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Everything posted by holdfast
Yup I have the Pearl Jam as well as the Neil Young, incidently I picked up a Traffick DVD, except for the The Boys in High heel Spikes,the rest of the music is Garbage and Boring. Incidently one of my Blue Oyster Cult DVDs isnt bad. Pink Floyd's The Wall would also be up there in my Top Ten, probably make my Top 5 only its not in 5.1 digital.
I would say less than 30 Minutes. Its not that far at all. I like it because its well hidden. No Roads, but Ill check on that next time just to be sure.
OK, OK, Im done and I got sucked in. Thats it for me.
Nope no tree, I looked around and nothing. There was three prints evenly spaced. It could be something Burrowing but no paw prints. No entrance or exit signs.
THIS SHOULD BE INTERESTING. I say the Christian guy will lose. Here's what really bugs me about this Human Rights Crap. The Complainant can take court action free of charge thanks to our Taxes. The Complacent has to pay for his Legal fee. Take the case of the Muslim against Macleans Magazine. It really bothers me to no end on how stupid this is getting. There are so many Racial Card Carrying wimps out there that I'm watching this Country go down Hill. Its getting ruined. I hated every Diversity class I was forced to go to when I was in the Armed Forces because they wanted us to be so Soft and touchy, feely. Its sickening. I had a female in my section and wrote her as being too physically weak for the Job( when we were forced to have females in the Combat Trades, Yup our Pysical Standards went down) I was told to remove that statement as she is not made the same way as men and it wasn't fair. Ive been brought up on Harassment investigation for abuse of authority twice and found not guilty but still had to go through hell. In Both cases the two Soldiers ( Guys) took the offense using the Harassment card as a way out to the discipline that was about to occur to them for various reasons. I was guilty till proven innocent Note to Hammercarp, your such a Saint ain't you. seems your quite the sensitive guy aren't you. Bet ya got a Map Tacked Time Out Card in your pocket! You don't have to cry and PM the Mods either as I'M sure they're micro managing me anyways. You see, Ive always had trouble being forced to do something when its rammed down my throat. Maybe thats why I had so many fights living in Quebec. Commissioner sues Saskatchewan government over same-sex marriages TheStarPhoenix.com Published: Tuesday, November 25, 2008 SASKATOON - A marriage commissioner is suing the Saskatchewan government over being required to perform same-sex marriages. The claimant in the case is Orville Nichols, who was found guilty in May of violating the Saskatchewan Human Rights Code for not performing a same-sex marriage three years ago. The couple involved, identified by tribunal order only as M.J. and B.R., was later married by another commissioner. Nichols, who has been a marriage commissioner for 25 years, said he based his decision on his religious beliefs. He was ordered to pay $2,500 in compensation to the couple for discriminating against them. Email to a friend Printer friendly Font:****The suit claims the government is violating the Charter Rights of Saskatchewan marriage commissioners. According to a press release issued Tuesday morning, lawyer Philip Fourie was at the Court of Queen's Bench in Prince Albert Monday issuing a statement of claim against the provincial government. "The pendulum has swung way too far - in favour of same-sex people and against people of faith. What is next?" says Fourie in the release. "Will the government be invading churches with their laws and forcing pastors and ministers and priests in churches to perform same-sex marriage ceremonies?" The firms involved are Kirkby and Fourie, as well as Arnot Heffernan Blenner-Hassett. A hearing is set for Prince Albert on Dec. 23.
These ones I think we agree that the small tracks would be a mouse. The mystery though is the three large tracks in a line. That grouse kind of made me think. Could the the large three tracks are actually where a Bird of Prey might of touched down. Like I said, only three in a line and the mouse criss crosses. http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c58/hold_fast/P1170033_01.jpg[/iM Thanks for your input
Im not really crazy about ice fishing, maybe next year Ill buy a hand Auger
Ya I got about 4 Rush, favorite are the Cronicles, also got the HD Snakes and Ladders. I got a Zepplin cllection and an HD The song Remains the Same. Rarely Im in the mood for them, but I do enjoy when Im in the mood. LOL
The only time I would bite if its a lady and she wants to personally exchange. Youd be surprised how many ole Ladies sell their exs their belongings when theyre Peeved
I'm collecting Music DVDs, and I'm wondering if there might be a sleeper that I may of Missed. Here are my top five with a link and why I like them #5 Roxy Music Live at the Apollo- Excellent 5.1 sound, great visuals, and I love their music. That chick on the elect violin (Oboe) just knocks me out. Great solo at the end. #4 ZZ TOP Greatest Hits Love their Videos, great sound only wished it was 5.1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PDE2eK_Vvsw #3 YES 9012 Live Probably one of my most listened to DVDs. Fantastic concert Footage and Great sounding Music. I love Jon Andersons voice. Great 5.1 sound and the songs aren't your very long Yes Songs from way Back. #2 Ozzy Osbourne Live at the Budokan This is By far the Heaviest awesome sounding Album Ive Heard. These Guys Rock. Fantastic sounding and explosive sound. Great Visuals. What a Band with Zake Wylde and the Bassist Robert T. I believe hes with Metallica now too Bad,. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hr4UYfF2Y_8...feature=related #1 Pink Floyd Pulse If only its on Blue Ray. There is no other DVD that comes close to Visuals and Sound. The Best Guitar Solo ever is on this Album as far as I'm concerned. A Visual Pink Floyd's Greatest Hits. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zqKkNezFG-g...feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2aOccbfAqE...feature=related Worth mentioning Dusk to Dawn Movie http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IdQuMyVg-rQ...feature=related Gordon Lightfoot Live in Reno http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-otk4v9aRs4 Whats your Favorites?
Last week I posted some animal tracks which I learned a lot from other OFNers. As I said I met two Cree who told me where I can find a lake with Big Jack in it. They marked where the Path started from the Main road for me which I thought was great. I decided despite the -30s, I would go for another Snowshoe march and see if I can find this Lake. I found it and took some Pics. It excites me to know that I have another lake to try out. Ill be working on another project to Build a Canoe Cart to push it in with Camping supplies for the Spring. Here is a Picture of the Map. Upper left is the area that I marked. The Big Red X is where my GPS placed me which was wrong as I should of been on the Road. Yes I did check my Datum, as a matter of fact I was accurate at the Lake which is marked with a circle and I marked the trail with dots. So it leads me to believe that the Road is in the Wrong spot on the Map. Anyways Big River is 30 Kms East, and Leoville 25 West. Lots of Logging here. Just a review from last week I mistakenly took these tracks as Rabbit but was corrected that they were Squirrel. If someone thinks they're something else please specify Someone agreed with me that the small tracks were some kind of Rodent (mouse?) I also stated that there was only three sets of Larger tracks in a row. They just appear and disappear as only three tracks. I have an Idea what they may be. Anyone else. Rabbit Rabbit and Deer Shows the Trail going to the Lake. Deer and Rabbit tracks criss crossing Rabbit facing two different Directions Deer Not sure, I think Rabbit I really don't Know, maybe a Baby Rabbit. Anyone? I think a Deer? This really Startled me as the Bloody thing took off about 3 feet from me. Here's where it was resting Here's where it ended up. Its a Fat one though Coyote, Fox, Cat, anyone I absolutely have no Idea, all I know is they're wide and not deep These are spaced about three feet and not deep and in Pairs. I don't think its a deer. Anyone? As I got close to the Lake I found this cabin. Wood looks fairly new, its not finished but look how the Insulation has been torn out. Always what I wanted, a cabin in the woods by a lake. Do you think the money came from us the Tax Payer. The Lake from where I took the Pic of the Cabin Inside the Cabin I'm thinking Moose and Coyote or Wolf, this was by the cabin These are Pictures of the Lake. Its a small Narrow lake that's apparently a Widening of Otter creek. The Cree told me that it is a deep lake and there are big Jack in it. I think this might be another Weekend Camping trip with a Canoe. I would say its 4 Kms Long and has your Classic Reeds. I'm thinking of building a Canoe cart, and pushing it with my camping gear inside. I used to do this when Fishing one of Algonquin Parks Whit Partridge Lake on the East side using a 12-15 Km cart trail. Looks like someone tried to Build a Log Cabin This is the entrance of the Trail with my Tracks and the Gear I used. Dress in Layers in this weather is Key. Once I was out of the Wind it was quite nice even though it was Minus 30. But on that lake it didnt take long to freeze as that wind was just a Blowing. They say minus 40s with the Wind Chill. This Global Warming is giving it to us as If it wasn't for about four Days of Warm weather we've been getting Arctic temperatures. Just like the old days.
Yea Roy I forgot about that. Its true what you said, a Photo was a big expensive event. Probably thats why I hate getting my picture to this day thinking how everything had to be just so perfect and rehearsed in the old Days. Funny how we take things for granted now.
Obamaism has even infiltrated Canada. 81% Canadians think he Can do a Better job than our current Leader who by the way tried to save 20 Billion on Tax payers electoral money and freeze Government salary, that kind of sounds similar to Obama only now after the two Idiots form a Coalition with a Separatist, now they're going to Spend that your Kids, Kids and their Kids will be paying for. Hey the USA never had a Woman President. Remember ours, that was pretty monumental, although she was a world Joke. I agree on what you say. The Obambasism is a lot of Hype despite no Substance and its the Touchy, feely generation that's fueling it. I think there will be a lot of Disappointment on what he does about Iraq. It'll be interesting till this all calms down. I hope he does good because it'll only do us good when it boils down. Oh I love when LundBoy slithers out of the weeds every once in a while. Im watching a Paranoid Spinmaster in action each time. Its amusing.
I love old pictures, I bet you cant find a photo of three middle aged men today without at least one being OBeast. Fantastic picture of the kid sitting, kind of like a story book picture.
OK OK, for some they may call me a Racist for these Remarks here. Quote... Everybody is making Obama to be Jesus Christ. Well guess what people, he ain't. Whats going on now is that anything you say contradictory to Obama, people are starting to pull the race cards out. Just listen to any talk show with viewers calling in. Obamasism is spreading like a Cancer. The guy is human if anybody cares to know. Also, he cant run unless he listens to his Aids. As far as I'm concerned, Bushes downfall was that he did listen to his aids and actually stuck to them with incredible loyalty. Too bad they screwed him. What I like about Obama, he is quite close to what the Harper Government is doing. They are quite close to having the same Agenda which despite the Liberal news casts. They will get along. Just check on what he has to say about environmentalism. Almost the same but actually our Governments is a little bit more aggressive. Urban Fisherman, you are quite right about most of what you said, but the fact to the matter is your Lebanese friends will go through a tighter security screening than lets say your average white people. Its life and if we didnt do the same thing we would be complacent and it would be dangerous. It would be like me going through the border with tons of Tattoos and security not checking me a little bit more than your average Joe if they were checking for Neo Nazi terrorists. Of note. There are 250 Klu Klux clan in Saskatchewan here and the Grand Dragon was quoted on the radio as saying that he hopes Obama will do well because it will only help Canada for the better. That I find very surprising.
Lets hear your explanation.
Ive seen pliars used to peel the skin. Now that Ive seen this film, now I know what it reminds me of. an INFO COMMERCIAL, or whatever you callit. you know, the crap that pollutes the airwaves after 0200hrs. Its that cheerleading Geek in the background that gives it away. Sorry, just cant help laughing.
Butt the Dude is a mechanic!!!!!!! Like Coach says bring it to a Mechanic ( an other one) just like I would for a car. An other Professional Opinion can save you Big Bucks.
Darsky, just so you know I'm jealous too. Have a good time.
Yup top definitely not Rabbit. Believe it or not I seen Rabbit tracks at work to compare. Ill take a pic tommorow, only as a comparison. JohnAB good to hear from you. Im thinking Coyote also as I figure a lone wolf would be bigger. Thanks to RambleOn I went from cat to dog. Goes to show ya, I was right. I dont know my tracks.
Good for you Darsky, root for my favorite Hab Komisarek. As far as the all-star game is concerned. They got to do something? Its the biggest sharade going in Sports. No Hitting, Hot Dogging, East and West who cares, the players dont. Oh yea, Stack it up with Habs and non Stars for this year. Probably another High scoring game like Shimmy. Again the Allstar game is nothing like it used to be. Sorry Darsky I'm not taking nothing away from you as just the atmosphere of going to the game is enough I guess.
Its been three hours, its yours now.
I never followed the Trail long enough to see if it veered off. I thought it may of been a Dog too. But that vehical came back and I was talking with the hunters for a good 15 minutes and there was no dog. Of course they could of shot it. Really, squirrel tracks? Need another opinion WhiteSpinnerbait. Thanks Rambleon and WhiteSpinnerbait for your input. It has peaked my interest now and certainly made me more aware. Thanks again. Off to work.
You can just cut the rib cage out. I didnt think there was any other way to clean a perch. I spent hours watching the Americans clean perch that way on lake Champlain as a kid. If he would keep the Rib cage he would take a hard brush (plastic Bristles) and clean in the rib cage. Watched our neihbors do bucket fuls using a pen knife. You still got to be careful of the bones.