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Everything posted by holdfast

  1. Oh I also forgot, Hit some good,ole Red neck (Western Boys) tunes to set you up in the mood. Just make sure you dont interupt her till her show is done. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0hGP9HHD6Y
  2. Yea I tried Eustach (spelling) ( Deepest lake in Algonquin I believe) also and caught just a couple of speckles but its like fishing in a volcano as it drops so much. But we Caught lots of nice small mouth around there. I'm thinking we might of been following either the petawawa or Barron River fishing the Minni lakes along the way. It was a long time ago and my first trip.
  3. There are absolute Salary Caps are needed. As far as your Question. The Same people that put incompetents in positions in Government. Crown Corporations for example. Ever wonder why there are as many Francophone Generals in the Military as Anglophone which doesn't reflect the Percentages in Canadian society. 1. Human rights ( Language, visible minority, gender, etc percentages that are legislated in key positions) 2. Unfair Personal Evaluation Reports ( My Clone in Quebec (an extra Point) will get promoted before me because he is considered Bilingual, have you ever done a Government French test? I Have and I lived in Quebec). 3. The Buddy system 4. Pleasing the Masses ( Votes) due to Geographical location 5 And plain ole Spinelessness when it comes down to Leadership which includes jacking up or firing someone who Fs up. YUP someone said it ACCOUNTABILITY Just some of what Ive seen as a cheap non union Government Employee
  4. Looks like Avery is BACK
  5. Build your-self a MAN-Cave and stash some booze in there and Listen to some Andrew Dice Clay.
  6. Yea I got caught in the Middle crossing towards Caracajou Bay. I almost soiled my pants. Sad about that Famous Tree that Tom Thompson painted that some City-Iot cut down with his chainsaw.
  7. Yea I like what the Bruins are doing. Pretty well trying to match the Western teams size for size. They know that you can swat little flies ( Habs) around, especially if they know that they wont land (stand their Ground). No way they can lose in the East. I think theyre for real and they get my vote.
  8. THE CLASSIC VERSION OF THIS FABLE - (THE ONE THAT MAKES SENSE TO US!) The ant works hard in the withering heat all summer long, building his house and laying up supplies for the winter. The grasshopper thinks he's a fool, and laughs and dances and plays the summer away. Come winter, the ant is warm and well fed. The shivering grasshopper has no food or shelter, so he dies out in the cold. THE CANADIAN MODERN VERSION: The ant works hard in the withering heat all summer long, building his house and laying up supplies for the winter. The grasshopper thinks he's a fool, and laughs and dances and plays the summer away. Come winter, the ant is warm and well fed. The shivering grasshopper calls a press conference and demands to know why the ant should be allowed to be warm and well fed while others less fortunate like him are cold and starving. CBC shows up to provide live coverage of the shivering grasshopper, with cuts to a video of the ant in his comfortable warm home with a table filled with food. Canadians are stunned that in a country of such wealth, this poor grasshopper is allowed to suffer so while others have plenty. The New Democratic Party, the Canadian Auto Workers and the Coalition Against Poverty demonstrate in front of the ant's house. The CBC, interrupting an Inuit cultural festival special from Nunavat with breaking news, broadcasts them singing 'We Shall Overcome.' Svend Robinson rants in an interview with Pamela Wallin that the ant has gotten rich off the backs of grasshoppers, and calls for an i"
  9. Is that around the Lac Beauchene area. If so , Ive always had my eyes on a map looking at that lake to Tackle. Love to hear how you guys make out.
  10. Our Gas just went up 5 cents. Ridiculous Its 95 which the last time it was this price it was about 100 a Barrel. If you had the price of a Barrel to the Pumps it would look like a steep set of stairs. Barrel goes up a dollar. Pumps goes up 5 cents. Price drops a Barrel by a dollar. Pumps goes down 2 cents. Do you get the Marketing Scam?
  11. Habs same ole, oh well nothing can save them anyways. They'll bite the dust again when they play the bigger teams as usual.
  12. No, you would just have to sit West of Ontario to find out how Totally Biased they are to Central Canada. Where the Heck to you think the saying that Toronto is the centre of the Universe came from. Just watch the CBC. As being Canadian. Sorry they do not INSPIRE me to be Canadian. Example- Big news when 3 kids got killed in Afghanistan supposedly from Canadian Soldiers because of a Range. No news 2 days later when they found out it wasn't because of the Canadian Soldiers but from a Taliban UXO. As far as Im concened all they do is beat up on our Canadian Culture for others to be lets see, Diverse maybe and Canadian, what ever that is NOW..
  13. Get a reel with two spools, Fill one with 6lb that will give you longer casts. Fill the other with 8 or 10. Nowyou have two reels in one. Bass and panfish and casting light lures, and the other spool for trolling and anything bigger like a pike. The Rod doesnt matter because I can cast just as far with a 30 dollar Lightning rod or 90 Dollar Shimano. What is important is that the tip isnt Fragile and again price dont matter. Reels would be Quantum SS Mitchell 300 Any Shimano Daiwa Regal Cardinals And check some Shakespeare models These are good lower end reels to start you with. The drag is important and if you turn the knob and it tightens instantly stay away from that reel. Rods Anything from Berkly ie lightning, cherrywood Watch the fragile tips on shimano, some are good, some aren't ugly stick and Rhino is good too, but may be too heavy As for combination sets, Shimano is good, Daiwa Regal or Samurai is good and of course Cardinal and specialist is pretty good for the price. Just go to CT or Walmarts as you dont have to go far and watch for sales as they will be there sooner than later. I think you can get by with a decent set for 70 dollars if you shop around
  14. Yup everything needs steel. Itll Pickup, maybe as a different Company AGAIN. Found out the Saskatchewan was the next most Producer of Steel after Ontario. Humm!
  15. I thought I was Permanently banded. My next thought was. Budget Cut!
  16. Still a waste of tax payer money, they should Privatize and instead of commercials about its own shows they should have commercials from the private sector in order to save us the Tax burden. Just check out who and what is running the department and guess where their from. Am I allowed to say the obvious.
  17. At the start of the year 1812, the regular army had a few less than 7,000 enlisted men in it It’, as Peter Bud Porter had said, the standing army was the sword of the Republic and the militia its shield, the sword was little more than a dagger, totally inadequate to invade Canada. For this reason, the Madison administration made the mistake of trying to use the shield for cutting and thrusting, a function it could not perform, since it was a defense mechanism only. For its first thrust, the strategy makers sent Brigadier General William Hull to invade Canada from Detroit with a small army of mixed components. The Ohio militia with Hull refused, on statutory grounds, to cross into Canada Hull had developed a deep distrust of militia during his service as an officer in the American Revolution, and militia action once again shook his confidence. For this and other reasons he surrendered his force to an inferior one on August 17, 1812. When tried many months later for cowardice and other military crimes, he testified that his failure had been due in large part to the rawness, lack of discipline, and insubordination of the militia. 25 Quote from the History of the Militia Truth be told they were afraid of the Indians That militia was completely unsuitable for invasion was illustrated also at the other (eastern) end of the Ontario Peninsula. There, Major General Stephen Van Rensselaer, New York militia, led 350 regulars and 250 volunteers across the Niagara River on October 12, 1812, making a defendable lodgment on high ground at Queenstown, Canada. He had three men to the British one, but most of his force was still on the United States side of the river. It only remained to bring them into the fight to win the action, but the militia refused to cross into foreign territory. No more regulars were available to cross because their commander was unwilling to be subordinate to a militia officer. The senior militia officer over the men who had crossed, General Wadsworth, turned the command over to Colonel Winfield Scott, U. S. Army, but nothing could rescue that detachment from surrender save reinforcements, which did not come. 26
  18. Front Page Challenge, Poor Little Omar and Arar, Bad Canadian Soldiers slapping Prisoners, Bad Cops for using Tasers, Harper not a Proud Canadian, Mean Alberta with its dirty oil, Yea for the Coalition, Poor little seals and Polar Bears on and on and on I used to listen to the radio but only in the evenings when there was no such thing as Cable and Satellite. As far as I'm concerned no need for it as unlike what Dear Jack says, truthfully there is more Satellite dishes in Remote areas per Capital. Hes just afraid that he would be nothing without CBC being his platform as he is always using it for his Right wing Social crap. 14% vote less than the Block, he is nothing without the CBC
  19. I believe what your talking about is Caracajou BAY. Cast there then go straight to Wenda then start fishing. There is Little Caracjou Lake where I caught some Beauty Speckies with a piece of worm and Wedding Band and a couple portages further is the main Lake. I knew a guy that fished Rowan and had good luck for Lakers. Time of the year I guess. Wow nice to have a Cottage on Grand Lake, Lucky you. I never really did have any luck on Grand, way too big and deep for a canoe.
  20. I feel sorry for ya. Be Patient
  21. Little Mosque on the Prairie Do I have to say any more.
  22. Kenora for Ontario If not Big River SK. Lots of lakes to explore and Prince Albert is only an hour and a bit away to shop
  23. Finally its light past 1830 hrs\ Gad I cant wait for March its still minus 30s
  24. NO We already pay one Billion a year, id rather use that money and buy the NHL package! Lets see why - Its a Toronto station with feeder Stations - Its French station in Quebec broadcasts why Quebec shouldn't stay in Canada - Its English Station Tells English Canada should be embarrassed of our Canadian Culture - Its a Platform for Dear Jack and has Iggy as the next coming of Obama or Trudeau. - Dirty Oil is code for dirty rich Alberta - Quite Frankly everything Ive done in the Last fifty years is wrong and UN-Canadian and caused the poor to being poor - Their shows are garbage and their executives are incompetant. Worst of all they got rid of the Hockey night in Canada. _ As far as I'm concerned they ain't any more Canadian than the people that Run it. Lets get rid of it.
  25. YAWN
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