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Everything posted by TC1OZ

  1. I'd say launching from land would be the easiest (I don't have a boat, sorry I can't help lol)
  2. TC1OZ


    Woo hooo! Only 1 hour left! Got lots of crap to do around the house..the wife is having friends over... Maybe a good time to sneak out and get some uninterrupted fishing in! (probably not till tomorrow )
  3. Nice fish!
  4. TC1OZ


    LMAO! I admire people who have the patience to do that travel every weekend...let alone monday-friday!
  5. nice fishin!
  6. I am with you on that one...maybe he is just poorly over estimating on the 2 mins....if not I think you are 100% correct... 120 mississippi's is a long time for any fish to be out of the water.
  7. 2 Mins.. maybe they were weak and 2 mins was just too long.
  8. TC1OZ


    Anyone one else stuck at work and glad its Friday?
  9. That is so awesome! I'm super excited to take my kid fishing, once he learns to walk!
  10. I've been clicking for over an hour...still no PORNADO. False advertising!
  11. Thats awesome! I hope shes doing well!
  12. Nice fish man! I'm jealous of your fishing abilities, canoe, boat, and girlfriend! hahahaha!
  13. I swear to god the same junk emails make it around to EVERYONE at the same time!!!
  14. He is on the fence about the 6 or 8, and 2wd or 4wd....not what brand he should buy. As everyone says..there are horror stories with every brand. Since we are getting off topic, may I suggest buying a house on the water, then you wouldn't need the truck?
  15. Some of those look magical
  16. Congrats!
  17. Wouldn't this just be a matter of preference? Like depending on how you would be sitting in the boat and depending on if you are left or right handed?
  18. I guess this is where the phrase a bad day on the water beats a good day at work....I am currently at work living proof of that statement!
  19. Looks exactly like where we were fishing on the weekend. Text book bass fishing area....but where the hell are all the fish?? lol
  20. Ohhhhhh man was it ever a great time! So many close calls with that storm and the tree! I'd add more but I think he pretty much covered it all!
  21. How am I supposed to keep my figure for the ladies with that life jacket on?
  22. Awesome catch!
  23. Awesome stuff!
  24. Bon Voyage! I think that's right...
  25. Exciting! I also own the brand that no longer exists!
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