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Everything posted by holdfast

  1. My Discontinued Magellan has lasted me six years and still going on strong. Used it in the Army and lots of Bushwacking. The only thing I hate about it, is, it used up too much battery Power. Hopefully the E-Trex is not as bad.
  2. No, I like this thread, if you don't, why don't you skip it. Yea I guess Avery is Controversial, I hope his Diversity training doesn't make him into a mindless, Hopelessness player that he wasn't before aka Mtl Canadians. Don Cherry for Prime- Minister. By the way, I think he dislikes Avery.
  3. Yes little Johnny, it will last forever. Now just put this Jacket on and everything will be OK.
  4. Just bought the Garmin E-Trex. Going to see if its any better than my Magellan. I found this excellent Video, which will help to get started. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3774968911404690784
  5. Yea I seen the Fishermen also fishing the Seine or I could be wrong maybe it was the Rhine river, the big river that runs not too far from Lahr and the Border of France. Long Pole and Carp. That River was grossly polluted. I found in Germany it was almost impossible to fish, the Ponds you talk about that were stocked were always owned and there was too many rules and hefty charges. I did my fishing at the Rod and Gun club in Lahr. Never caught nothing, hated it, it was like fishing at an Aquarium. One good thing though, I bought my one and only, made in Germany DAM QUICK Spinning reel. A Beauty. Anyways I eat fish here in Canada because its fresh and good and I can get info if it kill you if its full of Toxins. Overseas, I learned to eat what you can trust. Of note, I got to see a lot of waters in Germany as part of my job was water Supply. I'm sure that there are some clean Pristine waters that the Forest Meister too0k care of, but lets face it, very few.
  6. Oh yea, you can stop lurking on my comments too.
  7. Not where I went. Germany, Brown Trout waters always Bordered or went through populated areas creeks and Streams. Even the many Army training areas. Bosnia, Croatia, Serbia, might have wonderful Pike fishing but I mwould never eat anything out of any of those waters. I wont say what was dumped. Kuwait had no fresh water, but the Gulf you could see the Oil slick, The very few Rivers in Iraq must even be more polluted than when I was there in the first War. In France would you eat anything out of their very few waters. Yea you know everything. Listen up, you got one thing right, you picked up my point about the Pollution. However, I think your Trolling. Like what was mentioned, pollution is a concern, Im not so concerned here. By the way, how would you know of any Pristine waters of the countries I mentioned. For me, I would probably take my fishing trip in Scotland than England.
  8. For Stoty and Uglyfish. I did some research and I think you guys dont know what you're talking about. You guys have been watching too much womans hockey. Lets see what does Avery does and 90 percent of the Habs, Sens, Leafs don't do. Bet ya he aint no Pussey. 1. Goes into corners 2. Drops the gloves 3. Goes for the net 4. Stands up for his team 5. aggravates the other teams 6. No I would not say he is a chicken, What I like about him is he is Canadian bred. He knows what it means to win. Just to let you know, never said he won all his fights, yea hes got a big mouth. Hey, Id take him for the most of the Habs anyday. Hopefully his Sensitivity training didnt turn him into kinder, gentler, Sean Avery like. If so hes better off playing overseas. We need a "who likes Cherry Thread". Bet you will see a trend here with the Avery haters. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IIrc9Db8NSE...feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aaZwi169da0...feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yDQBogfOEQw...feature=related
  9. Caught this Baby in 8-9 feet roughly 20 kms south of Tuktoyaktuk, NWT, Eskimo Lake, using two extensions and some. Amazingly less than a foot of water. I had a huge Storm soft imitation fish jig and hand-line. Eskimo Lake. The Locals cooked her up and it was fantastic tasting. I opted to fish instead of a Caribou hunt.
  10. I was in Germany for a while and I wouldn't eat anything out of any Body of water, same as Iraq, Kuwait, Italy, Croatia, Bosnia, Hungary, Serbia, France, and most likely England too. You know Pollution and so on. Carp, yuk.
  11. Couldnt find a video of the man himself singing. Too Bad.
  12. Boy do I really agree with you 1,000 percent. Fact is that Stimulus Package is all about Ontario and Quebec. The rest of the Country is doing OK, You listen to Jack and you think that all of Canada is Hopping on trains and unemployment is 30 percent and everyone is starving in the Streets. Fact is, he sponges off the poor. Look at his riding and his wife's Chow. Thanks to Internet and Media, this will turn worse than the (90s recession and 80s thanks to media. Thanks for pointing that out, and CBC is the worst. That creep got less than 14 percent vote and hes always in the News. That would never happen in the States.
  13. I would trade him for half of the Mtl Canadians. Pleckanic, Brisebois, Latundress, Koivu, Lapierre, Daneault, Kovelev for one Avery. At least he isn a frady cat in the corners. And hes a Canadian. Fact is Rangers won more games with him then without him.
  14. As a matter of fact as part of my New Years Resolution was to lose weight. My Problem isn't lack of exercise, its Diet. Someone told me about the Sacred Heart Diet using Cabbage Soup. Instead I am using Vegetable soup. http://www.idiet4u.com/diets/sacredheart.html So far Ive gone from 232 to about 210 in four weeks. So its working for me. You'll notice that on the weekends Ive decided to add snow shoeing to my exercising. Everyday at lunch I will workout during the week. Mondays, Weds, Fridays will be high intense running with weights doing circuit training. Tues, Thurs, Ill slow it down with walking or slow jog circuit concentrating on slower Reps with weights. I believe I may be getting close to plateauing before my weight goal of 195. If any body has any Ideas plse PM me. All I got is a gym floor, Barbells, and a floor mat. Ive excercised just about everyday of my life so I would ask for an intense workout, no fooling around.
  15. Yea I got nailed a couple years ago. Apparently a Garage store was stealing the Debits in Wasaga Beach. This creep, you could follow his Transactions along the 400 stopping at dozens of gas stations purchasing cartons of cigarettes we figured, because surely he would of maxed out on gas.
  16. Hey, Thanks, for the Sensitivity or Political correctness training. Also the luck. Ive had some in my day that's for sure. But I think a lot of it had to do with motivation. Oh ya, also big shoulders. You can assume all you want. By the way, when me and my family, decided to do a big lifestyle change, IE get out of as job that was financially putting me Backwards, (Army) every time I was told to move my next house got more expensive, my last house I took a loss. I decided to do something that I never did in 25 years. Do a complete, life change. Different job that I found, different Province, and no family or friends. They're all in Ontario and Quebec. I was an a Member of OFC then too. Do you recall me ever mentioning that. That being said, I really don't care what you think. If I seen you face to face, I would say mind your own Buisness. If Stoty feels offended, maybe he can tell me. Not some little //, oh never mind!!!!! Oh Abberez, you can PM me any time you want. I wont answer till either tomorrow morning or Sunday. You can tell me why I should feel sorry.
  17. Only because I think Stoty is a Do-er and not the type to crawl in a corner and sulk. I took his post as Job Help and not I need your morale support and sensitivities. Anyways hes a Die hard Wings fan. If he ever did move here he'd have to give up seeing the Wings just across the Bridge. What about them Hawks eh?
  18. Really http://www.saskjobs.ca/ http://www.jobbank.gc.ca/res_eng.aspx?Prov...&Student=No http://www.careers.gov.sk.ca/ http://www.lfpress.ca/cgi-bin/publish.cgi?...122&s=decor http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/sto...80929.wsask0930 Im sure Stoty will do fine. Like I said, I will not feel sorry for anyone if they dont try. Roy, did you actually stick up for me, or did I read you wrong.
  19. Move, otherwise I dont feel sorry for you if you dont get a job. Bet ya will find one here. I even bet youll get one just on the phone.
  20. Watch your weight. Start working out, also helps the craving. Ive been smoke free three years now. Saved Lots and lots and lots and lots of money.
  21. Monday to Friday , Village maintenance Man. Tuesday nights and some weekends Combat Engineer. Wednesday nights Fire fighter training also Volunteer Fire fighter for the RM where I work.
  22. So What is the Root cause of this KOS? All I know is things started when Mortgages couldn't be paid because Banks and so on were giving away money they didnt have. Kind a wonder whats going to happen with the Credit Card Companies. My Daughter got one i9n the mail when she was still in High school. I got a Platinum one that I never even asked for. My line of credit instantly went up as soon as I was close to the previous limit.
  23. How true. When I stopped looking at the nurses, I noticed they were all guys alone or some Idiots brought their daughters. To Tell ya the truth, unless the Burgers are really cheap, I think DR Buddy, is misinformed thinking the guys are there for his Burgers.
  24. Capt Spaulding, send me a PM and Ill tell ya about how some people work on this forum, Gang up, Call ya a Liar, Jealousy, and how to be kind gentle, and feely nicy touchy touchy. I got lots of experience seems Ive been locked more often than most. PM me before this gets locked. Ive never seen the fight but Ive been getting more and more interested in the Ultimate fighter thing. I don't take judo but like you I love rough sports, IE Canadian hockey, Hockey fights etc. Thanks to your point of view on the fight I'm looking forward to seeing it. I had been following all the Hype leading up to it. Yea post some fishing Pictures, maybe it'll quiet things down here. By the way. I don't take sides for the most part on this forum because its a pet peeve of mine. My very first post I was called a Liar when I said I caught a huge laker in less than one foot of water underneath about eight feet of ice.
  25. Sorry to hear your Loss. I buried my father last Year, My Mother two years ago and Hated every second of it. Nothing like going through your Moms stuff and finding out she had filled her pension Papers a year before her 65th Birthday. The Poor old lady was looking forward to it. Never had time to grieve as their affairs, well weren't in order. Both were also seperated so I had to do everything. My Dad twice because they wouldnt bury him in Quebec till spring as he died in Feb. Pure Hell for me. Last week me and my wife were almost set to go back East for a second time within a year as her Mom came close.
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