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Everything posted by TC1OZ

  1. TC1OZ


    Good for you! I miss smoking but glad I don't anymore!
  2. I've been following this thread on a different forum... Very disappointing news
  3. You brought a tear to my eye Flex! Sorry about your loss and I'm hoping to carry on his tradition by passing my love for fishing onto my son!
  4. Sweet video TJ! Excellent camera work!
  5. I'm a big believer in saving money....on the other hand I do believe in paying a bit more for a quailty product. I purchased a Shimano 7' Medium Action rod and it's served me well for all the fish you are refereing to. It was a combo and came with a Shimano AB7 Reel and I have really enjoyed it. Its very smooth and has the two bearing system. Several people have told me its crap because the bearings are plastic but I never take the reel apart so until it breaks I won't know the difference. It had a one year warranty on the reel which is up already; the reel still feels like it did at the store. I found this combo on sale. Reguarly $129 for $69.99. My previous setup was a Ready2Fish combo from Canadian Tire and lets just say I felt like I was fishing with a $20 rod. I caught just as many fish with the 20$ setup so at the end of the day its up to what you feel comfortable fishing with!
  6. Thanks for the tip!
  7. I've been down there six times with ZERO luck, any tips for fishing it? (Believe it or not I only lost one lure)
  8. Topic pretty much sums it up... Fishing has been pretty slow for me since the summer. I've found one good carp place off the twelve mile creek but lately all I've been catching are suckers or catfish. Is there anything else I can hit from shore? Any tips? What should I be targeting? Side note : I was given an ice fishing rod for christmas but due to an illness I was never shown where/how to ice fish...I'm too scared to just head out to the ice on my own! Any suggestions are welcomed! (let the flames begin)
  9. Normally I do not complain about things as I know no one really cares...nor do I really get into the holiday spirit...but I was feeling a little christmasy and decided to buy the family a treat. We purchased "Hooked! Again" for the wii and it is the worst game ever!!!! If you are thinking of buying a child or a "big kid" this gift for christmas....just save everyone a headache and the 59$ plus tax. Get them some fishing gear or a gift card to their favorite tackle shop (like I wish I did now...) because this game does nothing but disappoint! Rant over.
  10. me and the wife are in tears! lolol
  11. He hitting up Erie?
  12. When im coming home from my midnight shifts at 5 AM I always see at least 2 or 3 near Gilmore Road in Fort Erie every single morning! Haven't seen any bucks, just does.
  13. Amazing.
  14. Just make sure you put up the new ones first...in case things get out of hand.
  15. Those woods look very similar to your drive way
  16. I wonder if he wears coyote skinned underwear? lol
  17. I don't even know why I go to work any more....I'll get more tax breaks on unemployment...
  18. I would of assumed the horse would of done more damage....those guys in the car were lucky it wasn't laying down or something lol!
  19. Jocko has it! Easiest way to explain it is just to copy the URL of your picture (the ones you posted) and click on the image to the left of the smilie (its a landscape with a sun and sky). When you click on it a pop up should open asking you to post the images link and click ok. Not sure why you are having trouble.
  20. Super cute!
  21. Anyone noticed this forum displays really weird in chrome?
  22. Just wondering if anyone has expreience catching carp this time of the year? Is the action slower or is it angler related issues? haha.
  23. Good job GCD! Thats one thing I miss about the south...pride!
  24. www.imageshack.us No limits, no accounts, no Bull! Just choose your files and upload! Retrieve links and your good to go!
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