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Everything posted by TC1OZ

  1. Nice fish! Looks like you had a good time!
  2. I like the idea of keeping it until you have a son or daughter you can pass the gear onto! That way they won't catch more fish than you!!!
  3. SOLD!
  4. Sorry to hear! Memories last forever, make sure you are as memorable as she is!!
  5. nice fish! looks like a good day!
  6. In Fort Erie you can hit up the Niagara River & Lake Erie at the same time. I ALWAYS see guys out on the Niagara River & the Lake.
  7. I lost faith in the clinch knot when went to cast out my first buzz bait I ever bought, and watched as it continued on further than my line..and down to the bottom of the pond! I almost wanted to jump in after it...I figured I might as well start throwing $10 bills into the lake I should of probably checked the knot....instead of just casting/casting & more casting... Either way, I'm renaming it the Clinch NOT!
  8. Anyone played this game? Wondering if I should just rent it or go ahead and buy it! Let me know!
  9. Fish is fish! Nice report!
  10. Double Uni Knot is very strong in my opinion. Palomar Knot... Double Surgeon Knot... Different knots for different applications should be the over all consensus. If the question was what would your most common knot be, I'd say Palomar.
  11. I usually only eat the haddock from the fish and chip place....but that looks amazing!
  12. I will have to stop by Dominion live bait to grab some minnows before I head out! Crazy story! I've had my brushes with tornado's in Arkansas and Alabama :closedeyes:
  13. I want to get some of those Brekley Gulp baits with the activator crap...looks good on the commercials but so does EVERYTHING.... Are they any good?
  14. Thanks for the report....I WISH I could wear my toque in the summer.
  15. He's got a job now lol! Go for the boat if you can get it/afford it! I'm looking for one now...even thinking about a canoe if the price is right.
  16. You could distribute the entire boat to my drive way! Solve all your problems hahaha!
  17. I wonder if they were doing the typical catcalls.... "Yo baby shake that thing over this way!" Or my favorite Peter Griffen "YOU SUCK" lol....but hes no good.
  18. So I don't have a great uncle in Africa who won the lottery and left it all to me when he died? I guess I shouldn't of sent that western union check for 2 large!!! lol j/k.
  19. Already got a trip planned then...sounds like a once in a life time opportunity
  20. I bet she won't top that PB in her life time! hahaha
  21. Tons of places in Fort Erie, anywhere along the parkway you can launch into the Niagara River or anywhere along Dominion you can launch right into Lake Erie!
  22. They offer lots more at conservation areas versus a public park. I agree we already spend enough tax dollars, so its either raise taxes MORE and make conservation areas free or put a cost in. And conservation societies are local to the city you live in. Like I said my "city" has a free conservation park, but theres basically a pond and a walking track with some bathrooms. Anyways, you get what you pay for
  23. Probably his budget I don't see why everyones complaining...if you don't want to pay, don't go. More room for those of us who don't mind paying.
  24. Funny report! Nice fish!
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