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Everything posted by holdfast

  1. XS Cargo you can get a decent Rain Jacket for $6.99. I got a Colemans at one time. I think what they have now are Wet Skins. Just by your Bibs at Marks as Sonny eluded to you. We out in Oil Country have a Factory Wearhouse where you can buy industrial cloths at a decent price including Fireproof coveralls. Not sure if its a chain that is out your way.
  2. One Last thing. Be Proficient with map reading and compass other wise you will be in a world of hurt if you only have a GPS Looking for Back Lakes
  3. Get the cheapest GPS that you can afford. Who cares right now if you don't have a Map source for it. I have two. E-Trex and a Magellan. Overall the Magellan is the easiest to use. Its an older 315. Your main Buttons are right there. GOTO, NAV, MARK. Just press the Button. The E-Trex drives me crazy because I have to scroll through Pages and Pages to get my Grid, mark a Land Mark, or find the GOTO. There are a lot of Magellan haters here, but trust me, The Army uses them, they're tough and simple. The only problem is they eat power. Buy Lithium batteries. I only use my GPS for grid now, to where I'm going and the Distance from. Otherwise Map and Compass. Everything else is just a Bonus that I hardly ever use. Hope it helps. Of Note. This is a Major Pet Peeve of Mine. A Person that holds on to his GPS, Head Down and following the Arrow, totally oblivious to every thing around him. I Failed a lot of would be Patrol Commanders because they lost control to what they are supposed to do. Pull it out of your pocket once in a while while your navigating and enjoy your surroundings.
  4. I got bored so I figured why not post some Pictures. As you know I live in the city Of North Battleford Saskatchewan. I moved there upon retiring from the Military. I never lived in Saskatchewan but I heard of this place when posted in Wainwright AB for four years. I'm a Montreal Boy I guess and if I called anywhere home it would be Ontario as I lived there 15 Years of 25 years in the Military. I moved to North Battleford in 2006 just before housing sky rocketed in 2007. I bought at $104,000 and probably could of started bidding to sell at 200,000 the following year. I had a job as a Pressure truck Driver before I even moved from Wasaga Beach and secured it during my House Hunting trip. Since then Ive worked Driving Roll off and a short stint repairing RV trailers before landing my present job. I work as the town maintenance man 20 minutes North in a town called Meota. Its a resort town in the Summer. It has 250 year round citizens and everyone knows each other. My bosses would be the Mayor and the Town council and everyday would be the Administrator. I like the job as its outdoors and nobody looks over my shoulders. They love my work ethic which was the way I was brought up and of course my job when I was in the Military was probably the most physically demanding in the CF. My morning starts off by taking off around 0700 hrs. Straight Highway to Meota with a Couple of Grain Elevators and Ranches/Farms in between. Of course I have to stop at my favorite place and have a Timmies before leaving the small city. My first stop will be to my Shop. The Tractor I have used it for snow removal as well as grass cutting. Last week I had the PTO hooked up to a humongous water pump. Soon Ill be using it to fill in Potholes and level some of the dirt roads. I never drove a tractor till this job and Ill tell ya the air conditioning and Heater is sweet, especially with the toons on. My first stop will be the Fire Hall. I will look after the Hall as well as the Equipment. Fill the Air Tanks, extinguishers, truck with water and fuel as well as Maintain it. Supposedly the plan is that I would be the first to arrive and get the truck started as everyone else is on call. We just got this van and we are rigging it as our command Post. I also must ensure the Radios are Charged The Mayor stops by and tells me that the Lagoon is leaking so I have to Pump the water from the Ditches before it floods the farmer Fields. Too Easy, done this a lot in the Army. Built ice Roads and Bridges and of course the floods of Winnipeg. Maybe Ill see some varmints. Yup, great job, outdoors, by myself, GOOD EXCERCISE, what I always wanted when I retired. NO STRESS and the pay along with my pension, added up to what I used to make. Oh and the critters. Seen these with pink tails Bigger than this in Iraq Check out the hole a Gopher leaves behind as a nuisance to livestock Cute little critters, where is my 22 The Kids in school are on break this week so I have a chance to wax the floor at the Community Centre. Its only used for walkers in the Winter, K-5 school one a day and me. Oh yea, funerals, weddings or family get togethers. I must say, the floors are like glass. learned this in the Army in Boot Camp. Yup Got the place all to myself at lunch. My Gym for circuit training. I also bring the Dog to work on Fridays as I will keep going North to Big River. I will keep him occupied kicking a Basketball running between weights. Well time to tour the Town. I will assist in Construction, Maintenance and Utilities including drinking water. Got to put up Barricades as we have an underground water leak. Yup rusted Curb (Valve) Big Larry is going to try to relieve the water pressure to replace the Valve. Man did it do a number to the Road. I guess Ill check in and see if anything came up. Maryanne the Administrator. A great Boss. Never worked for a female but she is great. Tough but Fair. Anyways I would never want her job. She is it for this town. Everything, even the scape goat especially when taxes rise. I did basically a similar job in the Army, only we Called it Operations. Yup, in Ops, I was the FOB. (FOCUS OF BLAME) Almost forgot. I also pickup Garbage on Tuesdays. For PRO CASTER Thought I would mention after you called me a Hick, that I have picked up worse when I was in Iraq. Think of every time before a body was moved, we the Engineers would check for Booby Traps before disposal. Kind of thinking of my Army Boss, a fellow Canadian, doing the same job in Rwanda. Oh, I get to go on a Safety course for heavy Equipment. I guess after a year I should of had a Safety course for driving a Tractor. Well at least I got to play with other Equipment. I refused an Arm Wrestle, with the Female Grader Operator in the foreground. I was scared. So this town now has a Post Office, General Store, Car Wash, Curling Rink, Hair Dresser, Bank and Hotel Bar. Its on a lake Called Jackfish Lake. Its a shallow lake but there is Jack in there. Up the Road is another lake Called Murray and it produces 20lb plus Jacks. Mostly under the Ice. There is also a Regional Campground and Seasonal dwellings. Its a good town with little to no crime. Lots of Retirees I wonder if the Hicks are having a Klan meeting (LOL) I'm Kidding 50/50 Draw hosted by the Lyons club. Who ever gets closed to the sinking wins. At one time this place Bustled before transport got easy. It had everything. Grain Elevator and of Course the railway. And Lots More.
  5. Nah, I dont think hell ever be the Legend
  6. Oh never mind. The truth hurts.
  7. I just seen the News All I got to say is RUN FOR YOUR LIVES--------BACK IN YOUR CAVES -----------WEre Going to DIE Talk about the Media, giving us the doom and gloom. Oh yea, this should bring stocks down and fuel prices up. LOL
  8. BUTTERCUP???????? You Think I would say BEACHBALL, he must weigh 700lbs to step and break it if he is not sure.
  9. This would be my third attempt at this lake which is called Fish Lake on the Map. My other two attempts ended about halfway as I was spooked that my car would be burned to the ground if I wasn't quick enough. First time I decided to go straight in the Bush with map and compass and my second attempt was on an overgrown trail that some local Cree had directed me to. Ive tried to show where I think the main Gravel road is in Red. Parking spot and my route to Fish Lake from the road. The existing road marked in Orange was what I thought was the Main Gravel Road but marked wrong on the Map. I did a Report earlier on the unnamed lake below where I parked and assumed at that time there was a problem with my GPS and Map not matching. This is a Picture of the Main Logging Road. Kind of a Main Service Road Between the Towns of Big River and Leoville. Nothing but nothing in Between except some Logging trucks and Locals. There are so cut roads of this MSR that is impossible to tell where they go as they are not mapped. I found a so called track that was close to my start point as I wanted to hide my truck. What I found was a Native camp. Trashed and disgusting. I did some snooping around and figured the last time anybody was there was to drink beers around a fire. I was also hoping to find a trail that might lead me to the unnamed lake south but nothing after trying to bushwhack it for ahhhh 100 meters before I gave up. To thick to puncture 300 more meters to the lake. So I checked my map, Put the grids on my GPS and walked east for about 2 Kms on the road till I got to my start point. I put on the GOTO and off I went. There was clearly a Cut line that might of been a trail that had been abandoned. The only signs on the ground was wolf scat, whitish clumps of fur and deer tracks, as well as my own from my winter boots. Other wise, no-one. I found the GPS helpful in telling me how many meters to the lake. Here's a shot of the Trail from the Road. There is no way you would know it was there by driving past. The distance would be 1.5 Kms as to the grids I put on my GPS. I should end up where the creek enters the lake. For the most part the trail was easy going however there were times when I thought the trail had ended with over growth. Clearly someone blocked the trail by putting up a dirt barrier. I found two of these along the way. Check out this old front tractor tire. Look at the growth in the middle. I was about 200 meters from my destination when I spotted an opening and couldn't believe my eyes when I seen this road. Now everything made sense. This Track, is what is marked on the map as a gravel road. The main road as I suspected is not marked. So- how do I get on this track, where does it start and end in conjunction of the main road. What is the condition. Here's what gets me though, later that day I actually found this road on a Trail that I was told by a local that led nowhere. I would of found it on my first attempt instead I believed him. The Cree that showed me the trail to the lake, surely they must of knew that you could drive there. You think. Heres pictures of the track A Picture from me looking at where I came out of the cut line. Well I had 200 meters to go so off I went on the road. WOW the Lake Even Better a road to the lake. Call it a launch if you want And a fairly large lake I may add And the Token abandoned cabin at that too This is fantastic as I found a trail from the main road to the track where I can drive and Launch, Now I can also check out the lakes along this abandoned marked road which was mapped. Next weekend is the start of fishing , however due to Fire fighting training this weekend, and Ice still on the lakes, I'm sure it'll be another few weeks for me any hoot.
  10. I tried tuning my VCR for Satellite channels but only picked up two. Is it possible or how on earth would a VCR with 120 programmable channels sort through 800 Satellite. All I want to do is be able to record Satellite channels. I'm thinking maybe I need a special VCR or it doesn't work like it does for Cable in which I had no problems tuning in.
  11. LOL Stay away from Saskatchewan all I know is 30 Murders in 2007, Funny though, I feel safer not getting shot, then lets say Vancouver or Toronto. Unfortunately the statistics only go by Population, vice Area size, or say who is being victimized for instance, Biker wars in Montreal/Quebec Robert Pickton Murders and Gang Murders in Vancouver, same as the retards in Toronto playing with guns and killing bystanders. Got to say though, in Saskatchewan the weapon of choice is a knife. Oh, you can also even put a more honest statistics on where these crimes are and what peoples. Other than that, like I said I grew up in Montreal, and I can tell you I felt the most uncomfortabe in Vancouver off the beaten path and Richmond Virginia when we sort of wound up on the wrong side of town in the Black section. The only thing that save our asses is that when they found out we were Canadian, it was OK
  12. Lets see, Swine Flu Your Parts left on the streets at the four corners of Mexico, Litterly Hostage taking Travel agencys going bankrupt and leaving you stranded and flipping the Bill. Yea go, have fun. Hope you come back healthy with all your parts. But I suppose you can just hang out with only the tourists.
  13. Well I got her done on Saturday and it was a lot quicker than I anticipated. Never used a Compass as I took the dog for a walk and noted where all the Bell Dishes were pointed. I did some research and found out that just because its High on the Roof doesn't mean you get better reception. So I mounted it low so I can always maintain it. I remembered I found an old TV so I rigged it temporarily. It took me less than Two minutes to Lock on. Thanks guys for the Ideas. My weekend excursions are even better now with Satellite. At Least I have a TV Guide, and it saves me $50 a month
  14. Ya Hoo, someone worse than me for collecting Fishing Gear says my wife. My best Buddy who I grew up with in Montreal, who I havent seen in a dozen years or so, but we still remain in contact, sent me these photos that I requested. When we last spoke he told me that he started collecting old and rare Rapalas, he does a lot of this E-Bay buying and selling which I thought was only Robert Bateman prints. Wow, was I surprised by these Pictures and he also is now starting to collect old Mitchell Reels He tells me that he might even be given a job as a Rapala Rep in BC. Anyways here's a few Pictures he sent. He Says.... The one with the Jointed double Red head, There were only 1200 made for the European market, He has 4, They were made in Finland quite a few years ago...Try & find one today!! His Mitchell collection Im sure hed love to hear from anyone who shares the same interest.
  15. Thanks alot guys for the answers. I may have to rely on the audio. I also have a problem as the calculations in the Bell book are for Prince Albert and North Battleford. 1.5 and 2.5 hours difference from Big River. Never the less your answers have given me the confidence to get her done this weeknd and save myself 50 dollars a month on Cable fees.
  16. Recording some of my CDs and wondered if anybody heard of these guys from Austin Texas http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rd9YpIm6zdY Also my favorite song by these Guys is Mississippi Hoodoo Man. I couldn't find it from Omar and the Howlers, but interesting enough, I think these guys play it really good. Quite Unique also
  17. I have a second Satellite that Ive payed for and was wondering if I could hook it up at my trailer 3 hours North without going through the works. Also, Last time I hooked one up many years ago. I remember the Agony using a compass with trial and Error and my wife watching the Tube. This time I will be by myself so any Ideas or tips. The only thing I could think of is bringing the TV on the roof with me. That may be insane though. I figure some of you may be pros with a short cut or two.
  18. Yup, and hearing from my Brit Buddies that joined the Canadian Military, just about anywhere in Canada is more affordable to own a house in Britian. I wouldnt worry about a job as long as you keep looking. Problem is that we have too many people that give up easy, or expect someone else will hand it to them. You can always move within Canada or do like alot of others do till they get sorted out and thats work at camps, say Fort McMurray 2 weeks out, two weeks home.
  19. We"ll see Lew come Victoria Day Weekend. I know Historically the prices will rise like fire. On the same note, our price is holding at 94.9. Not bad at $50 a Barrel. Also I'm beginning to think that Dan McTeague is an oil Speculator ( Probably not, but the Gougers are using him to their advantage). Just like Clockwork his last announcement shot prices up within hours after he stated the Suncor merge would drive them up.
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6U219P_zs7w
  21. As Long As you dont Spawn AGAIN LMAG
  22. I Forgive You My Son
  23. Hopefully she picks a good Agent. Starting with the She has Talent Show Parasites. I just have a feeling that right now in Scotland, her phone has not stopped ringing with hopeful wannabee GET RICH agents.
  24. I always thought that when I made comments on this forum, that there was always a WEASEL or two that would go crying to the MODS. Well thanks WEASEL. Not only are you a MisFish, but you are also a SPINELESS JELLYFISH. The least you could of done was PM Me First.
  25. Why thank You. I noticed the Habs Thread got Burned pretty fast. So... What was that problem.
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