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Everything posted by smally21

  1. i dont talk about it much but it was him or me, 700 lbs of fur and muscle nothing between us but a flyswatter and a #2 stapler....
  2. do you guys need some time alone? just kidding - i have found splashopper very active and helpful in my time here.
  3. good answer. i fished scugog right after the big storms in august and it was a mess. 'locals' told me fishing was tough. only walleye i caught were in 6 feet of weeds, accidentals caught while panfishing with little nephew. serious walleye anglers were jigging the deep channels (9feet) with natural and atificials baits. lots of trollers, worm harnesses mostly. best bet a map - notice a deep stretch outside ceaserea and along the east arm to the river. fish transitions between weed beds. marked lots of fish in 14'. launch for free in ceaserea not alot of parking, take pier street. best advice - talk to and buy somethig from the causeway bait shop - great guy!!! i have also caught walleyes in the shallows a 5 am , up real shallow (4ft) feeding in the am. i was gonna pass this on the other day til you beaked off. good luck, i found scugog a real tough lake. dont be too concerned about the depth finder telling you 5 feet, only serious hazard is on the east shoreline north of ceaserea, marked by yellow barrels. shoreline weeds and slop looks great but produced little.
  4. drive off a pier.
  5. wow - that's going to slow down the helpful responses i would think.....
  6. The lure that you believe in is usually the lure you will catch the most fish with i dont know why this is true but time and time again.... great stuff aplumma. im not a fish whisperer but i beleive all these colors represent when worked with a certain speed is the flash of the belly or silver. watch pike or trout go after spoons, simply a shiny object. the other explanation is fish attacking from below, as most seem to, are simply attacking the shadow or silhouette of the bait. all colors/shades/patterns will simply appear as a dark shape contrasted against the surface. i think im just repeating the other post, maybe not as well.....
  7. sp thanks for the review ive been wanting to hear from someone who uses the tabs. interesting situation with the cached boats, we have 5 on 2 lakes and havent heard anything, hope you post the results as you look into it.
  8. i see them around longpoint while fishing largemouth and pike around the grassy areas. between pottohawk and bluff bar. lots of that water is closed off for fishing now. they seem to be in little cruising groups, never caught one.
  9. sounds like you're having good luck on the bog. i fished it from aug 23 to 30th, right after the big storms north of toronto. the lake was right stirred up and i just couldn't get on the fish. tried everything. finally 'gave up' and took out my 7 year old nephew, i knew i could get some little panfish. well wouldn't you know the hook and worm started catching bass and walleye, got it all figured out and caught fish for the last 2 days. did the same thing the next week, found the little stuff and moved up from there. ive heard the top of the lake by scugog island is a good spot for muskie, and also seems most weather protected in the times ive been there. good luck!
  10. i like to think the idiot box has to be of some help. it can be tough to find the show that demonstrates your spot, your target species and your time of year but if you can they can be helpful. have you considered monthly publication like ontario out of doors, in fisherman, that sort of thing? not an endorsement but ya gotta read something when you're on the hopper!!!
  11. these all sound like great prices. most outdoor i found in hamilton area was around 80/month, indoor around 100+/mnth and indoor heated was 150+/mnth. prperly winterized and stored boats can be stored without heating, so i left it outside in the cold. i would love to have a heated spot so i could use it all year worry free, but lots of storage guys dont like you coming and going. Plus not to paint then all with the same brush but it can't be that unusual that they shut the heat off after they are full! good luck
  12. is this not what you said? i offered a nice guy some props and you accuse him of robbing me? anyhow i shouldn't be namecalling just wasn't the response i expected. ive edited the post with apologies.
  13. good for you - i love kijiji! too many cheapos out there when you sell stuff (find a 50$ canoe and offer the guy 40$ ) but for buying stuff it cant be beat. whole house full of appliances and a dynamite wood shop to boot off kijiji for about 30 cents on the dollar. nice to cap it off with great fish too!
  14. im happy to say i can now go fishig without bringing anything, because its all shoehorned into the boat. raingear a must - the hatlight is a great call. maps charts or gps points i want to try. various beverages but always water, pays to drink lots. never eat when im fishig but i always bring granola bar type stuff. you know whats great at night - glow sticks, bugs leave em alone and they provide just enough light. big brimmed hat to reduce rednecking. binocs are always on the boat. towels, rags, shamwow, anything to wipe off your hands 1 per guy. a lighter that works and a coupla captain blacks is good. there is toilet paper in a ziploc bag if you run into trouble as well.
  15. i,m not interested in hearing what a sucker i am for paying for a boat ramp. the posting is about a guy helping me out and now you are accusing him of robbing me. -
  16. Zero for twenty!?!? Does it even have hooks? Top waters are a ton of fun, but they do make you want you to shoot yourself in the head sometimes thats good stuff
  17. i use hot maps and its a great navigation tool. i also find it works great in conjunction with a good chart. check out trakmaps trent severn package, it comes in a waterproof tearproof book about 12 by 20. excellent maps of all kawartha lakes all in one package, saves you going thru giant govt charts that are paper and awful. photocopy areas you need if you dont want to trash the book. a little pricey at 150 but it covers the equivalent of 3 or 4 govt charts.
  18. so i rented this cottage on the mississauga river about 1km from buckhorn. river was navigable in my 18' stratos but BARELY. did it a couple times and decided not worth it and decided to find a spot at the local marina or resort for the week. so this casey fella at sunrise resort moves a bunch of boats to make room for me last minute, gives me a great spot and then proceeds to charge me peanuts for the week. so just a good word for this guy helped me out use his ramp if you're up that way its only 10 bucks.
  19. blowing fuses in my experience is almost always pinched wires. check the wires where they enter and leave the trailer and around the mounting points (screws, rivets) to make sure nothing is pinched or grounding to the frame - this is assuming they did work before. if not you may have wired in a short. leaving your lights plugged in does not blow fuses, not sure where this idea comes from. always quicker to replace than trouble shoot, but could be something simple!
  20. you'll find the walleye in temagami pretty easy, they usually school with the unicorns. seriuosly, i dont know much about the surrounding lakes but walleye fishing in temagami is tough going!!! the portage lakes are better, and being smaller easier to fish.
  21. just went to bills bait and tackle for the first time to load up for a 16 day fishing trip. very good experience really helpful young guy in there today.
  22. wouldn't we have to assume all the ministry and conservation guys were idiots if we were to endorse the 1 big fish instead of 3 little fish theory? 50+ years of conservation practise and science has led us to slot and catch limits based on size and therfore age. its not new or a secret about protecting large breeding fish at the expense of smaller competition.
  23. several weeks of work to turn a 850 boat into a 1400 boat? the headache of every cheap lowballer in your driveway already not worth it! if your going to turn 40% profit on a refit you have to start bigger - make 5000 on a 10000 boat you know what i mean? importing and exporting boats in and out of the us can make you some money, sometimes with very little work. of course if its a hobby and you dont have to put a big premium on your time small boats might keep you busy and make a little cash. seems like there is no shortage of buyers for that size and price boat. ive tried some of this myself with boats and trailers a couple of times and i decided it wasn't worth it, better to put in a little overtime at the day job. you asked! good luck whatever you decide!
  24. i use fishing world here in hamilton. this blake fella has never steered me wrong. ran into the occasional know it all but as of late its been top shelf. i could pay a little less at canadian tire (maybe) and talk to some 16 yr old girl about bullet weights or you can get kick ass advice from a guy that uses the stuff all the time. shop at your local tackle store or you won't have one to go to!!!!
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