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SRT8 smoker craft

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Everything posted by SRT8 smoker craft

  1. LOL I love how some guys actually think the dudes serious Merc's obviously a smart and just trying to joke around .Fuuny post Merc a little weird even for OFC but funny none the less.BTW you need to go
  2. The energizer batteries are no more at walmart the are now called everstart but are the same thing I beleive they are IMO the best bang for the buck at around $100 and they last a long time. if your TM is a 36v than your looking at $300ish +tax for everstart or $700ish + tax for optimas
  3. Those kids will be millionairres LOL thanks for the laugh Beans
  4. Nice reel I was considering it but I think I will put in a few more bucks and get a sahara and a citica I was playing with both at the london show and these "lower end" reels have improved by leeps and bounds over a few years ago the citica feels as good as my 3 year old curado's and the sahara is a better reel than my white and gold stratic ever was IMO
  5. They are actually priced fairly low compared to some premium hard baits that the bass guys buy (I rarely use cranks )I will definately be putting a few of the perch in the cart when I do my annual shopping spree at BPS this year I have yet to try them but I am more than willing to pay the few bucks more for them over the rapalas just because they look so good their preformance on the water will determine if I'm a repeat purchaser or if I will stick with old faithful rapalas I can't wait to try the frogs though.
  6. Hey buddy thinking about you guys hope everything is A-OK like you said. Roy there's nothing "sucky" about loving your children no matter what it takes.
  7. I just watched it from 6-9pm but WFNHD not the 426 channel haven't noticed any issues
  8. Thats why they make both I do like the cable steer but I have gotten used to the electric and the terrova is supposed to feel simalar to the cable steer so I will see when I get it .Thanks Roy I never looked there didn't even now radioworld sold TM's good to now .And the shake and bake name is great
  9. Fire was in 2003 so it's been awhile most wounds have healed .you are definately getting up there I would take pics of all your gear atleast so you don't have to fight with them .Now back to the tackle LOL
  10. Thats why most of these guys have all the pics of their tackle for insurance purposes I catalog mine every year and give my broker a copy of the list with pictures I didn't do it last year but will be this year for sure I had a house fire and lost about $2500 in gear ins adjuster said I was lying LOL I prolly have $7000 worth now + the boat so he would laugh in my face they want to give you the least amount of money as possible so the better you protect yourself the better off you will be if something terrible ever happens unfortunately I found out the hard way
  11. Thanks Lew I ended up going with the terrova so I can upgrade to the I-pilot later really like the idea of not having to work the foot pedal on rough days .
  12. Congrats on the new boat sounds like a awesome rig one thing I would suggest is look into a terrova for a TM the wire steering is nice but in the larger tinner the abbility to move the foot control around the entire boat is nice and you can add the i-pilot or get it with it and the long shaft fortex are hard to find I looked for them and 54" was the longest I could find in stock and for your boat I would go with 60" either way you will have a sweet rig and the HDS 7 is nice but I just bought mine so I can't really comment on it yet .
  13. I missed ya on monday, met Maureen I believe you were out side at the time my father in-law loved the "I out fish grandpa" shirt I picked up Kaleb. Are you guys going to the london show this weekend ?if not I will prolly be going to the sportsman show anyways.
  14. Their called paycheck lures and its a punch skirt hope ya find them easier than I did.
  15. Muddler that was a mud puppy you caught did it look like this Sorry for the corpse pic only pic I have of a mudpuppy and that one was huge . My weird catch was a 22" Black Pacu someone dumped into a pond that thing fought hard and was mean looking.
  16. Thanks it will definately allow me to get out more and the bay won't be a problem.
  17. I have been looking for these for a long time now finally found them at the TO show can't wait to chuck these in the slop .
  18. Thanks Frank can't wait to get it on DC for the fish-a-thon so I can see whats really going on down there in the deep waters with the HDS7 unfortunately I wont have the structure scan by then but I have never really had a good graph so it will be cool to see were the fish are specifically the browns.
  19. That is a awesome story I really had to fight the tears back to finish reading it .
  20. Thanks Devy its good to hear first hand reveiws couldn't even find a single vid on you tube for the 1825.
  21. Thanks guys and gals ! Smally let us know mabye we can make a point of meeting up one weekend on the water .
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