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Everything posted by PERCHER

  1. My vote also goes out to Bay city Marine.I have always delt with Doug and have been very satisfied with there first rate service.I also purchased My Minkota Terrova and my Huminbird from them Cheaper than anywhere else. Dan
  2. Where are you located?If you want to come down Oakville way I would take 5 minutes to take you out and teach you all I know.It's not much but it's enough to get you started. And my choice of riggers would be nothing but Scotty's. Dan
  3. http://www.minnkotamotors.com/products/acc...on_handles.aspx They are not that expensive.I used one on my 50 hp Merc. Dan
  4. Thats the way to do it.The best slime has to be salmon slime.Congrats on a great day with the new boat. Dan
  5. Congrat's Dave.Even though I am not a baseball fan I will be keeping an eye out for this one.Oh ya go easy on the dog he's just trying to help. Dan
  6. I beleive its an injected motor with no idle adjustment but you are right it should troll pretty slow..But the 2.5 should fit no problem and if you need the steering bar and a motor lock let me know.I have both of them kicking around gathering dust. Dan
  7. Way to go Brother!!!!!!!!!! Just teach them how to chuck past the gunnels
  8. Sorry to hear about your wing there Bud.I hope it mends well for you.Don't worry you should be good to go for your next salmon trip in August.And just think you wanted a sport bike or a pocket bike.Take care and I will see you soon. Dan
  9. Maybe a stuck needle and seat?
  10. I can't help with the cottage but WELCOME ABOARD. Dan
  11. Mike I enjoyed the post and I am looking forward to August.I am glad you guys had a good time.You and Ryan are always welcome to come out and visit and do some fishing. Dan
  12. Thanks Cliff for the report.I really enjoy seeing parents out fishing with htere kids.Oh you should thank Bly for going on her girls weekend.Because you ended up with the better deal.A great memory. Dan
  13. I have had a couple of p.m's from guys who would like to get out and experince salmon fishing but either don't have the gear or dont have the boat.If any one has room and wouldn't mind taking someone out for a few hours could you please post it. Thanks Dan.
  14. Nice looking fish.Hope to see you out there. Dan
  15. Oh and I promise to never offer to tie it to the dock or even tie mine on the same lake. Dan
  16. All I can say is congrats and that I am in total ahhhhhhhh.A Lund Pro v and a Verodo and a 9.9 Pro kicker.That boat totally screams B L I NG.Congrat a totally great boat for two totally great people.You and Paul totally have earned it.Now come on out on Saturday and put some salmon slime in it. Long Live the LUND> Dan
  17. Glen if it was on the way to the ramp I would be more than to happy to pick you up.But maybe Mike will since he is on the road anyways.Now that Brian taught me how to catch salmon again maybe Ryan will get a huge one this time. Sonny we are always out on the pond.Anytime you want just shoot me a p.m and we will meet up. Dan
  18. Wel I invited Mikethe Pike and his young lad Ryan down for 3 days of utter Salmon Slammin.So far their wil be Mike,Ryan.Rob,(memart)Brian (SlowPoke) Peter(Bitme)And Who ever else would like to come out.Weather so far is looking good.And with a bunch of boats out ther we can share the info of the bite so we all end up with burnning arms. We will be launching out of Bronte at 6 a.m and packing it in when every body has had there fill of Salmon slammin. Maybe we could all hook up at a resteraunt for some wings and pops afterwords. So who ever wants the offer is open to all. Dan
  19. I have 2 Brand new 12lbers I will let you have them for 50.00 for the pair.
  20. You need to look around.Prices vary.You really should have a minimum of a 10lb ball. Any lighter and the ball will not be almost straight beside the boat. Average price on a 10lb ball is around 20.00-35.00.You mus have been at CTC at 50.00. Here is what I see for weather and it depends where you are located on the lake.
  21. Hi guys and girl I have a job opening for a parts driver at a large and very busy Mississauga dealership. The job would consist off delivering parts ,Keeping wharehouse clean,and helping out where ever else needed. Canidates must be over the age of 25 (due to insurance reasons),able to lift up too 50lbs and have a clean drivers license. Please fax all Resumes to 905 828 1715 attn Dan.
  22. what can I say he is my brother.

  23. Rob Is Great guy to talk to.Straight forward and honest.What else would you suspect from a fisherman who owns a Lund.


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