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Everything posted by PERCHER

  1. I pilot rock's that will be the next additiom to my Terrova
  2. Or go new Terrova with I pilot
  3. I had seen a few good deals on some used 55lb Minkota Power Drives in the OFC classified's
  4. What is a Motor Guide
  5. I am all for P-Line.Not a fan of Power Pro at all. My nickel
  6. To far back on the corners makes them harder to operate.Ideal place is where you would have ample floor space to access the riggers.
  7. dang surgens
  8. I have to Sedona rear Drags .Great reels.You can pick them up for 59.00.
  9. Just don't mount them to far back.I had no other choice.
  10. Darn net book
  11. If you can post a picture of the boat maybe a few of us can give you a couple ideas.
  12. If you can post a picture of the boat maybe a few of us can give you a couple ideas.
  13. If you can post a picture of the boat maybe a few of us can give you a couple ideas.
  14. If you can post a picture of the boat maybe a few of us can give you a couple ideas.
  15. Good to hear from you Shawn.Hope everything is going well.Dont be a stranger there is always a seat in my boat for you. Dan
  16. Way to go Pete.Just keeper going.
  17. Put it on the truck.
  18. Thanks for the tips.We might just have to make special trip now just to try them out. These are the post I like to read peoples personal techniques. Thanks
  19. Count in one more here. Dan
  20. Seems to be more mobile friendly then before.Now i use my rassberry more often for the site. Dan
  21. I also agree with Rich there should be some fee paid for the use of the classifieds.Even if it was a small fee you had to pay to even place your ad.You could even leave the other ads in the threads but place them at the start or at the end.They dont bother me at all.You never know they might even come in handy for someone one day. Dan
  22. Happy Birthday Wayne...Have a great day Dan
  23. MikethePike your motor of choice last year was Honda and nothing but.There was no talking you out of it.NO way no how.You cant just flip engine loyalty over night and have nothing nice to say about the first motor.That's why I say Yamaha or Merc and not always in that order.If i was a 4 stroke it would be a very tough decision but if it was a 2 stroke I would say Mercury Optimax HANDS DOWN>>Now don't always beleive what YOUR dealer says..... Just my unvalid 2 cents worth of jibber. Dan
  24. allways seem to do well with canned corn.Whole kernals not creamed.
  25. 1bolt and 2 drain plug washersers.If oil wont leak out water shure wont leak in.
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