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Everything posted by walleyejigger

  1. have u ever tried "dealing" with your local shops, i've had great success in it, i think that if u shop at a store a few times a year for all things, wether it be a rod or a pack of grubs, or even stop in every once and awhile for a chat to a point where they remember you, (don't have to be big budddies) they might be willing to drop prices for u and give you discounts for your business, works for me, i try and stop in at least once a month if i can even if it's just to browse, when i want to buy fishing gear or takcle i hardly ever pay ticket price anymore, doesn't hurt to try,
  2. my uncle was the "ass double" for that add, there ARE some stunts that even chuck can't do
  3. it's a shame, how can we expect our resources to stay intact without important man hours out in the field by our CO's at all times of the year, sometimes just having them out there is enough of a deterrent, those are gonna be some expesive blueberry cupcakes, they should have a confiscation sale instead ( fish, wild game, boats, atv's, equipment etc.)
  4. i think it's partly a mentality of "well i can do that", i work at a rink and u never see people watching oldtimer games or pick up games cause anybody can do "that", in these games u wont see fights or big hits or superstars so it's not entertaining, it's like showing strangers your home videos, sure for u and ur family it's great for the memories, but for a stranger it's just plain ol regular life no different than their own, TV is entertainment and some run of the mill everyday occurence is no biggy, not sure if that made any sense, it did to me anyways to the original question, more often than not after "events" that went on last game the next game is all hype and no action, after all these teams are battling for points in the same conference and injuries and suspensions could be very costly, also if something were to happen and someone gets seriously hurt, it could be considered premeditated intent to injure kinda like the bertuzzi incident, (if you look back at the tape peters' action's on heatley were almost identical to what bertuzzi did only heatley didn't go down, therfore not injured) well just gonna have to wait till sportscenter, cause god forbid we see a game other than the leafs on CBC, or having games "blacked out" on other channels because u don't live in the area
  5. i try not too but it might happen what i was trying to say here is a drag stops as soon as there isn't enough tension to make it go, meanwhile by the time ur brain registers that the fish isn't pulling as hard anymore and tells ur hand to stop u'll have given slack in backreeling, might not be much, but it doesn't take much to lose a fish
  6. i've never backreeled, don't see the point, a descent quality reel's drag should be able to handle fish better than backreeling, i only use 6-8lbs test line and have landed plenty of big fish, including a 17lbs pike and 20lbs pike with no leader (wich took runs away from the boat), and plenty of 10-12lbs pickerel (which peel away staight down) and i have never once felt that the drag wasn't doing a good enough of a job or that i could do better back reeling, as i see it how do u know if a fish is taking a big long run, are a short one, or a roll, or just dead weight, how do u know to back reel slowly or quickly a pike or musky on a run would probably take off quicker than u can backreel, while a pickerel or laker may just go down at a slow but steady pace, IMO u'll might realize too late what the fish is doing, also if a musky takes a big run then stops or turns back your drag stops instantly, meanwhile u might backreel one turn to much and it will get slack anyways i'm happy with the drags on my reels and don't envision myself ever backreeling in the future
  7. is it just me or do u find that more daylight later in the day makes u feel more upbeat, early winter when it's dark around 5oclock or so is somewhat depressing, just thinking of having daylight passed 9 oclock this summer puts a big smile on my face
  8. nice pile of fish, sometimes i wish we had panfish like that around here, seems to be a good time
  9. it's the length that counts not the girth
  10. i voted for mono, but it's "ice" mono, so maybe it falls under tip-up specific on my ice rods i use regular mono
  11. good stuff, my money is on the peanut butter and chocolate
  12. gas yesterday morning here was 85.9, today it's 96.9 and just drove by our local CT gas bar (which has been open for less than a month) and the sign says sorry, no gas
  13. u don't see those to words together very often....... cheap...&......gas
  14. good stuff, can't wait for the movie, i hear MR. Bean will be playing the main character
  15. i've had to chip ice from around the boat in the morning and dodge ice chunks on the lake on the long weekend, but if i had to do that..........
  16. let her read the end of your post and if she still wants to spend the money on u CHACHING, but if ur not comfortable with that send her up here, i could use a new spinning reel
  17. i'm in it to win it..... but i'm used to being disappointed
  18. wow some big names there, ur mother told u to quit horsing around for a reason...... that's why play fighting is somewhat of an oxymoron TERRY SAWCHUK - Then: Had a record of 15-5-4 in 1966-67, a 2.65 GAA in the playoffs, allowed just two goals in Games 5 and 6 vs. Montreal. - Post '67: Claimed by Los Angeles in the expansion draft. In 1970, after play-fighting with teammate Ron Stewart, he developed gall bladder problems and died of complications.
  19. JR. then Busch
  20. now you'll be walking lob sidded, it's hard to tuck a loonie in a g-string so u should carry crazy glue with you
  21. not as big a race fan as some, but would still like to join, if it's OK, but don't know what site to go to
  22. my bro's still waiting, apllied dec 1 supposed to be in china right now, he's tried calling several times a day every day since new years and hasn't gotten thru once, i'll let him know about 1-1-1
  23. perhaps some antifreeze on a steak left on the lawn..... j/k u shouldn't punish or hurt the dog cause their owners are idiots, if revenge is the route u choose take it out on the owners please
  24. i'd enjoy racing alot more if they had a race in northern ontario in the middle of winter, see how good of a driver they really are, how fast they can pit in -35 degree weather GO JR. GO
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