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SRT8 smoker craft

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Everything posted by SRT8 smoker craft

  1. it depends on a bunch of things but most important is the weather conditions this year I would be willing to bet you will get drop backs into early june in some systems at their lower reaches a freind if mines GF caught her first rainbow on opener and it was still tight the anal vent was not even sticking out yet and it was a nice 7-8lb chrome hen definately a spawner .rainbow don't die off like salmon unless they are at the end of their life cycle they spawn a few times during their life I don't know exactly how many times they spawn .do a google search for a more in depth explanation.
  2. That will be sweet for deer creek good job and great deal.
  3. Good luck with the brownies I will be after hungry drop backs hopefully without anyone else around like usual. But they were lined up 20 deep at the local CT for fishing lisences. Just gonna ty my roe and get the gear ready can't wait till 5am.
  4. I don't think they have carried these for very long I noticed them in the fall and I think they were a new product then I'm gonna put some hours on them in the next 2 weeks if they suck ya have 30 days to return them.
  5. My store only showed 1 pair of 11's but there was 3 on the shelf I find most CTC stores that are chain owned (some are independant) don't have a clue what's in their inventory your best bet is to call or go into the store and check it out yourself.
  6. I went and picked up a pair of breathable waders from canadian tire they are regular $199 on for $99 they are very comfortable and seem to be well made and you can't get a pair of boot foot breathables for $99 anywhere that I've seen. If you need a pair of waders go check them out ,and if anyones had a pair for a while how have they been for durability and comfort during a full day of fishing.
  7. I think proctor marine does them there not sure how it would work since u already paid but you could give them a call.
  8. Boats ready to rock hopefully tomorrow for some gators we will see
  9. I will also keep my eye's peeled for any have seen some at lawnsales and stuff will pass info on if I find anything you guys looking for just sportspals or just a good canoe .
  10. They sure are doesn't matter how crappy a day your having they can make you smile. But when they get older it doesn't matter how good a day your having a teenager can ruine it lol. Thanks guys
  11. Another try. Teaching him young hope he gets his first fish this year.
  12. Nice it actually worked LOL. Real time fishing reports from the boat ???
  13. Kaleb and hi easter present.
  14. It didn't work it was the this post is useless without pics protesters pic let's me go through the motions but the pic doesn't show gonna try photobucket mobile.
  15. Don't know if this worked but I'm JK anyway trying to add a pic from the blackberry 40" pike is a beauty.
  16. Sorry dude add yourself to my friends list in my profile and I will try to remember to PM you if I decide to sell it
  17. Well fella's Bill passed and I think I'm going to hold onto it for now if I decide to sell again I will ONLY post it on OFC classified to give you guys a chance at it hopefully I will have some crappy swingin over the side of it soon thanks for the interest and I'm very sorry to have changed my mind but she's a sweet ride.
  18. here's some better pics I went and picked it up before it sold it's in better shape than I thought got it cleaned up and the transom looks like it was dropped and it dented it a bit I filled the back with water and it didn't leak still waiting to hear from bill . Oh and sorry this is in general discussion admins.
  19. so I went and looked at the canoe and it looks pretty good I think it might have a broken rib at the back and been a repair of some sort to the transom, its a square back not a full transom it's 14' with the foam seats from sports pal and comes with 4 paddles this thing hung in the garage and was barely used . let me know if your still interested Bill and I will set it up.
  20. skinny I,m not to far from you I will keep my eye's peeled !
  21. Bill has first crack at it as he was first to show interest but if he doesn't end up buying it I will pm anyone who is next in line pretty sure it will be gone and Bill will be the proud owner.BTW I wish I could afford it but I can't so I will pass it on.
  22. Bill I will go get the details tomorrow and some pics.
  23. pretty sure this ones bigger than that and has build in seats looks like it came that way but I'm not sure .
  24. Hey guys/gals I found a lightly used sports pal square back canoe for sale and was thinking about picking it up to resell if its worth while not looking to make much but I know people like these canoes and are lookin for them and I'm pretty sure I can give someone a good deal and still make a couple bucks in the end if your looking for one let me know
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