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Everything posted by walleyejigger

  1. wow that's messed up, he was one lucky fellow, or was he.... maybe it was a botched suicide attempt
  2. only some towns have bylaws enforcing this and other smaller ones dont, we drive thru the heart of a small northern town dozens a time a year actually right in front of an OPP station and have never been bothered, we even cross the highway at a few places and run along side some places, most we've ever gotten from the OPP was a wave, onece a couple riding in our group ran up the highway about 400yds to where we were to cross only to come face to face with a cruiser, he put his lights on and kept going as a warning i suppose, once my brother (alone)got checked for his papers while waiting at a railway crossing and an officer pulled up behind him, after he was done checking the papers and was walking away he pointed to the back seat and said "only one person on these machines eh" but we've met them countless times 2 on an atv with no hassle, guess they're just nice i spoke to a female officer once and she said if were not breaking other laws and there are no complaints we wouldn't have any problems, now try any of this around here at home and u will get a fine no ifs ands or buts
  3. voted fergie because with him in there they keep holding on to maurice and sundin, so all three of them should have already been let go, don't get me wrong sundin is an elite player and carries the team on his shoulder, but when are they gonna get it in their head that its not enough, get rid of at least one goalie also and promote a young one from within the orginazation, (look at montreal) on a brighter note they r getting closer and closer to a first pick LOL GO HABS GO
  4. man those r beauts, make a man jealous
  5. my old man went thru yesterday morning and the water was over his hood, cops were directing vehicles 1 at a time, he just got home now and said he came back thru again this morning no problems, but a big sign saying the road is closed is still up south of point au baril but plenty of traffic goin thru
  6. i know a few folks with their huts on the "village" of vermillion lake, the road has been plowed on the lake for about a week and alot of people driving on it, pickeral are supposed to be bitin pretty good right now, 12" ice some spots 10" rained like crazy yesterday and still today so don't know what that's gonna do been workin like a basturd lately and until the new year so haven't been able to get out, hopefully by the 2nd
  7. 65 degrees n ur wearing a big sweater like that? that's shorts weather
  8. i think the big companies and gov't use my nieces excuse ................. BECAUSE..............JUST BECAUSE
  9. i spend 80% of my time fishing back trolling, but even that isn't slow enough for me sometimes, i mix it up with a lot of neutral
  10. "OK OK I GIVE ITS MY LUNCH" wow, you can really pack it in there...lol looks yummy, i'm jealous
  11. but near the boat there was a splash, oh my with a pike the smallie did clash
  12. frozen fish never swim upstream
  13. a fish chain, (no fish attached) and an eyeball, jiggin for lakers in about 70 FOW, felt a tap, set the hook, but missed, few minutes later reeled in and had a nice eye ball on one of the trebles, in the summer was a small pike with a set of spreaders in it's mouth, also caught fishing rod, net, lures gallore, clams, a sock and 2 anchors
  14. first one looks like "bottom of the crisper surprise" and the second pork n beans ??
  15. looks like it's all florida's fault........ DAMN YOU FLORIDIANS
  16. don't boards like this have filters to block out such filth, how dare you....
  17. i'm to cheap and stick with Bell's, i didnt have hair on my chest till i started drinkin that stuff,
  18. great, i just spent over an hour on metacafe,
  19. you ever see how they torture 007 in the "new" casino royale james bond, those are the type of 100 lashes he should get, so simple yet so effective
  20. WOW, what a brute, and ur first one to boot, congrats on a successful hunt and to many more
  21. wow, a christmas present like that tells me one thing, you must have been a very naughty person this year, might as well get coal in your stoking, lol
  22. http://www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/communic/statisti...EN_20070727.pdf thought some may be interested... found this link printed in the new regs and decided to check it out interesting info if you have the time, such as # of fisherman, male /female resident/nonresident money spent on tackle, boats,lodging etc... species caught, % released etc... and more if your bored and have time on your hands, it makes an interesting read ps. i didnt read the WHOLE thing, it's kinda long btw, i've never taken such a survey in my 28 yrs of fishing and never heard of anybody who has
  23. very nice, something to be proud of
  24. fine.... i wont look
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