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Everything posted by holdfast
I hear where your coming from. What do you expect when Dear Jack makes it out that the people of Canada are lining up at the soup Kitchens and and jumping on Trains heading out West. Of course you got the pathetic Right Wing CBC Lapping it up every news Broadcast. Fact is sure people are loosing their jobs in Ontario, Take away the layoffs with the Terrible Domestic auto Industry, things would not be Bad. Yea I sure got criticised when I stated I wouldn't feel sorry for any-one who publicly cried on this forum that lost his job and didnt move. VACATIONS eh, BIG TRUCKS and Toys may have to be put on Hold, you know who I'm talking about. The worst you can do is getting a job at Timmie's, But I suppose whining and Social assistance is way easier than moving to where there are jobs. Be that way, more jobs here for the incompetent and Immigrants.
Id buy a cheap place in the Sticks and be more serious with the Army again. Hell,Id even jump out of planes at my age.
First as a disclaimer Ive always used a Magellan and the 315 being my second GPS, I have used it for about six years including the Arctic and Wet Weather with no problems. If I'm wrong about the E-Trex let me know as I used it only once, so I'm a Newbie. My biggest reason for buying the E-trex is that I wanted to try something different and my pet peeve with the Magellan is that it litterly kills my Batteries. I have to always carry at least one spare set Magellan- Ive used this for six years and use it mostly for position. What I like about it is-you have all your buttons on the face clearly marked. There are 8 buttons, as well as an arrow button. The E-trex has 5 which includes your two arrow buttons. Consequently on the E-Trex you have to scroll through the pages vice going direct. Magellan Buttons are. QUIT/ENTER/NAV/MARK/GOTO/MENU/LIGHT/PWR/ARROWS E-Trex Buttons are/ARROWS/ENTER/PAGE/POWER Pros Magellan - start up and then it will automatically give a grid once ready. E-Trex I have to flip 3 pages to get grid - Directly hit Mark and grid is saved. E-Trex I have to remember to hit enter, then hit enter again - GOTO is direct E-Trex I have to flip through 5 pages just to get to my way-points/ then I have to enter again just to get to the way-point/Go-TO Bottom line is that the Magellan is faster to get to Business, more Direct, and you can Sequence your Nav pages for the user based on his priorities. I like the E-Trex in that it is smaller, lighter, and if you like to look at your tracking its map is superior than the 315. But most important for me is the Batteries last for ever. However, when I do any Military navigation, I will always use the Magellan as it is more direct. I don't have time to fiddle around the buttons and pages. When I navigate I rarely use the GPS for anything other that POSITION and DISTANCE TO. I can get both readings on the same page which I can sequence as a first flip with the Magellan, not so with the E-Trex. If I had the E-Trex, I would probably chuck it at the enemy as Id be frustrated going through pages to find what I want. However with the E- Trex I wouldn't have to worry about saving power. My recommendations would be the Magellan 315 over the E-Trex. Personally Ive heard a lot of Magellan bashing but unless you tried both I would not dis them, as I find them far superior as being, user friendly.
From what I remember just hook it through the centre and pull it out. No Special techniques. Also surprisingly that eye will stay on usually after many fish. Every Once in a while the eye will disintegrate.
Chrysler's Big restructuring plan. Discontinue three vehicle models. WHAT A JOKE. CAWs big call, MAYBE WE MAY HAVE TO MAKE CONCESSIONS. do these idiots have any Brains?
Ripping guys like me. Paid 800 dollars today to replace a fuel pump on my Ranger. When I asked them where I could buy their Dope, they told me it wasn't funny because the pump cost 600 dollars and they had to order it from the States. You wonder why I hate the fact that my Tax money is going to these incompetent clownies. Yup and the Ranger only has 115 thousand Kms.
We used to do that all the time in lake Champlain Vermont. Not on a jig but just a hook and sinker. Funny thing though, they would not bite if they were Bass or Punkinseed eyes. If you want to argue if it was legal back then ask the old guy that lived there most of the year who taught me that, who's been dead a long time ago. God rest his soul, He was a Prince of a man. Taught me all about fishing and the outdoors.
Sounds like the Revo is a winner. Being Abu Garcia your getting quality
Instead of me or others trying to sell you what they use. Try this Review and keep the link for future reference http://www.tackletour.com/reviewabugarciarevostx.html http://www.tackletour.com/reviewabugarcia2009reelspre.html
Bought this at XS Cargo for about $4. The picture shows using the clip for a cell phone camera, however the screw for the detachable clip fits most cameras. Wow, no more tripping over the dog and tackle box and taking five practice shots. The bottom is a suction cup.
I remember watching a fishing show ( I think Roland Martin) where the two Southern good-ole-Boys would walk bare foot in the swamp prodding with a broomstick. When they felt one, they would step on it, put their hand down to feel where the head/tail was, then lift it up by the tail. When it was Rolands time to lead it was funny how nervous he was. Didnt YOUR DADDY TEACH YOU NOT TO PUT YOUR FINGERs WHERE YOU WOULDNT PUT YOUR PECKER
Wow Had to Shake my head, thought and wished I was there. What I really want to know, is what famous people did you guide, Your favorite, anything. Tell us.
Check it out, A map of my secret Musky hole. The Narrows Between McManus Lake, Algonquin Park and Montgomery Lake CFB Petawawa. Just left of the Township Line. I used to sneak in from Algonquin park and sit just inside the DND Trg Area. First I would catch some suckers and still fish in my canoe as there would be a current. Anyways, I Right clicked on the map to SAVE AS Picture into my Desktop. From there to PhotoBucket then linked it. Next time I will SAVE AS PICTURE----JPEG Click on the picture here for a better view
Fantastic, Ive been sticking to my New Years Resolution too. 233 to 207, aiming for a trim and fit 185. I feel like the wind also when I run too. Great Feeling Eh
Ha Ha Ha Ha what a loser. His Flag is flying funny ( That is why being a Habs Fan is embarrassing). The Western teams here have a saying about the Canadians Road trip when the come to Town. BINGO easy win just play physical for one minute
Easy to use and very handy. Very Detailed put this as your favorites. http://www.touratel.com/
Amen, the New Saskatchewan Government put a lid on Striking Emergency Services. Two years ago the Road Services walked out everytime there was a snow Storm crippling the province. You should of seen the scare Tactics by CUPE when it was Obvious the Sask Party was going to win over the NDP. Funny how Teachers strike during our Kids Education, Postal workers before Christmas, Public Works in the Winter. Car Manafacturing, well whenever their Greedy. Gad, if they can get away with it, if there was a Union in the Army, they would strike while Canada is getting invaded.
That consumption Idea has been Blackmailed to today's Government in Canada, AKA the three Stooges one being a Separest Government. We still have an Opposition making News with only 14 percent vote saying its still not enough before it even Kicked in. Truth is, any Monies, or interest decreases, from our National Bank seemed to get swallowed up by our other 5 Banks to , as they say, take care of their losses. What has been meant to go back to the Borrowers has not Happened. I'm afraid this Stimulus Package is going to fail as what is meant is gobbled up for Greed. The Big three, there are still going to be Layoffs here in Canada which is happening as well as Layoffs in other Manufacturing. lets face it, if we don't have Buyers outside this country we have to slow down. We got everybody and their dog crying we want more money. Yesterday its the recycling business which has always been a money grabber despite hiring cheap labour disabled which the government also gives out Grants. Whats funny or should I say Ironic, the dead and Dying Pulp industry is getting money to restart an Industry that died when times were good. What about pollution eh. Yea too much politics. Too bad because this Nation was almost at a point of paying our National Dept. Now this really gets me. The Gas prices just climbed at the Pumps to what it would be over 100 dollars a Barrel. I feel sorry of my kids and their Kids. WHAT REALLY IS NEEDED IS JAIL TIME and a Leash. on the profiteers.
Love your last two Lines. Ahhh Yes, Premiere Harris Charter of Education Rights and Responsibilities having teachers Re-Certify every 3-5 years. Boy did that ever give you guys a stink. As Big as the Snitch line for Welfare fraud. Yea I remember how the teachers cried that the students would hurt because the teachers had to upgrade, or shall I say, Refresh themselves as a lot were getting stale to the point of incompetent to teach. I thought he had some good Ideas and initiatives, Good man but wrong Province.
Yea like the leader of Teachers in New Brunswick that the CBC did a big stink about because this week he is the victim where last week it was the kids, parents, and us Hicks that cared when he decided to take the Anthem away from morning periods because HE felt that the students shouldn't be as he quoted SUBJECTED to the National Anthem. This looney toon ring piece should remember who actually pays for the schooling. Yup you got it. Me and you and the Students parents. I still remember the incompetence's in our High school that called themselves educators. Oh yea and in the 70s we had a lot of strikes. It only hurts the students in the end. LOL look what happened to me. I blame it on the Strikes. Now can I get stress leave and payment.
Just Horrible, Ya got to be depressed to leave Everything Behind. On a Hopeful note, Canadian Banks are the Healthiest in the world. Not one going Bankrupt. And I found this Article hidden way Beneath the Doom and Gloomers of Hopelessness http://www.vancouversun.com/Business/Bank+...0082/story.html Does Carney count as a Politician?
How about a McDonalds commercial or Salmon
I never really cared about the guy, especially when Cherry stated that he should of had his head cracked when he acted like an Idiot with the goalie. However when this Avery thread emerged a while ago, I kind of started liking the Guy. When guys call him a Pussy they have no Idea what they're talking about. Lets see, sticking up to Iginla and Jovanowski, in my books that's not a pussy. What is, well I wont mention names but only to say, if your a Habs fan, you'd be embarrassed on whats going on with that team the last few years. If I was Gainy, I would take him and get rid of a half dozen Pussy Habs and call up some more young Guns. At Least The Leafs are trying.
Ya like the Ladies, that read books on the tread mill or stair climber. They never lost weight. Cardio you actually got to sweat, at least otherwise its useless. But your right, can,t see the Army not having a workout where your heart and Lungs were about to explode. Ya, I remember those Friday morning Killer Runs and laughing at my Buddies stepping out Puking their Brains out because of the Thursday niter mess drinking. It was Funny till it happened to me.