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Everything posted by TC1OZ

  1. what the hell? Why post the story if your not going to give us a heads up on the manufacturer...if you think it might be someone at the store, could you give us a store name (I assume in fonthill area?)? Better not be no frills....lol
  2. All I have heard is a few stories on the news. So I assume this isn't 100% then...?
  3. I heard about this but haven't read anything from the government yet... Is this a for sure thing yet?
  4. Too funny... Hopefully the parents realize they need to do a better job teaching him right from wrong....
  5. And by joke you mean true story?
  6. That is an amazing catch I'm excited... Some Niagara people PM me if you guys want to trip up to Barrie, or lets get organizing the Niagara / Hammer region g2g?
  7. I don't know your situation, but like the one guy said who has a wife and a kid...if the opportunities right and the factors are in your favor....how many chances do you get to travel and make money? Go for it if you have nothing to loose!
  8. Welcome to the board! I just did my "first post" and its definitely not my first post...hopefully I get a nice welcome hahaha!
  9. Great stat! haha
  10. From the looks of things to properly warm up to everyone I should of done one of these posts to being with...So I start off with an apology. Main reason I didn't post because I didn't take pictures of any of the fish that were worth posting. So heres the summary : Packed up the family and headed to the cottage in Parry Sound, a beautiful 10 acre island on Georgian Bay; Victoria Island to be precise. Over the entire trip which stretched from July 3rd to July 15th we only got a couple complete rain out days! The water was nice to swim and everyone had a good time.... Now for the fishing. Majority of my fishing was done around the island off the shore, occasionally I got out on the canoe so I could cast into the spots blocked off by trees and what not. Caught more small mouth than I can possibly count. Nothing too huge but all were exciting! I have no stats on the fish because all I went up there with was a $20 dollar rod and reel set from Wal-Mart with some live worms! No scales for weighing the fish...I guess I could of brought a measuring tape...anyways I'm rambling now. Needless to say thats why there aren't many pictures, because I didn't think I was going to get "hooked" and take up fishing as my primary hobby. The few pictures I have (below) are from the front of the island where the kids hung out, so there was someone around taking pictures here and there... We did go out on the lund several times, I am still waiting for my brother-in-law to text me the picture of my first Pike! Boy was that a thrill bringing that in. Nothing huge at all, but much bigger than any of the fish I was catching off the island. I will post that once he sends it in. He's currently working in the islands doing cottage cleanup, what a neat little company! Anyways, I guess that ends up my report! I can't wait to go back! Decent size small mouth : Tons of little small mouth off the dock, pretty much guaranteed a fish every other cast : And lots of these guys + rockies...someone thought they were funny and would take a pic of me:
  11. I don't know from experience. But from looking at peoples pictures...if you were to get a "sit on" kayak the tops are more flat and you can store stuff behind you and in between your legs. Versus a "sit in" kayak the room is limited to the inside diameter of the kayak in front of you...and if your flexible behind you... I saw some pictures yesterday of a sit on kayak and the guy had a milk crate with a rod sticking out...more than enough storage for someone like me. And the reason people are going for a kayak over canoes because of the weight factor. Most kayaks are much much lighter than a same size canoe. Hope this helps!
  12. About time, everyone else gets screwed with taxes in this country.... Good thing all the good deals come from China anyways!
  13. Just build the enclosure on the boat and make the kids think they are special when its their month to sleep in the boat !
  14. hahahaha I'm sure its been done with every state/province/country but still funny none the less!
  15. Solid fishing/eating! hahaha!
  16. Carp always look like they are not impressed with being held out of the water...I know no fish is happy about it, but its the eyes...they are almost saying "what the hell are you doing holding me out here..."
  17. Solid fishing! I'm gonna bring my camera this weekend, hopefully post my first report!
  18. I wish I did something like that when I had the opportunity... Wish you all the luck! Sorry no advice!
  19. Any decision yet?
  21. http://maps.google.ca/maps?hl=en&ie=UT...=16&iwloc=A I believe there is a $4-5 dollar fee. But its perfect for taking children and your almost guaranteed fish!
  22. Nice pics!
  23. I'm going to my first fishing tournament next weekend. (shore fishing) Obviously I don't plan on winning, but I don't want to show up looking like a complete idiot... A very kind man who is running the event has suggested to make sure I bring a float rod & and feeder rod. Now I am assuming a float rod is just a really long rod? Used for casting out float setups? And I can not figure out what the hell a feeder rod is... I assume its just a rod I toss out and it sinks while dispersing food? (chumming?) Anyone got tips and suggestions... He suggested I go see Denis at my local Tackle shop...but he wasn't there last Saturday and I due to my work/his hours I can't see him till this Saturday....anyone have any advice for me?
  24. lol the lake sounds funny! Sorry I have nothing relevant for you, hopefully its not a Opoopoo trip
  25. Solid fishing!
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