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Everything posted by solopaddler

  1. I've had the lead core slip on my reel at times with braid for backing. I use mono now, no issues.
  2. You won't be getting a response from Old Ironmaker I bet.
  3. My first trip to the Sutton I broke my amber lens polarized sunglasses 3 days before departing. Couldn't find anything suitable last minute. Steve actually sold me his own personal pair that he was wearing at the time to help me out LOL! In general I'm a huge fan of Greg and Tim at Bill's Bait. Friendliness and customer service cannot be beat.
  4. Yep add some to the gas and let it run for a while.
  5. I had a 2 horse 2 stroke Yamaha for years, amazing motor. It shouldn't sound quite as loud when it's in the water running, but yeah they're a tad noisy. I'd run some seafoam through it if it was me.
  6. I like 10lb Nano on my float reel. Have also used 12lb and liked it as well. Beyond the fact that it floats it's so thin and slippery you'll cast 20% further without even changing your mechanics. Just don't run it below your float because you can't clamp shot to it. You need to run a didicated shot line if you're using Nanfil.
  7. Dont mean to derail the thread but you have seriously got to be kidding LOL!
  8. Thanks for everyone's input! I've been on this board a long time and this is the first time I've ever been the creator of one of those stupidly long non fishing threads. The kind that gets 10x the number of views and responses than a fishing report that took you several days to create LOL! I've always thought it's kind of funny that a thread like "what's your favourite bbq sauce" can get 100 times more responses than something you poured your heart and soul into. Everyone has an opinion though and I have enjoyed reading them. Cheers
  9. Cool report Bunk, enjoyed that.
  10. Thanks Doug, I don't have any issue with trophy hunting either. In this case it was a compromise on her part that was nice to see. She was trying to appease her dad.
  11. No kidding eh? My daughter is so much different than I was at 10 it's staggering. Thanks Mark. I asked her tonight where she got th idea from and she swears she wasn't influenced. Knowing my daughter I tend to believe her. It's actually not a bad idea aproaching Lezlie, it certainly makes for some interesting discussion. Do I know you? LOL! Thanks Nick
  12. Interesting, I had no idea. Back in the day I loved Ironsilk as a mainline, however the one negative was it sank like a stone. It was great on small/med water, but terrible when making long drifts on big water. The floating aspect of some of todays mainlines is such a huge advantage I doubt I could ever go back. I was given a few spools of Bloodrun late last fall and so far have been VERY impressed with it! I'm still a fan of Nanofil when temps are above freezing but I'm thinking Bloodrun will fill the niche for sub zero float fishing.
  13. Some well thought out and heart felt responses guys, thanks! That's what I love about this board.
  14. I'm thrilled that she thinks for herself. I do nurture this trait. Upset because she's 10 and I think it was a misguided notion on her part. Thankfully the issue has been resolved. I guess I'd be okay with that as long she's not knocked up at the same time. Exactly Gord. Thanks Joey.
  15. She never ceases to amaze me. In an attempt to stick with what she believes in and appease her old man, her topic is now "Why trophy hunting is bad and meat hunting is good". I really think she's going to be a lawyer because she wins EVERY single argument. LOL! She's an amazing young girl.
  16. Why's that? Well see that's the thing, she's still only 10.
  17. Brendan doesn't care one way or another, unless I'm cooking bacon. His bacon quotient has gone way up since his sister stopped eating it LOL! Anyhow I think I\m going to give up. I'm going to give her a call and tell her its her choice.
  18. I get what you guys are saying, but she's still only 10. I do agree she's entitled to her opinion and I HATE imposing my will. But when do you stop being a parent? I suspect you're right Wayne, she's been influenced by someone that's for sure.
  19. You're not helping Wayne LOL!
  20. I need someone to agree with me, even if it's anonymous people over the net. I love my daughter. For only 10 years old she's fearless, incredibly smart, and unbelievably strong willed. Back in November she announced to us that she was no longer going to eat meat - although she didn't tell us why. Not too surprisingly she's stuck with it and been true to her word. My only stipulation was she must have some source of protein in her diet and she's managed to do that. Every week she plans a menu for herself and either me or my wife takes her shopping and gets her what she needs. She also cooks all her own meals herself too. As I said I'm very proud. Now yesterday she tells me she's entered a regional competition and will be doing a 5 minute speech in front of hundreds of people. Again I'm so proud of her. At her age there's no way I could've done that. Like I said she's fearless. Here's the problem. Earlier today she tells me her speech is going to be about how hunting and killing animals is bad. This goes against everything that I believe in and the very way she's been raised. I tried to explain why it wasn't a good idea and gave her my reasons, but she's ultra stubborn. A lot like me. I finally snapped and put my foot down and told her she had to find another topic to talk about and she lost her mind. Both her and my wife are currently ganging up on me right now and I'm wondering if I did the right thing. What do you guys think? How would you handle the situation? It sure is true that they don't give you a handbook when it comes to raising a child LOL!
  21. What I like to do is dust the fillet in fish crisp, dip in milk/egg, then coat with panko bread crumbs and fry. Awesome
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