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Everything posted by TC1OZ

  1. If you look just right....you can see a racoon poping out to say "Hello!".
  2. Looks like fun!!!
  3. Thats HUGE! I hate the teaser posts!!! I waited for pictures to post hahaha!
  4. If you've ever been a victim of debit skimming (which is very common aparently) you would want to keep your money at your house.... Up to 30 days till I got my money back because someone else compromised their system and stole my money! So when my money that was there gets stolen they can take their sweet time to give it back, when you try to put more money in, they put crazy holds on it.....you can't win!
  5. Thats just silly....Do you think theres any of those sized perch in erie? lol
  6. Wouldn't it be self defense? Since they are clearly trying to make the claim the fish was attacking the boat.... Although, if your baiting a fish that eats humans I don't see how you can claim self defense....
  7. I call shenanigans!
  8. Ahhhh I miss Arkansas! I'm Canadian don't get me wrong but its so warm down there and the fishing is just amazing!
  9. Congrats! Its coming up on 10 months since I had my little guy! Enjoy every second you can...I swear he learns something new every day while I'm at work! They change so quickly! Have fun!!!
  10. TC1OZ


    Thats awesome!
  11. Its a scare tatic to get people to sign up NOW versus waiting.
  12. Do you want to move to Toronto? or North of Toronto?
  13. I took one of those online courses. Not because I'm lazy, but because it fits for my busy lifestyle. Ever since I took the test I've been getting spam mail from the company warning me to tell my friends to sign up for online testing. They say it MAY become standardized after the September 15th deadline (making it harder I assume is the angle they are going for), hurry and get your test before they make these changes. Its now well after September 15th and nothing has changed. All these statements are legal tactics. If you notice none of the statements are definite, thus they are just making a suggestion of what COULD happen. Anything to sell a product/service these days....competition is brutal!
  14. Do you drive a car or just live near water and only use a boat? Its the same crap on the roads, they deffinately need a more stringent licensing system for both the road and the waterways!
  15. Fish acne is not to be mocked, maybe he'll grow out of it, maybe he'll get some proactive.
  16. I guess Mr. Gravel is an extremist for the animal rights movement....
  17. Haven't seen him on MSN and he hasn't responded to my PM's in over 2 months lol...I thought maybe he didn't like me after we went fishing and we got caught in the tornado! I guess hes MIA!
  18. Can I use it for the next couple of months? Since you will clearly be ice fishing!!! lol
  19. I appreciate this comment!
  20. lol.... These kids are not the sharpest tools in the shed...thats for damn sure!
  21. Do you need to be a United Kingdom resident to accept a prize paid out in Pounds? And did you actually sign up for something? Sounds like the email when my lost relative needed $2,000 to release my inheritance from my uncle I've never heard of. lol
  22. Keep them coming!!! If I knew what information I needed I wouldn't be watching your clips! hahaha!
  23. For sure! My wife looks forward to the camera! Take lots of shots of the little guy fishing for years to come!!
  24. I am happy to announce that I am the winner of the contest! haha, I never win! I guess I can't say that any more. I look forward to some posts with my new Fuji FinePix 5700 7.1 megapixel camera! I love the videos Dave makes for us on the forums and the E-Mags are very good reads! Thanks to everyone at www.factsoffishing.com You guys should check it out!
  25. Smells like ignorance to me.
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