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Everything posted by walleyejigger

  1. in Sudbury we have a little known by-law that states dogs cannot bark, an anonymous call to the spca and they get a phone call of a complaint, if it happens again they investigate and they can be fined, it doesn't have to be a neighbor to complain could simply be someone walkin thru the neighbourhood that heard ur dog, even if it's in ur house
  2. very nice, and dark
  3. very sad indeed, i've been wadin in that river many times smelt fishing, by this time of year there isn't all that much current at the mouth of that river, i imagine his waders must of filled with water and he couldn't get them off, like said even in "easier" waters u always have to be extremely careful,
  4. it is indeed against the law as it's considered wasting game, even the folks who clean they're partridge by stepping on the wings and pulling on the legs could be charged, even though there isn't that much wasted on a small bird like that, i used to be one of the lazy/unlawfull ones when i used to duck hunt, we used to just carve out the breasts, this was told directly to me by a CO in the timmins area 2 seasons ago, i've always plucked partridge
  5. my first saturday off since august, my pooch and I headed out to algoma mills yesterday in hope of a few smelt, got there around 7pm and there were a few folks already pickin their spots, so i headed for the short drive to blind river to pick up a timmies and came back just before dark, the dog took a few swims across the creek and to ppl's amazement diving and coming up with rocks, once darkness set in it was pretty much elbow to elbow all along the creek, i left by 12:30 as it started to rain/snow with only a half a 5gal. pail to show for it, which is a heck of alot better than the skunko of last year, and someone stole one of my nets, i was told that the run is done on manitoulin and would be done in algoma within the next day day or two mmmmmmmmmmmm smelt for supper mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, if u can find me i'll share
  6. yep, where we fish walleye opener on the long weekend of may, alot of ppl go out for the night bite at midnight
  7. congrats, nice bird, just curious what gets mounted on a turkey? the whole bird? the spurs and beard? also how many tags are u allowed?
  8. Sorry for the crappy day misfish, hope u can get ut there and get ur bird anyhow, they were probably to lazy to go out and scout like u have, saw ur vehicle and said hmmmm someones hunting here there must be turkey's,
  9. looks like a good time, regradless of the bite, beautiful colors on kitten fish, on you....not so much, I did spot the ducky, the little orange legs give it away
  10. you lucky dude, wow 70 bucks now that's a deal, just checked the sites and Wings ticket range from $55-150, habs $44.30-305.65, sharks $55-255, Dallas $19-188, Pens $75-225 didn't check the rest
  11. build it and they will come and by "they" i mean everbody u know, and some u don't
  12. for the past few years i've been using a rapala (black rubberish handle) and love it, easy to give a quick sharpen and fairly flexible (gotta use a knife with flex) last spring these knives came on sale at CTC for 9.99 and i bought 5, one in takcle box, one in trailer, one at home, one in truck, and one "all arounder" i used it to butcher a bear and 2 deer this past fall, ( flex worked great for deboning and thin sharp blade was great for removing "silverskin" and cutting steaks) and i have no complaints, i' also have a short blade wooden handle rapala knife which is great for small fish, this one stays sharp longer than the bigger ones If u learn how to clean a pickeral with cutting thru bones it will also stay sharp longer (and IMO a nicer fillet and quicker to do) i have a buddy who swears by the electric and have seen him clean fish a few times and it seems to do a good job, if they were to come on sale at a REALLY good price i may by one
  13. wow, that is a big burger when the seasons have been good i like 1/2 moose 1/2 deer burger (we already cut our deer burger with 1/4 pork) slice o' cheese leaf o' lettuce and a toasted bun NO CONDEMENTS
  14. nice day, beautiful fish, "sight fishing" is a great experience
  15. congrats, very cool, looks like u should be the one with the show never understood fishing shows (professionals) needing a guide to go fishing, kind of an oxymoron
  16. Anybody who's been watching the playoffs must have seen this last week, As much as I enjoy Don Cherry and think he can be entertaining he also can be a real boob sometimes, U can hear Ron Maclean laughing off camera, will be a classic Hope u enjoy
  17. i second the stove top, couldn't be easier or tastier, another "recipe" with stove top, throw in a pack with hot mashed potatoes, and let sit about 5 mins.(don't have to precook the stuffing) mmmmmm tasty
  18. i used to love charteuse beads and black/chartreuse 5 of diamonds blade
  19. absolutely incredible, nature is unbelievable, bird"s got balls, goats are even chasing it around and the eagles just hops/flies away, just toying with them just imagine the things that are going on in the world that hasn't been caught on camera
  20. this is what i remember of the progression of my pickeral fishing 1st was warm harnesses 2nd was a gold spinner type thing we called a cuckatoosh 3rd was go getters 4th was floating jigs 5th is and has been for a long time......lead jigs
  21. thrilled/relieved with the win, Price truly deserved and earned the shutout, nice to see captain koivu in fine form again, the bruins and their fans should be very proud, the rioters/looters should be very ashamed
  22. if ya watch the games both teams are pretty even on the diving, guess you guys are watching with one eye closed,a shame either way, and if you've watched any habs regular season games you'd see that they've brought up their physical play quite a bit, the first three games were quite physical, they're stepping up in that area but it's the only one IMO, they need to get back to their game,
  23. man o man, my boys are gonna gimme a heart attack at way to young an age, full credit to the bruins on stickin it to them, but i still believe in le tricolore GO HABS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i'd pay good money to be at the bell center on monday alright let the ribbing begin
  24. GSP BABY unfortunately i'll be working at the time, i tried to get tickets when they came out, wow harder to get than a playoff hockey game
  25. yup bad game for the boys,(well half a game anyways) and a tough lesson for price, looked like a "workplace injury" instead of doing it the safe way he tried to take a short cut and got bit, oh well live and learn, he'll bounce back, sure makes it a whole lot more interesting, lovin the flames/shark series aswell GO HABS GOOOOOOO
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