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Everything posted by smally21

  1. my favorite auger is the one my fishing partner uses.
  2. all of our custom trailers included delivery. we found if we left it to the customer they said the trailer didn't work, or fit. so every trailer got fitted and every customer got a lesson on launching and recovery. after about 400 trailers and trips to countless boat ramps i got to the point where i could load/unload inside of 2-3 minutes. to launch i give out 4-5 ft of slack in the winch line prior to backing down into the water. (lock the winch!) back up til the boat just floats. dry bunks and even rollers are like glue, she's not going too fall off . board the boat from the bow or dock, lean over and uncouple the winch line (or have someone else on the tongue do it for you). the few feet of slack insures the bow eye doesn't hang up on the bow roller. start motor at high trim level and you are off. if your reversing skills are good just push it to the dock if you like. to recover, lay out 6-8 feet of winch line, lay it over the first cross member. back up AS STRAIGHT AS POSSIBLE, until the front bunks, rollers disappear. they are now wet and will slide better. pull forward until you can see about 1 foot of bunk out of the water. this is probably the most important thing, you are now driving a triangle into a rectangle and it has no choice but to center itself! now drive the boat onto the trailer as straight as possible, at a reasonable speed but enough to still be able to steer. it being perfectly straight right off the bat is not critical, because as you retrive with the winch the boat will center itself as it climbs the bunks. once im hooked up on the bunks (maybe with some helpful, but gentle throttle) i walk to the bow, lean over and grab the winch line i layed out earlier. hook it to the bow eye and exit the boat, either from bow to tongue or via the dock. standing on the tongue with the winch in low gear slowly and steadily bring the boat up. let the bunks do the work of straightening the boat. absolutely jam it up to the bow roller as the bow will climb when you leave the water. (proper trailer setup is important). if it gets too difficult to crank, get back in the truck and back up a foot or two, as the boat is already straight and up on the bunks you shouldn't lose your center. put on your safety and slowly climb the ramp. if not perfectly centered, back up and float the boat again (just barely!) and repeat the process. good luck hope you get lots of practice! and everyone remember the ramp is not the place to mess around with your bumpers and bait! get the dutch off the ramp when you're done!!
  3. thanks twocoda
  4. forgive me if this is the wrong thread what are the rules and/or accepted practises for farmers/landowners to shoot pests on their land? hopefully facts not opinions....do they require licences, or need toobserve seasons, etc. thanks
  5. fantastic report what a full year you must have had. crossing the pike like swords is a nice touch, and makes me hate you both a little bit more than before. just kidding fellas great fishing thanks for sharing you stories and awesome pics. True sportsmen (and women)
  6. have you simply noticed he is not around or are you actually 'missing him'????
  7. lots of units in this pricerange, i have a combo humminbird that does okay, if not amazing. the newest version of hotmaps and similar run 150-200. an idea might be to buy a 2008 version or something from ebay that will be a quarter of the price - still the same lake you know?? happy shopping
  8. the leafs seem to let up when they have a lead and we know what happens to them.
  9. very fair question, i've understood that it is the system's fault (goals for). i've also always played with the understanding that it is more insulting to let up than to smoke the other team. these aren't peewees either, 'feelings' aren't so important in professional/world sports. our mens league has a travel team that does england, belgium, france and such. this team destroys the local british teams 25-1 regularly and that in front of 2500 people. the canucks tried to let up and the british teams and fans got really angry. they said you're here to play hockey, from the land of hockey, so play hockey. go team canada
  10. a little further but you could try valens or binbrook consrvation areas. of course by that time you could have gone to cooks bay for 50 perch an hour......
  11. let's leave those pensions alone here - i agree with everyhting that has been said but almost every public sector employee is in OMERS which is a defined benefit plan (ie capped) and anytime anyone mentions pensions (public or private) you have to remember it is OUR MONEY that pays the pension plan. most people are unaware of the substantial payroll deduction that pays for OMERS pensions. good thing the cheque is a healthy govt one to start!
  12. i don't want to always say that live bait (or real bait if dead) is better than something flashy or scented but a fella said to me once that if a fish isn't eating its natural forage (minnows) than it isn't eating anything. or if it won't eat a real minnow it won't eat a plastic one, something to that effect. just an idea for you to munch on. also when ice fishing i have found that if the perch are there they will take minnows. if you can't catch a fish in a certain hole in a few minutes move. just my take, i'm not too experienced in this area...
  13. can i take that valium in a non-motorized boat, say if i was close to shore????
  14. so let's take a look see here. you said you were looking for info as to could you have a beer in your non motorized boat. after 4 pages of responses and links to the actual govt sites that list the laws that govern the watereways, you are still arguing the case? why ask the question in the first place. it seems like you don't like the answer so you keep going hoping someone is going to say - "drink up cookslav, all those other guys were wrong". no one is telling you your boat will explode if you crack a beer, just that it is illegal - which was your question about 80 posts ago......
  15. i don't know much about the moose scoring system. perhaps someone could share it with us non hunters. what would this moose weigh in at??
  16. i think your original question was answered about 71 times, by 27 different people. it seems to be the only point being missed is regardless of how many beers, anchored or not, non motorized or not, crap faced or not, you can't drink beer in yer boat.
  17. unfortunately rick is right on here. while you should be allowed to do stupid things (say base jumping for example) we live in a place where all efforts are made to rescue/recover the 'daring' among us. so that dude had every right to jump off the escarpment with a parachute in his hand. however he didn't have the right to endanger the emergency personnel who had a duty to remove him from the side of the cliff he mangled himself on. so we have laws (lots of them!) to prohibit these actions. maybe a bad example but the idea is the same. and by the way i don't see the harm in having a cold one in your canoe! empties, i beleive, are construed as refuse not alcohol.
  18. it is interesting how often i have this discussion with boaters and fisherman. put the liquor licence act into the search engine and read the section regarding watercraft. it is prohibited to convey alcohol on a boat with the following two exceptions, blah blah blah. print it off and laminate and keep it in your boat so when some OPP dude gives you his interpretation you can discuss the real thing. perhaps not by coincidence, i haven't been too popular with the officers that stopped me. the answers are out there, why not go to the source to know for sure!
  19. the fact that 3 of my last 6 vehicles ended up as smoking hulks on the reserve, is, i'm sure, completely coincidental. hamilton has an awesome auto theft problem, at over 6000 vehicles a year as many as 1 in 20 car owners will have their vehicle taken EACH YEAR in the city of hamilton. living in the hamilton area i have been the victim of auto theft / break and enter more than 12 times. touchy subject for me obviously, once every couple of years getting the call from cayuga OPP telling me they have recovered my 'burnt out vehicle'. i'll probably get roasted for this one i'm sure......appreciate the heads up from charlie.
  20. there are thousands more violent attacks with knives and blunt objects than their are with guns. over 80% of gun 'homicides' are suicides. wheelbarows cause more trips to the ER than firearms each year in canada. increasing the rules for law abiding citizens does nothing to decrease the use of firearms by criminals. considering the investment in the registry it makes little sense to scrap it now regardless of its effectiveness. the gun registry and stupid courses have never actually interfered with my ability to participate in the sport. show me where it says you need a licence to hold or handle a gun. guests are a wonderful part of the shooting experience. in my line of work i see 100 stabbings for every shooting. not sure if any of this helps the original poster, but i'm feeling better about writing it down. enjoyed the read and all your inputs - a touchy one for everybody!
  21. i'm all over the home energy audit right now. the older the house and the more work you need the bigger the rebates. a couple of phone calls revealed it was cheaper to have a company blow in the insulation than to do it yourself. don't figure it's cheaper, make the call. the home energy rebate covered 100% of the cost anyway. an older home going from r12 to r50 is entitled to in the range of a 1200 dollar rebate.
  22. i know you are in tamar because i recognize the fish cleaning station. however i dont recognize the fish. there is NO WAY those fish came out of lake temagami! they must have hitch hiked there. congrats.
  23. where am i going to find an elastic? probably next to the red tube...
  24. ive only caught them thru the ice in temagami. the first one i caught wrapped its slimey tail around my wrist and i SQUEALED LIKE A LITTLE GIRL! only thru the ice and mostly at night. where are they all summer?
  25. you took the words right out of my mouth. i dont want to sound like a stick in the mud either but a guy's got to get his money's worth. i'd catch on pretty quick if my captain wasn't all over his gear and such. just because i tiled my bathroom doesn't mean i'm a pro that should take money to tile someone else's....... best of luck whatever you decide.
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