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Everything posted by holdfast

  1. Good on you Albert. Really looks good. Luv how the Kitchen Turned out.
  2. All I got to say is another embarrassment to this Country thanks to our so called new Canadians. I think the Yanks should send the plane back, Escort the so Called Canadian back to Turkey, and then bill him. But that wont happen, someone in Ottawa will cry ( Non Conservatives) that they want our new Canadian out of jail and back to Canada. Wish I had the controls, because I would of made sure Mr. Dumbass would only land back to earth as Pink Mist. I suppose this will get locked up because I said something wrong over your way.
  3. WOW, waiting in the WEEDS to nail one of three people who put all their fish in one Bucket. I could think of alot better ways to spend their time and effort nailing Poachers. One would not be at the Tim Hortons Donut shop parking lot just outside of Vaughn where one young Whippersnapper decided to Question me on the way to the Airport. The picture of Deer on my Sweater must of caught his eye.
  4. Enter the Sandman. Used to play that song in the Dressing Room before going out on the ice for our Broom ball Games in the Military. Good incentive music to get the team in a Rough and tumble mood. Got to say number two is KING NOTHING But the more I hear the new on CYANIDE the more I'm liking it as top two.
  5. Word has it on the street that Sammy is Bragging that theyll be better than Led Zeppelin. So Sammmy, I thought you were off the cheap drugs and cider.
  6. So his salary went up ten times in a year, coincidently so did gas prices because the companies needed it to keep up. You have an awesome Uncle, Can you ask him if he could lend me some money to pay for my gas when I do my Reserve thing in Saskatoon at least once a week. Interest free of course.
  7. What? The NHL is run by Communism, The RCMP, Military, are run by Communism? There could be a set Pay Guide in place like I was payed in the Military. You got paid by your Rank, nothing less nothing more except Time In within that Rank. Our Bonus, was an extra Qualification, for example, Airborne or Other Dangerous Trades. If you call it communism, who gives a Rats Ass. There is alot of greed going on that should be criminal.
  8. Some, I would say the odd Doctor But Base-Ball Players making Millions? That I dont mind. But incompetants, that I do mind, especially if we the Tax payer is paying it, or the consumer is extra charged for Freddy Fat Cat to get his Bonus along with his Co- Conspiraters.
  9. Wife bit into Oreal cookie with tooth paste
  10. Don't want to get into a Southern vs Northern Ontario Rip here. But them CityIots should of gotten charged for Dangerous driving Stupidity Using cheap drugs Idiots like that will have snowmobilers confined to approved trails, Safety courses, Operators Card etc
  11. SALARY CAP. Maybe Obama has an Idea, 80 percent tax on any Salary over 120,000 a year including Bonuses. Yea I know, the greedy will run to Costa Rica once a year for a week and call it home. Like the Irvings.
  12. So whos paying them. You and me, but do we have a say ontheir Salaries? I wonder how much the Big Oil executives/speculaters are making and Liberal Dan Mcteague( Speculater in sheeps clothing) on the side. I figure hes being paid by the Oil companies to soften the Blow to us. He predicicts gas going up due to Merger, and the Crooks upped it 6 cents less than 24 hours later. Thanks Dan you Idiot, how about doing something for us, the consumer.
  13. Thanks for the Pics. You Kind of made it look easy. I love the Bar. Only thing missing and that would be the Biggest Honking Stereo That I could Find. My Dad always told me, I may be a Warrant, but there is no way that I should disobey the WARDEN. She Rules.
  14. I think Chucky would rather have China, Saudi Arabia, or some other Country as his neighbor. I also think that Chucky has a problem with Law enforcement. Chucky, did you Dodge something to come to Canada by any chance?
  15. Then your living in the wrong Country. If you dont like it , GET OUT. Oh yea heres some History for you http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Cut_Knife
  16. Just Maybe Canada stepped up to the plate when the Government of Afghanistan asked the United Nations for help in securing its Country. NATO Replyed with Canada, USA, and Britain taking the brunt. Dont ever compare this war to Viet Nam. Be proud that we still have young Men and Women willing to do the job that they are payed for. There is not enough money in the world that would make me crawl on my belly, disarming an IED. Maybe its something else. Your so called bogyman is killing innocent people everyday in the most inhumane and hideous way. The Explosive device. Just turn on the Pakistan news and read all the bombings. That's only one Country of many. Oh yea, if the USA did nothing about 9/11, how many other Idiots do you think would love to kill us, in the name of their Religion and/or hatred. Don'T forget, Rwanda, and the Former Yugoslavia. Remember. A Country either has its own military, if not , its someone else's. Sad that our Soldiers are being killed by Booby Traps. Must be 70 to 80 percent of the deaths by now. What you should be peeved off is, there are so called Canadians in this Country that are secretly cheering the deaths of our Canadian Soldiers. Are you one of them?
  17. Government of Saskatchewan decided against the so called enhanced driver license. WHY? Because a Passport is cheaper and more versatile
  18. Just wondering who pays for disibility. Both short term or long term. Wondering if we the tax payer forks it out, or is it only the employer, or is it the insurance company. Just wondering where the money comes from. Trying to see if Im right or my wife. Example my wife is getting short term disibility for an operation from her company If I was getting the same operation, would I get disibility from my place of work. Then there is Workers Comp. Hurt on the job. What are the differences
  19. Nope not me. Ha, Harper, Youre wrong. I Caught you, you lied. LOL
  20. Thanks to the clip it reminded me to do something before the season opens. Get Operaters licence http://www.fishing-in-saskatchewan.com/ree...n.asp?level2=32
  21. We are Canadian, eh? Red Shirt If the red shirt thing is new to you, read below how it went for a man... Last week, while traveling to Toronto on business, I noticed an army sergeant traveling with a folded flag, but did not put two and two together. After we boarded our flight, I turned to the sergeant, who'd been invited to sit in First Class ( across from me), and inquired if he was heading home. 'No', he responded. 'Heading out', I asked? 'No. I'm escorting a soldier home.' 'Going to pick him up?' 'No. He is with me right now. He was killed in Afghanistan, I'm taking him home to his family.' The realization of what he had been asked to do hit me like a punch to the gut. It was an honor for him. He told me that, although he didn't know the soldier, he had delivered the news of his passing to the soldier's family and felt as if he knew them after many conversations in so few days. I turned back to him, extended my hand, and said, 'Thank you. Thank you for doing what you do so my family and I can do what we do.' Upon landing in Toronto , the pilot stopped short of the gate and made the following announcement over the intercom. 'Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to note that we have had the honor of having Sergeant Steeley of the Canadian Armed Forces join us on this flight. He is escorting a fallen comrade back home to his family. I ask that you please remain in your seats when we open the forward door to allow Sergeant Steeley to deplane and receive his fellow soldier. We will then turn off the seat belt sign.' Without a sound, all went as requested. I noticed the sergeant saluting the casket as it was brought off the plane, and his action made me realize that I am proud to be a Canadian. So here's a public Thank You to our military Men and Women for what you do so we can live the way we do. Red Fridays. Very soon, you will see a great many people wearing Red every Friday. The reason? Canadians who support our troops used to be called the 'silent majority.' We are no longer silent, and are voicing our love for God, country and home in record breaking numbers. We are not organized, boisterous or overbearing. Many Canadians, like you, me and all our friends, simply want to recognize that the vast majority of Canadians supports our troops. Our idea of showing solidarity and support for our troops with dignity and respect starts this Friday and continues each and every Friday until the troops all come home, sending a deafening message that every red-blooded Canadian who supports our men and women afar, will wear something red. By word of mouth, press, TV -- let's make Canada on every Friday a sea of red much like a homecoming Hockey game in the bleachers. If every one of us who loves this country will share this with acquaintances, co-workers, friends, and family, it will not be long before the Canada is covered in RED and it will let our troops know the once 'silent' majority is on their side more than ever, certainly more than the media lets on. The first thing a soldier says when asked 'What can we do to make things better for you?' is 'We need your support and your prayers.' Let's get the word out and lead with class and dignity, by example, and wear something red every Friday.
  22. Actually I hope Montreal loses all their games and Stink Badly. Just Maybe, just Maybe. They can totally revamp their team and start over again as Im sick and tired of the same ole garbage Iv witnessed, well, since they traded Chelios for Savard. Saku became Captain, and they lost interest in obtaining Canadian players outside of Quebec.
  23. Ohh The Power that Mr Big Bad Harper and the Conservatives can do to poor ole Ontario's Premier ( Must be a Yes-man that you voted). If I were you, I would check and see if your still paying 60% equalization to the Country with 40% going to Quebec your neighbor. If I'm not mistaken, I think the Feds cut that out and are now giving you guys the money. As far as forcing the Premiere to do a Harmonization Tax. Ours said no. He actually listened to his voters and could see how it would hurt the food/Restaurant Industry, New Housing (Jobs) and consumers buying power. Poor Harper, all he gets is Flak. How about talking about how hes getting tough on crime. By the way, Taxation is a Liberal and NDP tool. payinhttp://www.crfa.ca/news/2008/saskatchewan_rejects_harmonized_sales_tax.asp A Non Torontonian editorial http://www2.macleans.ca/2008/11/06/now-its...n-stop-moaning/
  24. Lets start a Riot.
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