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Everything posted by holdfast

  1. Yup Al, same Lake, better get here soon, seems fishing gets worse as the crowds come in. Now there is 3 limit on Walleye vice 5 on most other Lakes. Tells ya something about the fishing pressure.
  2. Thursday just seemed to Drag by and I figured I deserved a Break. This will be the first time that Ill earn payed holidays since March 2006, my last year in the Regular Army. So off I went to see my boss to pull a Fastball and ask her for the next day off. Success, now I have to go back home, pack, get the truck and oil changed and make the 2.5 hour journey north. My plan was to camp this weekend so this works out fine as I can get a good head start for a camp spot on Hackett Lake. Next Day I woke up early and had everything packed including the Firewood. I figured since it was still early, maybe I could get the boat trailer welded. I actually even rewired the trailer Lights that morning. The welder said he can do it before noon and it would only cost $50. Oh well, I can maybe get some concurrent activity going so I spent the time Mowing the Grass. Well, finally it was finished at 1 PM, and was advised to check my Bearings. I did them myself last August so I figured maybe it just needs greasing. No way, both bearing were gone. I figured let the mechanics do it this time maybe they will last longer. When that job was finished it was 4.30 Pm and $119. If I was working that day I would be half way to Big River. So off I went to Hacket lake with a hub that was siliconed on. At a check stop I noticed the hub cap was gone. Question. One cap fits one side but not the other leaving me to believe a hub is worn enough that I need a cap a hairline bigger in Diameter. Is it possible to get one? or do I have to silicone one on again? If so, whats the best silicone, as the mechanics had failed? Anyways I got Hacket lake around six o'clock, and the first thing I needed to do was get a camp spot. I'm really not used to camping with neighbors and out houses, but it was the fishing that brought me here anyhow. Bam! Camp is set up within minutes with firewood. Off to the boat launch to pay my 15 dollar fee and unhook the Boat. I was delayed an hour when a fisherman that came in required my assistance to take a picture with a 19lb Jack with him and his son who is disabled. Wow I was encouraged knowing there is still big fish in those waters. Here's a pic of the father holding it up. Found out that the son who incidentally caught the fish was paralyzed due to a hockey elbow to the head, only to be paralyzed a week later after the fact. Unfortunately, after trying to revive him, the fish was just too beat to live. Seems these guys forgot the camera and they had him in the live well too long I suspect. I'm not saying anything on this one as I would of done the same thing in the same circumstance to be truthful. Hopefully they at least ate him. Well off to some late fishing and spectacular scenery. You can see how a freak Micro Burst broke and uprooted the trees. I would troll and try some Bait fishing. Got my first Walleye of the season Trolling Good ole Spike has taken to fishing just wonderfully. He got a good lesson though when he fell in the drink getting too close to the Boat edge As usual on this lake I caught lots of small pike to keep me going. Why are these pictures so dark I even caught the small ones on good sized frozen smelt Next week I might do a canoe trip into that unnamed lake that I snowshoed in during the winter
  3. The Media out West here have realized she is better than a Figure Head. First she stopped the three Idiots from Ruining the Country, and now she Basically told the Europeans to mind their own Buisness when it comes to Canadian Culture. Including Killing and eating Seals. BANG ON
  4. Why would that be. Do you not like some of the Opinions/ Discussions here, or has someone unknowingly hurt your feelings. If I did, I AM SORRY but tell me why because I have no Idea.
  5. WOW a Whopper of a story! I still maintain that the incident were two peeved off cottagers that figure the lake and fish are theirs. So Happened the Perpetrators were Asian. Obviously the Story got Ratted to an Asian News Paper. I don't know the lake at all, but would I be right saying its a small Lake full of full time Cottagers. Here's a story, I went looking all evening for a lake to fish and ended on a small lake somewhere not to far from Barrie. I found a Boat launch and checked for a shoreline for a camp fire and tent. No way Hose, too many cottages so I ended up tenting and camp firing beside the Boat Launch. That night there were two gun shots, obviously trying to scare me off. Next morning in my grogginess I heard about a half Dozen voices outside the tent talking about me. I got out of the tent in my Skiffies, Knocked over a Whiskey Bottle and bid them Good Morning. Their Snobby faces were priceless. Point of my story, I wanted to fish, but to them I was an Invader. Oh, and I'm White
  6. Nice Pics
  7. LOL, You're absolutely wrong Sherlock, Nope, I'M a pretty good guy and mind my own Business most times. However I do have my pet Peeves. Not knowing what a racist is Pulling the Race Card Jumping to conclusions Ganging up Not standing up for one self and Cry Babies Dissing the Military, Police, or any other Canadian Authority figure Lemmings Left Wing do gooders that think all of us should be like them. But Pick on people of different Color, Race, Language, Gender or what ever. I think not. But force me to Change my ways for theirs, or tell me my way is wrong, Call me a Racist because Im a Passionate Canadian. Yea Ill say something.
  8. You guys are a joke. If you want a fight join the Canadian Military or US in Afghanistan. You guys remind me of the old Days. You Fight me.....You fight my Gang. As far as this whole thread is concerned. Im quite entertained.
  9. Now thats the way not to get pushed around.
  10. Totally Awsome Report Solo, What a Bonus Pike and the Bass are not too Bad. Love the Picture of the Predator Kill and liked the fact it took you two trips, the second getting the Canoe. Done that a few times. Question. Was that Pike on one of the Back Lakes? Disd you know that they could be that Size. Also if it was a Back lake the Pike was caught/ is it a local secret?, or unknown.
  11. Like I said cops got better things to do than settle an Argument, lets Call it. Why not get a Lawyer and sue Harrassment eh, lets put this guy on the brink of suicide and Life Ruination. Maybe I was taught different not to go running to Teacher, Mommy, Coppers, everytime I was or had a dispute. To me, shows weakness.
  12. Sorry Dawg, I'm with Cram on this one. The Cops have better things to do than Deal with the Big Bad White Guy and Marital disputes. Ive met Big Mouths like that think they own the Joint down there, (Cottage Country) but I always figure if you cant fend for yourself Back Off. As far as bringing in the media and stuff, lets not make this a Race Issue of which it can easily be or already is. You know what side the Media will sensationalize. Been there done that. The problem is in these small cottage lakes, EVERYONE, white Black or Asian is treated like an outsider. Maybe Honkey thought the (Asians, Humanoids, Newbies, Intruders, were really illegally fishing). Gad I hope we don't have this Racist, Cry-baby crap like this infiltrating Northern Saskatchewan. Bad enough with our First Nations. What a bunch of Cry Babies, Betcha The White Mouth Piece would of backed off if the Asians threatened KUNG_FU. By the way, is anybody else having problems with getting through on the Board.
  13. I always pass by Little Loon Lake to get to Big River. But with that small Lake, a Golf Course, that close to Alberta, no Thanks. Too Crowded and from what I heard, fished out. It however does look pretty from the Highway. By the way that Highway is the Border between Prairie Topograpy and Boreal. Great mixture iof Both. As you know the Hills Between Cochin and Glaslyn to me is Spectacular Badland or Ranchland scenery. Too Bad the locals are all Pyromaniacs. Last week took us nine hours to put out a fire that came from the Reservation North of Murray lake ( You Know who, They do it every year) that could of ruined a few Ranchers.
  14. Ill take this a step further. I'm going to also blame Immigration ( Bringing in their Bad Habits as well as good) on this too. Lets face it, Canada has changed a lot since our population has nearly doubled since I went to school. You were a big shot then if you could hold your own in a fight with your fists or the odd boot. Not like now where you have your so called big shots hiding a Piece or Blade. They can hardly lift them let alone stand up to another man with only their fists. Most of us played sports growing up and we loved our Hockey fights. These loser freaks now couldn't endure a 10 second hockey fight. Problem is Canadian Society is getting weaker with every migration coming over. We had learned to stand up for our selves. We were taught by our Fathers and Grandfathers that had to endure two Wars and a Depression. Now we are lead by leaders that want us to cry to the Teacher, Mommy or a Lawyer for Sympathy instead of standing up for ones self. Yup the less dignified will prey on the weak. We have Laughable Laws, Laughable Immigration, Men that hide behind women's skirts, and criminals that have more rights than victims. Human rights where the victim pays but the Complaintant gets a free pass thanks to the Tax Payer. I find Canada is getting weaker by the day. I got one thing to say little fella, Suck it up. Those Swat guys probably had better things to do. At least they kept you safe.
  15. Nice fish Mike, Smiles says it all
  16. Not sure about rust, but to put the shine on them, boil Patatoes and scrub the lures with the water. it really works.
  17. AHA, you are a NERD. BIRD WATCHING are We?
  18. After two Weekends trying Fish Lake, Ive come to realize it should be Called Fish-less Lake. Not even a hit on the FFinder. Talk around town is SPIEL and his Clan were in there eating anything and everything that swam. Joking aside, it may of been netted out as a local told me. After a cold couple of weeknds, we actually had a day that you could go shirtless. Our first. Friday I got into Big River around 7 PM and loaded up the boat into the truck and got to the Boat Launch within 2 minutes. Guaranteed pike, how ever Ive never caught anything other than small pike. As usual the folks were harvesting pike by casting off the Dock. Guys drive 3 hours from Saskatoon just to fish off the dock. Lots of good keepers that were kept for meals. It was rather Chilly and I figured I may have two hours of Daylight. I really felt cramped in on the small boat but man does that 9.9 Yamy ever boot. It wasn't long before I got my limit of Pike. I would keep two as they should Taste good in the 50 degree water. My plan was to test run my Honda 15 Hp and then head to Hackett to catch some Pickerel or a possibility Trophy jacks Like my Vector One Dollar fishing glove at the Dollar store? Handiest thing to unhook my 12 dollar plus lure nowadays. Saves the fish too although he may experience a sore jaw. A couple for at least two meals for myself. Best part of the trip is the scenery, peacefulness and the beautiful water front homes check out this home in the background I just seen the Big River Lock Ness Monster The Next Day on Saturday which was the nicest Day so far this year, I was Horrified at the Dock. It was like Cottage Country with the crowds and Ignoramouses that oblivious to others that back up to the water then prep for the launch or vice verse. Well things didnt go smooth. I noticed my trailer needs welding which the wooden guide sits on and my License plate is AWOL. Then I first pressed the starter and nothing. Luckily after some trouble shooting I found out it was the Battery.(Nautilus) I switched Batteries and it started up good. Funny though I had it on the charger and it had a full charge. I hooked up at 2 Amps instead of 10 and hope it works next week. The other thing is the oil. i cant tell where it is on the Dip stick because its so clean. I may re Oil it to be on the safe side. Because of all this my plans ended up fishing Cowan again as time was running out. Oh well I can think of worse places. This time Ill try bait fishing. See how a smelt does. Open the gut to sink it. It was really slow but I ended up with this that I tossed back. and later on trolling. Next week Ill try Hackett Lake, maybe even camp over night.
  19. Might try the Yammy myself, it cost me that much to buy it.
  20. Seems to be only in the Mornings. This morning good.
  21. About how much to change an impeller. I have a 9.9 Yamaha, and 15 Honda 4 stroke.
  22. Careful now, let me tell you a little story in Chilliwack BC. My kids used to go to school just outside the Base called Watson. For some Reason there are a lot of Creeps in that area. Clifford Olsen being one and another guy I heard Personally as he was in the same Trade as me but I never personally met him. We as parents used to get quit often Predator alerts in the mail from the school. Basically who to watch for. Anyways one day I was picking up my kids and I noticed a van parked on the Road outside the school with a guy casing the place. He even went into the school yard and obviously was eyeballing all the kids around him. I thought nothing of it since there were many Parents and staff milling around. I guess this mother called the cops and the cops picked up the guy for questioning. Two hours later when he could prove who he was, RCMP released him as he was a Father looking for his Kid. My Point is. Thanks to these predators, I always felt it uncomfortable to be affectionate with my Daughter in Public because of Paranoia. TID BIT---- There was one time that I was heading up towards Chilliwack Lake and the Mountains with my four year old Daughter when I got stopped by an RCMP at a surprise Road side check Point. He asked how I was, Where I was going, and who is with me. Heres what impressed me about this smart Cop. Awesome Questioning techniques. He looks at my daughter asks her Whats your name? So your going with your Dad to fish? Once he got her Talking So where is your Mom? How is your Mom? Obviously the Cop was being mindful of a kidnapped child. So off I went with a Bag of Beer and one opened.
  23. Thanks for the reminder.
  24. AHA, you and your Clan of Buddies have been eating FisH Lake to a point that it is now a Collapsed Fishery. You could of saved me roughly eight hours of fishing for nothing the last two weeknds. Not even a signal on the Fish Finder. YOU Horrible Horrible man.
  25. Be advised, same Tires at Walmarts different name Nexen. For the cheap price, not bad, had worse from a Brand Name. ie Michelin
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