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Everything posted by walleyejigger

  1. happy b-day man i'm old
  2. ahahahahah now that's funny right there
  3. i second cheapies like the rapala ones, not that i dont know there are better ones out there, i'm just fed up of leaning over the boat and hearing sploosh, or sitting on them or losing them, at 20 bucks a pop it doesn't hurt as much as over 100 bucks a pop, although it doesn't seem to happen as often anymore i'm very unlucky with sunglasses, glad i don't need regular glasses............yet
  4. "It is surprising to anyone that the least rude of all countries has 222 million guns?" which country is this?
  5. caught one last week, jigging in about 100' of water with a spoon for lakers, not what i was targeting but that's how i caught it
  6. what's the point of this thread, get a life AHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA
  7. launch a torpedo, there's no time to waste time is precious, launch a torpedo
  8. never wear a pink tutu, unless u WANT it posted on the board every now and again for everyone to see and laugh at you, never post your new muskie recipe and never, ever worry to ask advice about anything and everything, because someone on this board knows how to help you
  9. dang, big cash and licence booze isn't even included
  10. "because the fish don't wait"
  11. very cool the "second title" could be changed color, the white is hard to see on the baby blue background "fishing sport show-online fishing directory-fishing directory"
  12. anybody ever see a show from michigan with a host called Fred Trost???? or somethin like that, used to see it on PBS but haven't seen it in years, i really liked that show, it was general outdoorsy, hunting fishing camping, he wasn't any good at anything and didn't usually catch anything but i think he made a good show, i remeber one the whole show was about they had bought an RV and were going somewhere with it in the middle of winter and they got it stuck in their parking lot in the snow, HILARIOUS, simple show about nothing really, he also had weekly reports on what's biting where on what thru out michigan in every show, anyways, very primitive but informitive and entertaining in my opinion
  13. not abig fan of fishing shows, but i do enjoy some episodes if that makes sense, tough to find a show that fishes the lakes i fish, they always seem to be down south or up north to fly'ins, also there way too much bass fishing on tv, i like bass fishing as much as the next guy but how many episodes of it can u watch, never musky fished but would rather watch a show on it than ANOTHER bass episode shows need more variety to make me a fan
  14. sweet lookin tires, took me awhile to find the jeep lol
  15. think it might be my next game to pick up
  16. was lookin thru the site to see it would be anything i'd be interested in, looks like fun simplyred, the one you went to near gogama up to the tower,(the air is thin up there) i go there over a dozen times per summer, my folks have a trailer in gogama and we leave staight from there on our quads, beautiful spot, my name is scratched in the side of the shack, my dog "superman" jumped off the cliff exactly where ur pic of ur dog is after my nephew threw a rock over, thought she was gone forever, but a few miutes later she came crawling up the mountain without a scratch, how she did it is a mystery to me, the lake u fished in has some decent pickeral in it, and the lake behind the gravel pit has some good smallmouth
  17. that's some awesome pimpin', great job
  18. had my ps3 for little over 2 weeks now and i'm addicted, too bad games are so expensive, i've got NHL2k8 and medal of honor airborne, i enjoy them both REALLY lookin forward to GTA4 PSN id powergrub, but i'm not hooked up very often
  19. was at 2 CT's in sudbury yesterday and they both had augers, picked up some x-raps for $5 at walmart
  20. i'm a lefty, spinning with my left, baitcast with my right, i have better leverage with my dominant hand and need more while baitcasting i also can cast a spinning with any arm but baitcasting much better with my left
  21. i'm also a lefty but have always reeled on the right with baitcasters without issue, find my left arm and wrist to be a little stronger so handles the fight/leverage/less fatigue better on a baitcaster than my right
  22. never used any (i'm a yammi user and abuser) but i have a buddy who had a honda foreman when they first came out with electronic shift and it would often get stuck in 3rd gear, he'd have to stop and shut the bike off and restart it , was apparently a common issue with those bikes but i'm sure has been fixed by now, good luck on ur decision, ur gonna have a blast
  23. hahahahahahah, aaaaahahahahahhahaha come on, i bet the only cars found that fast are found at a timmies, i wonder why hhhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahah just kiddin, sorry coppers out there, but u gotta admit the irony is a little funny, glad they found ur car fishindevil, hope all is good i heard that encoded keys can be quite expensive to replace aahahahahhahahahhahah
  24. can be pretty hard depending on how long apart between visits and how cold it gets out there, start with sealing up the drafts around the bottom of the hut, don't pack snow cause it can freeze ur hut in, we put cardboard all around, snow pack the bottom, and tape the top, leave the holes in the floor open when not there, and put something over the hole, we use big pieces of 3/4" black rubber (as big as u can get in and cover it with some snow to insulate). then buy a spud and hope for luck, works well enough for us in the north but if ur not there for over a week and the temps go to -30 u may be SOL
  25. check it a couple times a day (but dont always log in) in the winter, summer i can go a week without, wonder why? CABIN FEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! not able to at work (good thing) we only have a handfull of websites our IT dept. let's us peruse, mostly work related, I can only check the weather network so many times, CBC, local paper, rest is work related,
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