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Everything posted by TC1OZ

  1. Nice fish!
  2. TC1OZ


    Romeo and Juliet's are deece
  3. TC1OZ


    Its like comparing one brand of fishing rod to another...if its not your thing then the comparison really doesn't make a difference to you!
  4. TC1OZ


    hahaha blaque, you'd be happy with a tub of sammies
  5. OH MY! Nice fish!
  6. Thats neat in the culvert there! Looks like a good trip! Any fish is better than no fish!
  7. TC1OZ


    Buy a tub of Century Sams
  8. Gray water...got love it...the name doesn't sound so bad...but it is. Its happened to me, but that was a good 5 years ago.
  9. You guys are too funny! A lil giddy about the trip it seems lol!
  10. Thanks Vance! I knew someone was a member! I'm getting mine on Thursday!
  11. Very nice report. Good read! Great fishing!
  12. workwear is 100% correct... They do these random checks ALL the time, ever notice how a cop comes up behind you...and then they are gone. Well if the description didn't match the plate he typed in, or it came back as an invalid plate you will get pulled over instantly. Driving without plates is WORSE! (I used to use a temp plate on my tercel, temp plate is on the windshield & looks like you have no plates) And I used to get pulled over every time I drove. I always had to say I was on the way to getting it fixed (since thats what temp plates are for). The only reason I suggested a similar cars plates is because when you call CAA to get a tow they want the plate # and it needs to be valid / match the type of vehicle being towed.
  13. I asked my wife, she used to live near there...no luck. She said theres a million that are exactly how you described...and quite a few of them are on that same block hahaha!
  14. Low ball them for sure then, but I haven't gotten my CAA. Any member who likes using the internet might be willing to give you the black book price! Sorry I can't help past that!
  15. Looks like a good time!
  16. Oh and if you know anyone who has CAA ask them to use the free access to the Black Book that they get online....gives you the fair market value for used cars in the Ontario region (probably want to go lower than the price in this book).
  17. Did you drive the truck the whole time? Because work vehicles get the snot pounded out of them, and you wouldn't believe what some people do.......
  18. That is just it, if you can't afford to rent a trailer to check out the car, chances are you shouldn't be buying the car..... MONEY PIT!!!!! My car costs are the only reason I would want to move to a big city...just so I can use public transport instead of maintaining my van! As for the stuff that was mentioned that is illegal....its only illegal when you get caught! Jeeze!
  19. OMG! I bet that worked really well.....I mean if it can't hold a ATV it would definitely crumple when you flipped! solid pic...did you take that? or google it?
  20. Damn...that is a good point.. Maybe I'll check out Windmill Point in Fort Erie, and head down to the Niagara Glen....
  21. They do! I was on the Niagara river, pretty much at the mouth of Erie. I did see Atlantic on this website, but I saw a bunch of other silver fish too...Didn't want to sound like a noob and claim a fish that wasn't possible to catch hahaha. I caught it with a mini-red devil!
  22. You are the fish whisperer!
  23. I caught my first fish not using live bait with a spinner from the D-ram... Caught a VERY small round gobie, some silver fish I couldn't identify, and another fish that was too small that I couldn't tell what it was kinda looked like a bass but with black stripes. (I'm a fishing noob, but I have fun sucking at it)
  24. Catching one fish like that one would make up for a weeks worth of fishing with no bites! Good read! Nice post!
  25. hahaha. I have noticed you've been wearing that hat in your pics...and they seem to be over several years!
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