow troll (1-1.5km) on the out side of weed edges.And also troll into the thick weeds anywhere from 4ft deep to 12 feet.In the high sun you will find walleye in the thick weeds.The mouth of the Napanee is a great place to start.In the evening try along the hydro lines.I hope this helps and good luck. Dan
  16. Great report Jen.Thanks for the tip.We hope to make it out that way on the weekend. Dan
  17. Now that's how it's done.Great job.I'll tell you if I ever was in need of a salmon charter you would be the man for sure.Nothing like a boat full of HAPPY customers.Good going Steve. Dan
  18. How true Lew
  19. Welcome to the club. Dan
  20. The Opti's rock.You will love the performance and fuel economy.
  21. during the salmon derby not wanting to bring in any fish that wont make number 1
  22. The only thing I dont like about mine is the hook is too small>but that will be modified this summer.Other than that no complaints.
  23. I think I will head out in the morning for some trout with wiskers. Good luck to all the trouter's
  24. I had all the same problems.Upgraded to Google Chrome and they all went away.Maybe a fluke I don't know.
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