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Everything posted by walleyejigger

  1. super slow for me too, 3rd post i try to reply to, lets see if this one works results from test (mumbo jumbo to me) Communications 1.8 megabits / sec. Storage 216 kylobytes/sce 1mb file download 4.7 sec. Subjetive rating Great
  2. very cool, i'd love to see something like that
  3. a local shop here in sudbury last year was doing it for 25 bucks per blade, balanced and painted, and if you leave a deposit he'll give u a loaner, but it would cost u more in gas to get here
  4. just got my "brown envelope" today, very sweet indeed, thanks everyone, it is very generous of you
  5. welcome aboard Rickster, sorry for your loss Alex
  6. just took out the slush mats from the truck and cleaned it out a little bit and some sort of moisture came out of my pores, what is this, why am i not shivering anymore, looks like it's gonna be a beautiful weekend, the last one i gotta work till mid august, i've worked every weekend since last august so i think i'm due, boy it's gonna be a looooonnnggg one
  7. not much of a basketball fan but looks like i'll be leaping towards the bandwagon, can someone tell me what..... "onions baby! onions" means, i hear it pretty often during the games and have seen lots of signs but i have no clue
  8. cool pic, your dad looks like hugh hefner with a babe on each side and his chest out
  9. he's red because he's clifford the big red dog, if he was called clifford the big blue dog, i doubt he'd be red
  10. most times grocery stores sell sea smelts, totally different than what we catch from our great lakes, sea smelts are usually bigger, (so u may want to remove the bones after cooking) and sea smelts have a much sweeter / richer taste, i find they taste a little like crab legs, sea smelts and "regular" smelts are barely comparible
  11. happy belated b-day, ur a lucky man, i wish i was closer to ottawa to unload those tickets for you,
  12. i remember the good ol' days when all u needed was a garbage bag and a few strategically placed holes, wait a minute..... that was last summer
  13. only "problem" is that it's not warm enough
  14. i've been getting an error page all day, this site (OFC) is running very slow for me right now
  15. wow, very generous, thx again
  16. way to go Bly, looks like team 9 has a ringer,
  17. i didn't get to go to the game as i worked another rink last night so i don't know about taking away all the noise makers, there is a rule in all of the city's rinks that noise makers such as horns and sirens are prohibited but this rule is usually never enfroced unless there are complaints from surrounding patrons, only thing that we try to discourage is the loud blow horns (like for boats), it may be true but i doubt it you'd be surprised how many ppl show up with( i got damaged hearing from one of your events, I"M SUING) Staal gave us some good hockey and you wont find a sudbury fan who doesn't think he deserves to be in the NHL,
  18. WOW, those are beauts, keep up the good work
  19. They both got killed by the Wolves. And Barrie got swept to boot. WOOHOO Bring on Belleville!!
  20. wow 3 minutes, i got lucky on that one, guess i don't have to rush home from work, lol thanks TJ, Extreme Angler and Irishfield
  21. trannyfish, dang, now i gotta go to work, hopefully an early night, and maybe there be a last minute/hour contest HINT HINT
  22. warm rain!! it may be awhile, still snow in the forecast, hopefully it's soon though i'm itchin to get out there, a gauge that usually works well for north shore huron is around the beginning of 2nd round NHL playoffs
  23. i've seen on a few occasions pike grab little ducklings in shallow water, the animal kingdom is pretty cool
  24. if it weren't so expensive, i'd definately get some mounts, being a hobbyist cabinet maker/craftsman i'd love to make one of those coffee tables with a couple of pickeral mounted inside, but $$$$$$, so i've been thinking of making a sort of lamp with a couple of small perch inside 8" or so, making it look like an underwater seen, i have the vision in my mind i just gotta do it
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